RIP populism and anti-immigrant sentiment

RIP populism and anti-immigrant sentiment

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1/3 in France voted far-right. We are slowly winning you idiot. Lefty policies will even more people go full nazi.

Indeed... The problem is that until they'll reach 50%, it'll be already too late...

since when was the republican a party a lion

1/3 in France (beside the like .001% of fucking idiots like Sup Forums) used this as a protest vote.

At least lose with dignity, nerd.

>Lefty policies will even more people go full nazi.

no one want autistic nazi shit. That is what these elections are showing

Only in retard land (like this board) can you show a group of young men a graph of elections lost by extremist candidates and have them extrapolate "hey...people want more extremism! Women actually want to be raped! etc"

it's not populism. it's common sense
no one is anti immigrant. we are anti illegal immigrant


it was changed to lion because trump cant stop lyin'

Jokes on you, Paco: I want to die.


Not really no.
We havn't even gotten started, and now we're dead?
top kek

is this fucking facebook

When the next elections come around, we'll see how they feel then.

I somehow doubt the anti-immigrant sentiment has gone seeing as how only a retard could think diversity is a strength at this point.
This seems like nothing but a temporary pause in that neither the left nor the Muslims will change

No, Jorge, you're the only thing dying to tomorrow. I hesitate to say person, but animal is to kind, so thing will do.

Won the two that count the most

hey jimmy
your girlfriend is getting fucked by Abdul in her apartment
better get over quick so you can cheer her on!

no one wants your gay commie shit either since all center right people won these elections as well.

Yuropoors are communist cucks, nothing we didn't already know.

>mfw the election cycle was so fucking crazy Vermin Supreme got overshadowed.

>1/3 vote for gigahitler
Brown horde cannot upkeep welfare state nor can welfare state cope with brown horde, yet brown horde is reliant upon welfare state, what will happen when welfare state no longer can function due to interference of brown horde
well I let you do the math
also sage

Nobody wants autistic nazi shit yet faggots.
They'll learn the safest place for a white family in a civil war zone is with the national socialists and will eventually have no other choice.

“The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.”


lad status: wew

>When you're so far entrenched in ideology, that the same shit status quo of your countries slowly rotting as a result of neo-liberal policies and lack of care for anything other then money is favourable over a uprising and homeland security

This is good. Let the people get tired of leftism and see it for what it really is. A killer of their own culture.

False. Populism and anti-immigrant sentiment aren't driven by party politics. Rather, party politics are a product of on-the-ground realities, lived daily by those in urban centers, read about often by those of us in countryside. So long as our culture and our lands are overrun and destroyed by foreigners, anti-immigrant sentiment will grow. There will come a reckoning, a war composed of a series of battles, for the control of Western civilization. This war is only just beginning, still rising to some yet unknown climax. Stay watchful and wary, my friends. History, as our lives themselves, must be lived forwards but understood backwards.

Only Angro-Sphere can vote to improve their country dumbass

The rest of them are (((controlled)))


Don't you mean RIP reactionaries?

>We are slowly winning
Sadly, it's too slowly.

Also you can mark a big fat red X under Germany and Sweden as well, OP. We'll have to look to Eastern Europe.

To be honest, I was slightly dissapointed.

>how to the west


>how to fix the west


The alt-right and Sup Forums fail to be a political force outside of the Anglo-sphere and outside two-party politics. However I'd say in Germany any result that removes Merkel is a good result.

>Far right

Cuck term

Central Europe is a harder nut to crack OP.

Are you rural and suburban retards so uneducated you didn't know Frauke Petry dropped out literally like 2 months ago? AfD is polling in single digits too, with Merkel winning another landslide

Noone cares about immigrants. It's illegals and refugees.

Fuckin handout society is cancer

Merkel's party just won bigly in state elections, and has double digits leads over the second biggest contender, an even bigger leftist.

People forget, Merkel IS the right wing choice in Germany

Brexit and Trump took the pan off the stove too soon, there was a good boil going on, but then all the steam went out

>How to fix your chart

We were only defeated when the Libcucks, commies, and conservatives teamed up to destroy us. Even with that we still got the ballots.

It was too soon. Europe is going to stay the course until we see whether or not Brexit is a success.

I really wish they would elect schulz, that'd mean they'd outcuck sweden.

Can't even repost. Ok Juan.

None of these guys are actual extremists retard just against immigration.

To be honest Trump was a mistake. Now no one wants to take a chance on getting another Trump. By association he's destroying all hope of ever getting an anti-immigration candidate in Europe.

I don't care about what the sheeps want, because I am a wolf. Sorry.

Europeans are just fucking weak idiots.

You are european, dumbass.

You sir, are a massive nigger

I'm Abo you white dog.

Holy shit you are fake. Is this because John Oliver mentioned Sup Forums on tv? Jesus.

Abos are european nowadays, abos got integrated and mixed. Stop larping.

Please take me away from this hellhole

Bullshit. That means you figured out how to turn a computer on

Why the fuck aren't the Italian elections on this list?
It's like Sup Forums has no idea that a eurosceptic party is tied for first place

ok wow

I only care about the anglos anyway, the west can suck eggs

Good thing immigrants don't give a fuck about us in Sicily, enjoy your refugees Europe.

You're delusional. We, Europeans, never had a single chance. In Europe, there is no democracy or freedom of speech. We are living in a social-liberal dictatorship.

You have a democracy. It just didn't vote the way you wanted. That happens in a democracy. America is the one place without a democracy. The guy who got the least votes got the job.

What about Poland OP? They won big time and so did Hungary

How the hell did austria not riot, after the right won but then some liberal hijinks had him removed from office do to ((missing ballots)) discovered.

> You have a democracy.

Democracy is not only the right to vote, dumbass.


Wow, did someone made your day bad?

Yeah in a real democracy, people don't vote!

He's from Spain give him a break

Wilders and Le Pen did alright considering. Macron is an upcoming train wreck, so that helps. I see Swedes saying SD had a good chance but I'm very dubious about that, and ultimately as long as Germany and France remain E.U.'d little countries like Sweden don't really have any say over how they will behave.

AFD haven't got a chance in hell in Germany.

False. The guy who got the most electoral votes got the job, as laid down in our Constitution. The popular vote is nothing but a personality based popularity contest, and Sanders is a good example of what it is set up as such.


> Implying Kek did not make macron macaron win so that he would flood france with more nonwhite filth and thus pushing all of the french to embrace NatSoc, Fascism, and White Nationalism in 4-5 years time.
Lol it's a good thing that Commies are winning, they will only show that we are right and have always been right.
In 5 years you will see the Swastika flying high all across Europe you fucking Gommie.

Here in Italy they go in North Europe anyway because we're poor... being poor has some perks I guess...


>people want more extemism! Women want to be raped!

That's true. Macron won 80% of the young female vote. They voted against a woman for further Islamic radicalism and rape parties.

But commies aren't winning. Let Pen beat out the commie candidate in France and Macron is only centre left

frauke "höcke is too crazy for our party" petry
jimmie "i love israel" åkesson
top kek

Isin't Southern Italy turning into a huge shithole tho? I saw a vid of feral niggers rioting and fucking everything up in their path for no reason at all.
The italian residents were locking up their doors and windows.

Akesson is probably gonna make it
or at least force the Moderates into a position like the Danish People's Party has in Denmark.

It's not like losing one election makes us fucked, unlike what the media says.
AfD don't got a chance in hell. At the very least, right-wing populism will make it into the mainstream 'cross faire Europe and the cucks will be forced to form alliances with us.

add the irish guy who is new

these "people" talk like nazism is the worst thing that happened. it can get much worse than that and it will, shill.

we're a breath away from genetic engineering of children. what happens when none of them want inbred sand people that believe in cubes and warlords like some comic book? things are swinging back faster than you thing friend.

Most of the Founding Fathers knew the electoral college was a mistake. It's tyranny by the minority. All the presidents who lost the popular vote turned out to be shit. George W. Bush and Trump, the two worst presidents in American history. We won't survive another electoral college failure pick.

You do know most of us want to die, right?

It's been a long time since a riot happened, they're actually whining because they can't go away north.
Niggers here actually are scared of sicilians here, but not because of "muh mafia" but because the average sicilian is not really a cuck.

Kraut get your ass out of Germany before you have learn arabic. America welcomes you.
they look pretty happy to me


Merkel is better then that turbo-kike schulz, even though it pains me to admit that

Macron is a Gommie, they are all fucking Gommies, there is no center right, center left, etc.
There is only NatSoc and Gommunism.
Macaron is a globalist communist kike shill.
He is doing what the Kikes order him to do.
The same with Le-Pen, she's a civicuck and koshercuck controlled opposition candidate to show that "democracy" exists.
Do you really fucking think that the Zionist Kikes will give away their power to someone that opposes them?!!
You know a candidate is really pro-white when the Kikes kill him/her off like they did with J.F.K and Rockwell and Patton.

Unless a Candidate or Politician is a NatSoc, Fascist, W.N and does not believe in the Holohoax then he/she is for real.

That's a troll, this nigger literally made appeared on TV and was acting like an idiot on purpose. Exceptions to the rules exist of course, but compared to North Europe we're not doing bad, because we don't have that political correctness spoon fed to us all day like most european countries.

>leaves Italy out of this
Its like youre forgetting the country that brought Europe out of the dark ages and civilized them.

Is NatSoc and Fascism rising in Italy? And are these ideologies rising against italian youth?
Bh pls


Lefty policies -> More people feel rejected by their own society in favor of outsiders, get denied opportunities -> Narcissistic Injury -> Narcissistic Rage -> Fanaticism -> 1488

The left always kills itself. They are too dumb to realize they are taunting the dark side of humanity itself. You cannot deny the shadow his existence, or he will assume control.



>Go from last to second in roughly a year's time
>Support still steadily rising
>War of attrition is being won handily
>"""lose""" 1 battle and kikes barely hold on to their slipping power
>"O-oy vey goyim your ideology failed! Don't vote for it again!"

Who are you trying to fool?