Let's see you try to talk your way out of this one, Sup Forumstards

Let's see you try to talk your way out of this one, Sup Forumstards.

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could adequately be explained by republicans doing low-pay, high-stress jobs

Let's take a look at the demographics of the Republican states in question

Because urban areas mostly vote Democrat and these people don't actually care about the poor in the rest of the country. They don't mind if businesses and factories outsource to India if it means they can have their Starbucks and earn a living screeching at white people

The "poorest" counties are conveniently forgotten by Liberals (including Democrat-run ones), whereas Republicans actively fight for them.

Because they're mostly low density counties?

>Liberals want the US to turn into a Red utopia for all
>They're ironically the bourgeoisie and would be the first to go when the revolution starts

1) Because they dont get any of that wellfare unlike poor nigger democrats
2) same reason
3) Cause red states dont feel like paying hella taxes but we're still forced to have nigger-supporting programs that drain our resources

1. Niggers
2. Niggers.
3. Niggers, farm subsidies, low population, and no tariffs to cover it all.

Also, these numbers are jewshit

>implying the (((bourgeoise))) don't suppport communism because it allows them to monopolize all power in a country by using the proletariat as cannon fodder

45-50% black populations in the South

Utah has one of the highest standards of living in the US according to the UN

Not an argument.

if liberals care so much about the poor, then why do the poor counties OVERWHELMINGLY vote against their policies?

"The US imports food" This is the greatest joke. We export a metric shit ton of food. We produce way more than 300 million people need.

That doesn't help you're case. You're basically saying that republicans are choosing to be poor.

>Black People
That bait is to good!

Dude yes they are. On the other side, saying, not an argument isn't an argument and it makes you look like you're doing damage control. Dude there's a reason everyone hates you lol

>cutting off the occupy democrat logo
doesn't make the argument any less stuipd.

The counties are the poorest because wealthy people don't live in rural areas usually; they live in cities, where democraps tend to have power.

Same with the states. The only thing that makes a state democrat is when its big city which is the only place people vote democrat becomes so massive that it completely overrides the votes of the rest of the state.

Red states take more money then they give because of our tax policies and welfare state. Its not the state's fault that federal government policy is set up that way.

>Dude there's a reason everyone hates you lol
Still not an argument.

because the south is 40% black

low quality bait, but here's a (you)

Why do they equate poor with laziness?

>liberals concentrate in financial centers that have corporations with more capital than god

>republicans tend to live in rural areas where small businesses and local farms are


Funny thing is, its the fat-cat wall street elite driving up those numbers. The liberals aren't the rich ones, the brutal cut throat capitalists are.

Different factors. When adjusted for buying power and standard of living, 9 of the 10 most poorest states are Democrat states. The 1 out of 10 is West Verginia, and that's because they got fucked when the coal industry got bent over.

If liberals want to help the poor and are the party of the working man, then why does the working man loathe them?

>why are these rich metropolitan areas full of service industries supported by working class whites producing their products in small towns?

The OP argument is lazy moochers.
When you understand how the other poster refuted the OP, come back and try to counter refute.


and who did those fat cats donate money to?

Also, brave girl bronze statue is paid for a by hedge fund with barely any female employees.

Wake up.

Alright, I'll bite OP.
Obama shut down coal mining. I'm some poor, rural communities, this was the highest paying job.
No one has brought in "replacement work" for them, and it's a cycle of poverty. They are on benefits, but it's only enough for subsistence. Soon the $ will run out, and gibs will be all they have.
So basically, the poorest states are that way thanks to Obama's regulations.
>why do they vote that way ?
Because, democrats fucked them out of work. It's actually quite simple when you look at the economics. Would you vote for someone that doubled your healthcare, made it mandatory, and put you out of work?

Yeah I wonder why, really gets that noggin joggin, really activates those almonds.

No shit, you fucking retard.

Liberals aren't inherently more productive, they concentrate in the same locations productive people work. Rich hedge fund managers and robber-baron CEOs drive up the profit margins of their states and counties, and liberal bleeding hearts working in cubicles for peanuts take the credit. It's not the liberals making the money, they just live near the people who do.

Shit bait

this doesnt mean anything
from what i can tell, the democrats simply follow wealth, instead of creating it. Look at what they've been doing to the south until the '60s, whilkst Republicans were leading the states which are now the wealthiest (blue) states in todays America.
The republicans build wealth, the Democrats take it