More like alt height

More like alt height

>lel he's a manlet guise lets discredit him xdddd

Heil Heightler


who would win?



Shit he looks under 5'2


>fat manlet vs skinny manlet
hard one

Holy fucking shit.

One of my platoon commanders was something like 5'4 with combat boots on. He was an absolute savage.

He decided Marine Recon wasn't badass enough for him and somehow pulled some strings to get sent to the SFOD-D selection and passed it and the subsequent training without a single recycle.


wtf I love punching to the right now
your memes are weak, nigger


keep them coming, fucking kek


>these forced meme and lel faces

Fucking cancer. I bet you faggots just about organised this on plebbit.

Making fun of manlets is not very inclusive of you, bad liberal!

He really can hit girls in the forehead

It's amazing how you can make anything, even something as banal as pictures on an image board, into a conspiracy if you're stupid enough

>Antifa lost to this