Democratic Presidents

Anons, if you had to vote for a Democrat for President in any time in history, who would it be?

Just to clarify, I'm not a liberal, I'm not a spy for MSNBC.

Andrew Jackson

Kennedy, Jackson

before 1933

Andrew "fuck Indians" Jackson

>Killed indians
>Respected General
>Beat his would be assassin's ass
>Took a bullet like a fucking champ during a duel then murdered his opponent after taking his sweet ass time to aim
>Nullification crisis - pic related
>No fucking bullshit EVER with this guy
>Defeated the FUCKING BANKS
>His final words on his death bed were his greatest achievement of defeating said banks

>Loved pussy
>loved Hitler
>Took on the Fed
>Took on secret societies
>Couldn't be bought off
>Took on unions
>Actually loved the shit out of his country
>Took on Zionism

Ironically enough you will NEVER find someone more /ourguys/ than these two from the Democratic party. A real fucking shame how disgraceful the Democratic party is today.





Jackson for the kikes, JFK for the CIA

you think this mean that he agreed with him? are you retarded. No shit Hitler is one of the most important people in history. There is literately no one that will say he wasn't. But it's the same as someone like Genghis Khan, or Joseph Stalin, no fucking shit their important but it doesn't take away from the fact that they were fucking brutal

Probably either Kennedy or FDR. They both had a sense of what the country needed.

Kennedy had a lot to learn when he came into office, but after the Cuban missile crisis in '62 he learned a lot. He was a hardcore anti-communist, not nearly as liberal as so many of his modern admirers believe, and had a wonderful grasp of history. He was able to move the country with his oratory and appeal to our better instincts while maintaining a sense of strength and authority. A true leader.

When FDR came into office in '33 he told a friend that he was glad Hoover did next to nothing to solve the country's problems during the great depression. He was glad because that's exactly what he would have done, but now he had the knowledge to do the exact opposite. Another case of a Democrat starting out more conservative than most people realize. He also was able to rally the country with his personality. He was a true leader.

The others are just smarmy politicians, or in Truman's case an ignoramus (Gore Vidal's words) who lucked into it and simply surrounded himself with good people. He wasn't a true leader.


His father was a Hitler sympathizer and passed it down. Don't be a nigger. It's not at all how you put it.


The two best presidents in modern history were democrats, AJ and JFK

Nope, couldn't keep a straight face.

Kennedy. Was great until his head was turned into a piece of contemporary art.

Noted you discreetly hopped over Carter there, dude. Probably for the best, the most decent man ever elected to the office he was probably least suited to.

Andrew Jackson

That guy who ran against Lincoln

Stephen A Douglas, I just remembered his name