This is truth

This is truth.

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Not directly

I think he implied that all white people are dumb and paranoid in the white house correspondent's dinner.

Don't have to image it because he's done it.

literally celebrated white genocide in his final speech

Only to us rural and suburban retards who cling to religion and guns

I like that this implies women are not people

>degrading women

Correct, because Moochelle had "her" dick so far up his ass that he daren't say shit.

yes, that's the fucking problem

>i love you all, please come into my country

I can imagine him droning US citizens without due process. Because he did.

He cheated on his wife and thought about going gay... source is his biography


Women and people are two different things? The more you know.

however, you can imagine him your children as target practice for kebabs in 7 countries with no real reason ever given.

He did it all the time.



gun owners

>Can't imagine mr. "I want to purge every ounce of white blood from my body" degrading an entire people

True, his drones did all the degrading

The due process was when they were designated enemy combatants.

Due process does not mean a court case in all or even most instances. It refers to all processes of government and simply dictates that an appropriate process is given to any situation.

That's how Lincoln got away with killing 94k Americans.

degrades all whites, all Christians, all men, and all women

I can't really imagine him degrading anybody unless it's written on a teleprompter for him

I personally witnessed him degrade an entire country for a period of 8 years. Saw it with my own eyes.

>degrading an entire pepo
Excep ypepo & Americans


well of course, he's no trump

Not even Trump it's lately.

"bitter, clinging to guns and religion"

>"You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not.
>And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

>People correctly point out the source of their current predicament which Obama is doing nothing to remedy.
>It's because they're stupid people who cling to guns or religion

t. Obama

He degraded black people pretty hard with 8 years of letting them believe they are victims

He constantly degraded doctors, corporations, republicans, christians, and people that defended the 2nd amendment. But I guess to leftists, those aren't "people."

I'm not mad, I don't think leftists are people either. Also, he went further than "degradation" when he ordered the IRS and DoJ to persecute "entire people" he didn't care for. The guy was worse than Nixon and if we didn't have a 99% leftwing media he'd have burned for it.

Whites, Chinese, and men. He's degraded all 3 multiple times

inb4 boner video

Unless you are a White Male

What about all the pizza he bought

I guess technically since he has so many ties to peodgate which covers a multitude of races and the people he was degrading were not of age yet so not "Women"
Great point OP.
“A young boy the age of 5. He will make the perfect catamite for the president. He will arrive from Romania on Tuesday. I’m sure the president will be pleased.”

“The leak is bound to start a massive investigation”, Assange said. “That is if we can get the word out before the news is swallowed up by the Obama shadow government.”

You wouldn't know truth if it crawled up your cunt and ate your liver. Fuck off you double speak faggot.

1 post nigger slide thread. These shills are all over the board again.

Yet that is exactly what him and his husband did for the last 8 years

>the white house correspondents dinner
The one where he showed his birth video and it was the opening scene from the lion king?

But he didn't actually say it just kinda implied it and you know when we are talking about Democrats you have to apply strikes legalese to what they say. Republicans though, read between the lines, exaggerate and just declare what you think they think and your good.

degrading them, never
bombing them, occasionally

No, he just degraded his cornhole every time he took a hot bathhouse load from another random dick in Chicago.

Queer as a 3 dollar bill.

"White folks greed runs a world in need."

>liberals only care about what you say and not what you do

How else could have Obama gotten away with all the wars he took part in?

I can imagine him raping the shit out of his daughters, that's how blacks roll

Launch drone strikes on 8 countries simultaneously?


Destabilize Syria and Libya, setting off the rise of ISIS, a prolonged civil war, anarchy, a refugee crisis and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people?


Say mean things?

No! Never! How dare you? I am literally shaking.

Fuck off, he hates Israeli Jew's guts. Fuck that nigger.


Remember that time Obama had a boner on Air Force One and ordered Secret Service to get out of the way so the women on board would have a clear view of him flaunting his bulge?

I'm sure someone has the webm.




Duck Frumpf

You're right, he doesn't degrade entire people, he just bombs them back into a state of anarchy

Strongly considering adopting a Syrian child.

He called my people all kinds of hateful things. The fuck you talking about?

pomf btfo

>my grandmother was a typical white person

they use the drones to spy on your house not to kill you in the night. but they could with the current law in place. so with all the data collection they could make a law and retroactively deem you a terrorist and blow your family up for harboring a terrorist. If this sounds outrageous to you, just remember they blow up households when they go after a terrorist.

Obanana is in a better place now.

My president was a typical black person.

He's more than happy to degrade conservative women and white people

I'd drone US citizens too if I had that power honestly. Hell I'd drone Canadian citizens, mobs of protestors, abortion clinics, churches of every faith.

Well, whites aren't people. They are untermensch that need to be exterminated for the greater good.