*jewry intensifies*


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Man, how did the Jewish people survive with 20 million casualties? It really makes you think...



Relax Alex, not everyone likes talking about autistic things

lmao they had the whole 10 million dead holocaust thing going till the 70s, they realized there were only 10 million Jews in all of Europe. So they sadly had to back the number down a bit to 3/5 of all jews.

Oh good.
I was running out of guilt.

>Full house



You holohoax cucks are so dumb. I was at the Anne Frank house last week, there's so much evidence you'd have to retarded to deny it.

So God hates Jews sooooo much he allowed 20m to be killed. It must really suck to be Gods chosen people.

6 million jews in 1915

How many jews per minute is that?

>they expect anyone to believe this

20m? you realize that that's a conservative number cause why would anyone engage in adventurous claims?!
THE REAL NUMBER is probably 30-50m.

I think they're seeing that people are saying that the communist slaughter (caused by the Jews) in Russia was far worse than the "holocaust" and the goyim are starting to wake up to that fact.

By greatly inflating the "holocaust" victim (((count))) they are trying to make sure their "holocaust" has the same sympathy weight as any other argument.

Isreal needs more reparations

Clearly not enough

did you think of her and fapped ?
just wait till the jewish police find your traces of your jihzza and 20million now is double sentence

Personally I think the absolute total number(including those who died prematurely because of the war) was 60million jews alone ,and that's a conservative number, the actual real number is probably 70-100m jews.

If you take into account the jews that were affected by the war and their lives shortened by the war the number would swell to 200million jews.

In 1939, there were 16.6 million Jews worldwide, and a majority of them – 9.5 million, or 57 percent – lived in Europe. By the end of World War II, in 1945, the Jewish population of Europe had shrunk to 3.8 million, or 35 percent of the world’s 11 million Jews. About 6 million European Jews were killed in the Holocaust.

You're forgetting the theoretical jews as well as the multidimensional jews.

Multidimensional jews alone is closer to 450 million.

No it's probably over 500 million by now. Maybe even 1 billion

9132 per day, 380 per hour and 6 per minute.

The persecution may have been real, but muh 6 gorillion is definitely a far fetched lie.

Every Jew on the planet could have rushed the entire Nazi army in one line like the civil war, without any guns of their own, and still overpowered them.

Are we to believe that Jews are such craven cowards that 20 million of them were somehow in some way systematically slaughtered?

I got jewish friends and still say holocaust did never happen.

Jews let other people to fight for them.

>in 1930-1945
thats 5% of the world
that would be enough to holocaust romania 5 and a half times over
i can only hope for such a timeline

Check em.

Fucking top kek

Well they didn't do a good job hiring their help if 20 gorillion were executed, skinned and made into lamp shades.

check your jewilege, you anti-semite

Oyyyy you only compensated us for 6 million, but it turns out it was actually 20 million victims all along!

Never forget the 30m, 50m of which where gassed in Auschwitz alone!

The holocaust didn't happen in Israel.

Was Hitler an Evolutionist?


The Jews in the camps kept Negro slaves who were often sent to the gas chambers instead.

how do people even buy this
20,000,000/(6*365)=9132.4 jews killed per day
literally what the fuck
there was about 60,000,000 soldiers killed in WW2, meaning there was 1 jew per 3 soldiers killed
literally what

We Wuz lampshades an shieeet?

Where does it say that all of the 20 million were jews?

He's talking about Jews. By the world census records kept, by category of religion, the European Jewish population and worldwide Jewish population increased during the time the Holohoax was "happening".

Jews were skin and bones after we cut out the fat to make soap. Check mate.