Nobody can truly ever own the earth... we all equally deserve to live on it

Nobody can truly ever own the earth... we all equally deserve to live on it.


Fuck off leaf. We should just invade you since you don't care about borders.

day of the rake soon

Cool, then destroy your front door nigger.

OP may be trolling but a majority of Canadians does think this way

That's why Trump is going to build a real wall.

Sweet. Where do you live OP? I'd like to come over to your house and help myself to your resources. You won't oppose this because it's just "imaginary lines" that separate your house from the outside and you have no right to want to preserve or defend and inside those imaginary lines.

Then in that case I will have no problem setting up camp on your front lawn.

The borders might be imaginary, but then so are human rights

>canadian intellectuals

>we all equally deserve to live on it
no you don't hopefully natures law kicks in and you walk into traffic soon.

so whats the alternative? a massive global government where human rights are squashed?

Gonna be a physical line real soon

Rake day cannot come sooner

Says the boy with an enchilada up his arse

So its ok for tou if I just crash over at your place? Eat your food? Use your electricity?

I mean its all just imaginary borders.

I'm gonna need the big enchilada on this.

>imaginary line

im coming over to your house for dinner and taking anything that looks good. Do you have an xbox or a flatscreen tv? Cause if you do it's mine now.

And i better not hear you bitch about your imaginary property line either.

welp, you heard OP guys... Sup Forums meetup at his place tonight... just ignore the locked door and windows, those are just like imaginary lines n' sheit

nobody can truly own a home. . . we all equally deserve to live in it.

You're under arrest for...

>reprinting a made up countries currency

>putting your dick in a young human girl

>killing a naked ape who you didn't even like

...on a giant rock flying through space.

This can be applied to any fucking crime and I don't know how well I'd react if someone made this statement to my face in all seriousness.

Have you told this to the blacks in South Africa and Zimbabwe?

Always a fucking leaf.