Not fashy :'(

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This is my prediction too
AFD wont win

Here's the future.

Not even I'm that delusional. Our country is fucked. Time to arm your self and hide in the forest until the monkeys run out of welfare

Please kek, save Swedistan

Trump jinxed it.

Is there even any chance of Moderaterna cucking themselves out to the SD to form a government?
Sounds unlikely.

Of course they won't, this is only their second federal election.

No way Sweden is gonna vote for far right.

Left will start crying racism and people will buy it

I wouldn't put the green there if I wasn't sure. Not like this is news outside of non-white Sup Forums board. We will win hard, it's been known for years.

He may have. Once he went full kike, via Kushner, he broke the combo.

I don't get why wilders is X'd. He technically didn't win but he now has the second most seats. Shouldn't that be a win?

Pretty much this. The day after the Sthlm terrorist attack we had a big public gathering. Not in support of victims or against terrorism. But because some fucking mussies might have their feelings.


Go pray for Allah cuck fag

Trump will fail to deliver half of his promises and this will give good excuse to left to convince people against far right politics.

Enjoy till it last. It was one of century chance.

In 2020 election Joe Biden will just put on sun glasses and Trump will lose election easily


only if the Sweden Democrats lern from the mistakes of the others. they need to go back and rework their party program completely. Le Pen and Wilders took it for granted that the crisis would give them enough votes and that was their mistake

That's how it works.Thats how it always been worked.

People don't like change. They buy rhetoric from same politicians every time

Dude I don't care about your low IQ opinion. They will win and that's that. We're not going to pay attention to a bunch of losers on mainland Europe.

Who /notanembarrassmenttothewhiterace/ here


>tries to lecture other how based they are

Not a single country on your part of the landmass has won, just be quiet you imbecile.

If Trump's tax reform goes through he will easily win 2020. His other promises are irrelevant to a strong economy. In this scenario he'd easily win vs Biden. He can paint a picture of the economy during the Obama era, which Biden is inescapable from, and the Trump economy.

If the economy booms the Dems just need to put in a throwaway candidate that doesn't rock the boat and turn off voters in 2024.

M is going to suck SD's dick... mark my words.
Everyone who doesn't want to cooperate with SD has already left M.

the ones who didn't make it weren't hot enough. Trump, hot. Ferg? hot. the rest? total 5/10s.

it is still a long way to the election and polls can change. If you don't understand that you are the imbecile. If you take it for granted that the current situation will give you enough votes you are doomed to fail

There's no way that anyone beats the liberals in Germany now that they've pumped the country full of welfare dependent immigrants who will vote liberal. GG

Le pen was not expecting to win in any case

Tax cuts don't boom economy much. What America need is cut in spending to reduce deficit and debt. But trump ain't doing it cause he is socialist.

It looks like Trump was most democratic candidate in republican primary and Hillary was most republican candidate in democratic primary.

many Frenchmen want an ban to mass muslim immigration. It seems like her party program was not convincing enough for the majority to vote for her

I agree with your statement. However there's no reason why the trend should reverse. All the parties are not willing to recognize SD and still steals their ideas and propositions.
(this graph says that right now we have a median of 20.7%, expect this to be close to 25% since SIFO conducts their polls via phone and in person.. and it's still taboo to want to vote for sd.)
Sentio and yougov projects upward to 27% and they were the closest estimates in the 2014 elections.
I'm mostly worried about SD slowly trying to conform more to the leftist political climate.

Le Penn is socialist.Nearly third of her voters preferred French Bernie Sanders as 2nd choice.

Basically French election was socialist Vs socialist

i guess they will try to create coalitions without the SD.

but their chances are indeed not bad

M is basically primed for a coalition with SD, so are KD... provided they get 4% of the votes.

The most likely scenario is that SD is going to support an M government on the condition that they're allowed to dictate migration policy. The only thing that would stop this is if KD doesn't get 4%, MP stays and C cooperates with S+MP+V.

Kek is dead ;-;

It's not impossible that SD+M+KD would get majority if MP and Fi get support votes but fall short of 4%. Right now SD has ~27%, and it's not unlikely that they will get upward of 30% in the election. M+KD should easily get 15-20%, and if MP don't make it that would give them an easy 50% of the legal votes.

That win would probably make akb pm and with alliance ministers, none from SD. We'll see if C turns opposition if M gets support from SD, but L can't afford to.

Geert Wilders and Le Pen are establishment Zionist scum, and Trump is retarded. Not sure about the other three but Farage is based.

Gay pseudo "right" kosher anti immigrant parties need to die.

Denmark solid anti immigrant. 3 biggest parties support tightning

>biggest parties support tightening

you mean tightening your anuses so Jamal can have a better ficki ficki?

I read that there is an French legislative election this june. What can FN achieve if they get really good results in this election (as unlikely as it is)

Thanks for all the faith in the netherlands , i can go to sleep now.

Go France!

>Running a woman for your conservative movement

I am glad France elected a white man to be their leader. Even if he is a cuck

They can't really win, our legislative electoral system make things hard for FN

because voters can vote every party i guess. But lets say they do get good results. what can they do?

They can, but there's 577 elections, one for each "circonscriptions". Every "circonscription" send one deputee to the assemblée. It's a little bit like the british system except there's two round.
Even if they get 20%, they could only get 10 deputees.
A good result would be around 50 deputees, but I think they will get only 20-30 deputees.

Pic related is who came first in each circonscriptions in first round at the presidential elections

I don't have this map for secound round but I think she came first in around 20 circonscriptions

how much influence does the parliament have? Can it block the decisions of the president?

It's the parliament who make the laws so they have some big influence.
When the parliament is not on the same political board than the president we call that "cohabitation"
Since the beginning of the 5th republic (1958) it happens 3 times:
1986-1988: Left wing president, right wing parliament
1993-1995: Left wing president, right wing parliament
1997-2002: Right wing president, left wing parliament


She had twice the votes as her father a decade ago
Not to mention that Macron will likely kill off the Center , the youth is already either far left or far Right because they see how much of a failure the "common sense" centrists are
Also his Pro EU policies are very unpopular , rather than moderating them he will shove them up everyone's ass and make Frexit more likely

Lets how France will not burn in the next 5 years

my sweet norbert ,he was pretty dope