Why do normies hate us? Why do they treat us as their sworn enemies...

Why do normies hate us? Why do they treat us as their sworn enemies? Don't they realize that all we want is to protect our country, nation and culture - don't they want the same? Don't they want to live in peace and loving harmony, as they say? They think of themselves as standing for justice and love, but I simply do not understand why they despise the love for ones culture.

I feel you OP, everyone just wants whats best for humanity, but it seems everyone has a different vision of what that is and how to achieve it, and we dont trust, and even go as far as to condone the judgement of others if it differs too much from our own. We might never overcome this divide, its been going strong for all of our history

I think the right thing to do is to just keep supporting the things you personally believe in, history is shaped not by the will of a few famous people, but by the will of every man and woman with warm blood flowing through their veins. You are part of humanity and part of its future history, and you shape it, albeit very finely, just by staying true to your beliefs.


Because the most vocal pol browsers in the real world are raging faggots that cling to memes more than ideology. What's worse is that they cling to and regurgitate the worst parts of whatever ideology they get from pol. Which makes the collective seem just as retarded. Smart people don't go on pol then up to normalfags wear a fucking Kekistan cap and Pepe shirt practically reeeeeeing in their face but video after video, that's what you see.

Now you have faggots doing the okay symbol everywhere reinforcing the meme that it's a white supremacist symbol. That's not how you turn people or get them to change their rational or at the least try to understand yours. Pol is guilty of this every fucking day by sliding good threads and constantly replying to the same tired muh niggers, muh trump, muh natsoc, muh jews threads.

IQ on this board is flaunted but there's so many dumb niggers and their the loudest ones.


Sup Forums is the tumblr of the right and at best it's only useful for collecting screencaps to use in cringe threads 3-4 years from now

I honestly just come for the humor now, but even that is going to shit. Then when you try to escape by going to others boards there's still fucking polfags in every single one injecting Jew shit or nigger jokes on topics that have nothing to do with it.

What's worse is you can't even escape it by leaving Sup Forums now. They're in the YouTube comments of every slightly political or cultural video. Even Facebook has been infected with those fucking meme and pol pages. If this is a containment board it's doing a shit job.

Trump winning was funny but I feel like it kickstarted polfags and alt right faggots into turbotard mode and now they think they can do anything. I'm sick of the low quality content, it's not even funny anymore.

History has been driven not by the masses, but by a few gifted people. Most people don't innovate, excell, or drive forth history...they just live, consuming, shitting, and procreating. Look at almost all of the major directional changes in history and you'll see a few key people acting as the catalyst. Sure, a few things and innovations are creating by thousands of people gradually adding their own tiny improvement, but almost everything big has been lead by the few. If you need any proof just look at the success rate of movements with a key figure vs movements without a clearly defined leader.

5 star post right here.
I see pol comments on fucking Hearthstone videos even.

Newfag detector off the charts

Sup Forums has always been shit. I can't believe people talk about the days when pol used to have quality discussion. Really? Nigger threads and jew baiting have been a staple of this post modern Algerian circumcision board since it started. You think this shit is new?

I never said it was new. Yet it's undeniable that we've reached peak(or close to peak) saturation. Pol hasn't stretch this far before. It hasn't reached this many normalfags before. I never said nigger and Jew threads were some new thing but now besides the threads to shill for every far right politician it's all nigger and Jew threads. I'm not claiming to be an oldfag either, I used to be on and off never a regular until 3 years ago. To say quality hasn't dropped is retarded, the exposure from the election has brought many a newfag here spouting the same tired memes because that's literally all they know.

your entire persona screams shill. you're just making up a narrative.

because you killed the jews

Normies have to break the conditioning first OP. They're conditioned to hate anything that goes against the status quo.

But normies don't hate us.
They love us.
That's why people are wearing Pepe shirts and buying kekistani flags.

Not those normies.

>making up a narrative
And you're living up to it by calling anyone with a conflicting viewpoint a shill. Go look up any alt right clash with antifa video and see how many polfags you can see, how many meme buzzwords they use. Go on YouTube and look up some recent political videos and see how long you can go without a pol comment.

You're exactly what I'm talking about, if you don't see it it's because you're probably part of the problem.

>whines about pol

and yet here you are

Preach!! I like Sup Forums, interesting threads and good banter and don't get my wrong I'm a patriot, but some of you cling to your idealogy as bad as progressives!!

You need to think about the realities of society and how best to implement your policies in a sensible way that will go co opt the majority. Of course that means being opportunistic, but the idea of an ethnically homogeneous west is absurd, and would not promote western society but distort it!

Also don't get me started on the anti-Israel and Jewish rhetoric, I'm a blonde haired, blue eyed;part danish, part English with a Jewish grandparent how do you fucking classify me?

The west of course has to remain majority white, but more than anything the west is a set of ideals than transcend the political sprectrum. As fair as I can see Israel, a tiny outpost of western civilisation smack bang in the middle of a region of barbarians, embodies these ideals than any other western nation currently.

>forgive the normies, for they know not what they do.

>how do you classify me

Filthy kike


Shill. For certain

> Equating Sup Forums to the few retards that buys Kekistani flags.

Even the people ripe for being thrown out of an heli concede that Sup Forums is a culture powerhouse. Fuck off with this dumbass narrative.

>"Why do normies hate us?"
>Posts a Pepe

I think you are he normie here

It's because we are spreading.

This is retaliation for the shill raids here. Everytime a shill is spotted, you shit up somewhere else on the internet they don't want you to be.

CTR fucking with this place last year is what started the fire. Every filthy little paid faggot or alphabet soup agent spotted will provoke retaliation. They shit up the board, they pay a higher price elsewhere in society.

they've got the jew on their brain