Why can't I just take the money that I am paying into Social Security and give it directly to my grandfather?

Why can't I just take the money that I am paying into Social Security and give it directly to my grandfather?

>posts his ss card on Sup Forums

big mistake. you must be new here. welcome to hell.

Because that would be racist

>Haven't signed my card yet
Who /devilish/ here

i just made a down payment on a house using your SS # lol

Stop trap posting

because you are dumb enough to take payment in worthless fiat dollars instead of gold shavings. To add to that, you actually let the government know of your existence. You are beyond fucked basicly.

Are you retarded?

get fucked John, CC card here I come

I'm not a trap

is cumming on birds degenerate?

A-are you o-okay?

Is it a girl or a boy bird?

it's actually a sound way to keep the social security fund running.

as long as people keep having kids, the social security fund will always have pensions. There is literally no downside to social security

Because that would make too much sense.

because that is not how the law is written you dingus

because the government rather enslave you

>People who fall for clear bait
What's it like being you? I've always wonder how you are able to function in life.

Is my father a cuck for registering me with the federal government?

Why cant we change the law?

>he doesn't realize social security is just a shitty ponzi scheme

Except when the old don't die or when the rich take SS.

>when the rich take SS.
Well they did pay into it

>There is no downside to a system passed by boomers to continue leaching off the younger generation while politicians steal from the fund, collapsing the system before anyone under the age of 30 will never benefit from

trans bird

Higher life expectancy plus lower birth rate = bye bye SS

well what's stopping you?

>helping your own bloodline

That will only make sense if anyone in 10 years can get any money from SS. (In 10 years SS will die). You don't pay into it. Its not a 401(k) or an IRA. Its a shitty welfare program.

>There is literally no downside to social security

Option A:
>save up money your whole life and invest it
>investments grow
>die at 60.
>children/spouse inherit the wealth and investments which can continue to grow

Option B:
>pay portion of income into social security
>have little savings because of this
>die at age 60
>children get nothing, wife may get some breadcrumbs from the fed

Social security taxes are the main cause of income inequality because it prevents the lower classes from tapping into capital gains.

Nice post, that explains it very clearly. Fuck SS.

Grandpa would take a huge pay cut based on the maximum taxable wage base. Hope you have a bed and board for grampy to make up the offset. But yes, I sympathize. It used to be grandparents often resided with their adult children and helped their kids with childcare. Now everything is outsourced and no one gives a fuck but for themselves. I miss back when as the country song goes.

That's not an SS card if you know what I mean.

You are...

>Grandpa would take a huge pay cut based on the maximum taxable wage base

because it's fucking racist to give preferential treatment to documented immigrants
>t.kike ACLU

Why did he post his social security card

Anzujaamu is a Turk born with a vagina.

I would wage start a world war for Anzu.

Fuck, imagine waking up to that...

Fuck, why even live....