Aristotle, Nietzsche...Peterson?

Is he one of the greatest thinkers of our time?

He's really dorky in a kind of endearing way.

I like him but lets not go overboard; He is honest enough to identify the fact that he is relatively low IQ in one of his own lectures to prove this; He is around 130 while Nietzsche was around 260.

Perhaps. All I know is that he deserves a knighthood for bringing The Gulag Archipelago and the dangers of ideologies back into public consciousness.

In every fucking picture he looks like an NPC though, it's unnerving.

He knows his shit and his anti-commie arguments are top notch. His mythology stuff is extremely interesting especially when he is defending the core values of western civilization.

He really sorts your shit out bucko.

Idk about that. He definitely helped me sort out my inner bucko though.


>Nietzsche was around 260

Is that even possible? Wow.

>tfw too intelligent to not catch syphilis

He's pretty badass but so are most professors, really. The good ones, anyway. He just gets mad bonus points for being on the right.

Your IQ is probably about 120
Exactly the amount of poos on an indian street

sauce? Never once heard of an IQ that high. Even 200 is like, wtf levels of intelligence.

One of the great Parrhesiastes of history.

He is the living proof that some left wing people are intelligent and educated.

why aren't you reading this RIGHT NOW

That's pure bullshit. IQ tests weren't a thing until decades after Nietzsche's death.

Because I'm ackshullehy listening to it on audiobook, family.

>on the right
>left wing

he really seems to me to have a mixture of centre-left and centre-right positions on various issues, which is basically ideal. he's described himself as a classical liberal and that doesn't really place you on the spectrum other than not at either extreme.

>Quantifying wisdom
materialism needs to end.

>while Nietzsche was around 260

260 isn't even that high. I regularly push 400 simply by taking 5 online tests simultaneously (you can add the scores if you didn't know).

Smart guy, speaks very emotionally charged, very good in introducing empty-headed college kiddies to some real philosophical education.
Wouldn´t call him wise or a great thinker, tho. Gets lost sometimes and his arguments are a tad weak but still quite moving.

7/10, if 10/10 is NEET-Chan, Sick Kant and the other fellows, and 0/10 is your average stronk womyn.

there's really no way he can be 130 unless his verbal IQ is much higher than his other traits

>not at either extreme

Which makes it all the more baffling when SJW's wish to silence him at every turn.

On the political side, I think it's clear that left-wing/right-wing is becoming an increasingly obsolete way of describing ones self. Perhaps a more accurate version in todays world would be value of traditions vs value of progressivism and localism (nationalism) vs globalism

iq isn't measurable past 162. that isn't even a percentile.

besides, nietzsche was a fucking moron. he contributed nothing to the development of this world. being proto-emo is his legacy.

inb4 crazy canuck

>(you can add the scores if you didn't know).

As long as you take the tests simultaneously (which is another word for at the same time if you didn't know).

>t. I didn´t read Nietzsche besides some quotes

But what else can you expect from a SHART?

A poo in loo doesn't know anything about IQ tests? What a surprise!

lmao, yanks CAN banter.

Fucking wish I had a teacher like him, his lectures on psychology are fascinating

>simultaneously (which is another word for at the same time if you didn't know).

Stop it, you're fucking killing me. Brainlets like me cannot comprehend humour this good from a genius

i didn't, my iq barely reached 300 and i took 7 tests at the same time

Aristotle was a greek homo fagot but taught Alexander so that he could conquer the world
Nietzsche was a self hating german fagot who smeared poop on his walls because the only girl he ever loved ran off to russia when he asked to marry her
Peterson is a canadian fagot psuedo intellectual wannabe e-celebrity

Is it encouraged to take the same online test in multiple times, at the same time?

Name one Anglo philosopher better than Nietzsche

John Locke.


Holy shit you are impressionable

He has no idea what the fuck he is talking about. Read an actual philosopher (maybe the ones you mentioned) and put the fucking computer away.

meme tier responses. Nice try though

he's just a college professor, what makes him more important than other professors?

You got BTFO, sorry chum.

The greatest popularizer of the idea that narratives and metaphors are important and relevant.

>t. don't know what the fuck am i talking about

Nietzsche stole his philosophy from Thomas Carlyle (he was scotish), Francis Bacon

I'm surprised to see a Russian interested in enlightenment philosophy. I thought for sure you'd be more interested in someone like Dugin

we wuz übermenschen n shiet

I was completely baffled too but the way he explains that they don't believe in dialogue or logic (the damned postmodernists) is starting to make sense to me. also if you're a marxist everyone is either with you or against you (see diagram)

Stealing Heidegger's Dasein and building a shitty ideology around it isn't what i call philosophy.

>Goes on a 3 hour rant about Pinocchio

so Eurasianism isn't taking seriously in Russia, its just some nutter on the fringes of the political scene? Has he even met Putin?





Is it just me or does peterson sound like a broken record at times

Eurasianism is meant for the outside countries, not Russia, to weaken them and make them susceptible to Russian influence.

It will corrupt Russia too of course, once it gets out of control, just like multiculturalism etc. did to the west (originally it was an imperialist thing, then it started eating the empire from within).

that makes sense. He says Ukraine doesn't exist and it should belong to Russia but then he champions things like Scottish independence

What's mine street shitter?

Wow he's only 130? I don't know if I can take him seriously anymore if he's a brainlet.

Eurasianism predates Dugin, its just one of the things he took along with Dasein. Original Eurasianists were nothing but a useful idiots for Bolsheviks.
And no, its not taken seriously, but it sometimes used as a meme to unite our multicultural county, melting pot and all that, same shit as you have.

>valuing an arbitrary number over what he has to say and offer

Pan-Slavism is for outside countries. Eurasianism is just a form of internal Russian multiculti before it was a thing in the rest of the world.

>I like him but lets not go overboard; He is honest enough to identify the fact that he is relatively low IQ in one of his own lectures to prove this; He is around 130 while Nietzsche was around 260.
I remember him praising Nietzsche for his high IQ, but never have I seen him talking about his own score.

sounds pretty gay, then. I tried reading some stuff from Dugin's blog and none of it makes any sense

I absolutey dogging love Nietzsche but I spat out my waters
>around 260 IQ
Even if he was one of the most wise and smart people ever to exist on Earth, I don't think that would be. Realistically something like >160-170 IQ. Assuming we are using the Burger standard deviation of 24.

I see, I think I'm just using the wrong nomenclature for it, since no one in my country would ever actually include Russians in Pan-Slavism (the first association is Yugoslavia, the second Slavs up to Poland).

the highest recorded IQ at the Nuremberg Trials was in the 140s, and even that is high

you have to add something new, to keep a joke going.

I read it in sections, the horror of it makes me numb so I am constantly putting it down then picking it back up again.
I now have an undying hatred not just for Marxism, but for the apologists that convinced people it was a good idea. Fucking NYT.

Fuck that. The main reason why the west is doomed is because we have no ideology, just materialism.

Anyone at all got a source on 130? I have a hard time believing that.

Sorry, I meant to say extreme and unthinking devotion to ideologies. I'm on my phone so I can't really type long sentences in a short amount of time.

We all abide by certain ideologies to an extent, no man is a true free thinking individualist. What I meant to say was that Kermit Man highlights the dangers of letting ideology do the thinking for you, rather than improving your own life and others, it constricts you.