This thread is for Discussion of Capitalism, Libertarianism, Paleolibertarianism, Anarcho-Capitalism, Minarchism, and the PHYSICAL REMOVAL of COMMUNIST FAGS from our board of peace. Reminder that this is the Libertarian RIGHT General. Aleppo Johnson-fags, Left-Libertarians, and other Shit-Libs need to fuck off. Voice your complaints to r/libertarian.

>Recommended Reading list


>Bump for Life, Liberty, and Private Death Squads

>What is Physical Removal?

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what anarchy ball is that on the poster?

It's anarcho-nihilism

Just made a page

Thinking of keeping it more exclusive to our humour rather than normie appeal


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all Texan fags get in, i'll be shilling for right wing lib candidates, like and share my shit pls

Minarchism is the the only true redpilled form of government. The US Republic was built for minarchism, night watchman state specifically.

Getting connection errors when i try to dump the reading list, can another user oblige me?

>oy vey goy, just give the governmnet more power for now, because they'll definitely willingly give it up later!
auth rights out please

>more power
all the power from left to right in that meme is declining, pls learn to read

>fascism and an absolute monarchy have less power over their citizens than the current US government

if you'd know shit about the amount of regulation imposed my our gov and those of historical fascisms you'd wouldn't bring this up, liberty is what it needs to be

is there libertarianism where u are fascist but pro freedom in sense of markets, economy etc. I hate muslims.

Look up Pinochet, and join in the fun

ahh the helicoptermeme, well then thats my way to go. thx

Who /minarchist/ here? I only see ancaps in this threads. Post minarchist flags


Minarchist representing

What you on about, the absolute monarch rules murican government...

What are you on about, its a theocracy. probably ruled by priests with a whole buncha plutocrat goons to enforce their will

Clearly hasn't read "From Aristocracy to Monarchy to Democracy", hoppe said that the main way for the gov to be brought down is by watching it get global, then watching it destroy itself until it all starts at ground 0 to be reset. The chance that decentralization actually works (rather then just extend the debt slavery) is minuscule but it's nice to see a man who believes it anyway.

WTF are you on about.

>Implying democracy aka plutocracy isn't the final stage of degeneration. Calling it something else leads way to people wanting "true democracy."

Ancap a dream
Minarchism a best

>people on pol think pinochet was ancap

The state of this board

Well i guess i'm bringing the whole thalamundic death cults things, you know the jews


Fair enough m8.

I doubt if anyone truly thinks that. I swear to God if people follow an """ideology""" after memes then I'll shoot myself.

don't you know how we won the election? we got people to believe in memes so hard the cia has a meme department, and the un studies us

Tbqh m8 I thought (and hope) people use memes for a "notice this and research it" not a "now you are informed" thing. If any person, for example here - who calls themselves a Hoppian but hasn't read all of his books and the opponents counters e.c.t then I'm spooked.

Memes are a fantastic way to alert people to issues, but to convince them - well that really says something about the literacy of these people. I first found libertarianism by the memes but never call myself one until I read at least 20 of the books associated with it (and countless yt lectures e.c.t).

How much content do you think the average person reads before they begin to call themselves something? Am I out of the loop?

Not enough, desu i haven't read all the counters
but what your thinking of is the norm indeed, people like bites of knowledge, not a buffet

Tbqh reading counters is an inefficient way to do it, debates on yt or just speeches are the best for looking into opponents cases. Mostly just go and find out what their ab ovo condition is e.c.t and that usually is enough to see their theory crumble before your eyes.

I know a place where you can get any book you want if you don't know how to already if you want m80.

gib links then, i'm having a blast listening to hoppe and audiobooks while i browse
it seem like most people that try to refute libertarianism all go sucking state cock in the end

publicly funded roads

so i wonder if we should get that one guy that spent 4 years perfecting his simcity to do urban design, and only him, with billions at his disposal

Very true, he speaks to slow for my taste (thank God for 1.25 speed) but e i ght chan /pdfs always has loads of his books and use calibre to convert them to epub - fantastic program; if you have an hour spare (its not spam ree)

If you don't have a kindle get one, all the books in the world, and since no-one reads economics literature 90% of all books are free.

Just rename yourselves anarcho-autism and be done with it...

Nice argument bro.

99% you haven't read a letter of his works.

>since no one reads economic literature
i have ingrained habit from my childhood days where i'd cover up what i was reading with something else E.G anime
but now i cover up my economics books with anime, weird feel

It's not an argument you autistic fuck it's an observation

Kek and whats your ideology? lets observe that

You're not wrong tho m8.

t. I have the spergs

Ok fine anarcho-spergism


Did you just assume my autism?

7 trips says motion carried, ancap is now ansperg

Yeah you're posting in an ancap thread

Wrong pic.

How does National Capitalism deal with the jews? I'm onboard with everything back I think your platform is weak on addressing the Jews.

Of course; those who do not espouse the one fundamental natural law (of the sanctity of the legitimacy of property) - be it through usury e.c.t. will be physically removed.

Discrimination is central to all trades.


We will not allow ((them)) to live unless they give up their beleifs. They violate the NAP and we have strict immigration.

Literally anyone who you don't like by definition, you can reject anyone based on a whim, don;t like their backpack patch - get the fugg of my property.

I'm on board, but I feel like if we start the copter rides the less enlightened parts of the world will start invading, so how are we on military capabilities?

There's the problem.

Collectivist states >>>> Individual communities. States have to basically be at 1776 levels until its feasible to form a real community.


>(of the sanctity of the legitimacy of property) - be it through usury
Do you understand what interest is, and why the concept exists in the first place?

Any of you ancaps wanna discuss age of consent?

Wouldn't forcing someone to give up thier beliefs also violate the NAP?

What about it? There is no magic universal age of consent. It's all arbitrary.

Of course, but you must understand that usury is a form of artificial inflation, increasing the quantity of currency without the correlating increase in capital, do this enough an money becomes worthless; currency manipulation is de facto theft.

I would but I need to hit the hay, /comfy/ thread OP. Good luck all.

So sex with a 3 year old is ok if they give consent?

>increasing the quantity of currency without the correlating increase in capital,
In a fiat system, yes. Not in one with hard money, which is presumably what you'd want in a free market oriented system.

Interest is necessary because lending anyone money carries opportunity cost, as well as risk. Not only is there a chance to never see your money again, but you cannot use the money you lent out until it is repaid. It is only reasonable to get more money back than you put in, otherwise there would be no incentive to lend to anyone in the first place.

Do you think a 3 year old can give informed consent, to a standard that most people would find acceptable?

I sell rotary wing aircraft and physical removal accessories.

This is all true, and yes, if someone consents to being put in debt then this is fine (assuming gold). Historically it always gets out of hand as this (in a gold system which is 100% fine) is used as an excuse to convert for peoples "convenience" to another form of currency.

So yes you are right, in principle one can consent to go under the yoke of a lender; I just fear banks more then anything so it gives me the hibbedy jibbedies.

No I don't, but that is the question I'm asking you ancaps.

What should the age (metric) of consent be. Who desides the metric? Who inforces the metric?

Crap I killed another ancap thread.

Why can no one explain age of consent in an ancap world?

mm i guess a concensus would be reach in which society would agree that a kid less than X years old cannot give consent

But all ready in the united states different states have varying age of consent. If one town said it's 12 who are you to say it's actually 18.


the people living in that state have the right over it's laws
honestly im not sure how it would go in the age of consent case

So a small town of Muslims if prepared for embargoes from other people could willingly put no age of consent. Yeah im gonna have to stay a minarchist.

Wouldn't that be a government? And if say I didn't agree with the age doesn't that violate the NAP?

>Libertarian society
I think the problem is solved by purging child molesters along with commies on the day of the removal

I'm fine with with a small town of Muslims who are economically sufficient and don't jihad everywhere, Same with blacks if they could somehow do it. The rest can fight among themselves while us whites are good, otherwise you you get a helicopter purge purity spiral

you'd be infringing the liberty of the kid
i also dont think full ancap meme is the way, a small state would be better imo

the kid born in that muslim town is fucked, shouldn't the society avoid those cases?

>Muslims that don't jihad everywhere.

banning usury and killing gommies eradicates Jews bruh

Daily reminder that a common culture is the most important thing for people. Without a common culture no real political system can work, LEAST of all anarcho-capitalism which depends on people who believe in the golden rule. Cultural norms have to be strong enough to prevent the things that laws prevent in democratic systems.

Why do freemarket capitalists love gold so much?

Everytime I hear someone say "Gold is le eternal currency" I really hear "Capitalism is to complicated for me, I can't figure out how to invest in undervalued assets, please God of markets smile upon me because I bought all the gold to worship thy name"

That's why minachism sets a standard of age of consent all across the country, now I haven't looked far into how much the courts should be able to say is worth protecting but things like drugs should be free but murder in (cold blood),child abuse,kidnapping etc should be enforced.

Yes the middle east was peaceful until Israel came along and for the most part they're happy to be by themselves and are pretty good at keeping each-other inline once they get their rules in. Same with some good blacks and Asians. Isn't that our whole thing welfare makes people lazy so if we get rid of it these communities will self regulate and become tolerable.

if you want to purity spiral have fun killing off normal libertarians, and republicans,democrats then you can kiss 90% of your population goodbye

Unless youre willing to invade or stop trading the end effect is the same.
Making a rule about age of consent in your own community is not going to affect another community unless you intend to impose your views by force.

Well invading would be a break of the nap, and if we do that we're just turning this free paradise into whoever has the biggest army wins.

Only if there was no alternative choice in places to live. It's no different than "forcing" somebody to give you money in exchange for your particular product instead of somebody else's. A No Jewish Tricks policy is just the price of admissions, and if they don't like it they're perfectly free to go be jews somewhere else.

I'll add it on the website.

Nature decides the metric. It's called puberty.

The ancaps that were such purists living in a land of theory and idealism and who didn't vote for Trump.. ruined the movement.

I am an ancap but I embrace all sorts of ideas on the right. Anarcho-capitalism is an ideal. An ideal to aim for maybe in a few hundred years.

In the meantime getting people to embrace the actual values of our constitutional republic is essential to ever seeing that happen. People are not going to jump from being Marxist scum to ancaps.

Well, some people (like me) didn't vote for him because they couldn't even vote in the first place.

That's a pretty hasty generalization, dawg.

It's easy to explain age of consent. Minors do not own fully own themselves. Ownership requires responsibility. Only until they grow up and take care of themselves, are they responsible for themselves, do they have full ownership rights.

Our laws recognize that now. A minor can go to court and become an adult if they can prove full responsibility.

He is pretty clearly specifically referring to American ancaps and their behaviors regarding american political activity.




>Appearances to the contrary notwithstanding, I will argue that this thesis and its implicit claim are fundamentally mistaken. In particular, I will demonstrate that free trade and restricted immigration are not only perfectly consistent but even mutually reinforcing policies. That is, it is not the advocates of free trade and restricted immigration who are wrong, but rather the proponents of free trade and free immigration. In thus taking the “intellectual guilt” out of the free-trade-and-restricted-immigration position and putting it where it actually belongs, I hope to promote a change in the present state of public opinion and facilitate substantial political realignment.

By the way, Hoppe is gonna deliver a talk at the Property and Freedom foundation called "Libertarianism and the alt-right".

Is wario the peak of libertarianism?

Hoppe is the hero that Germany needs but doesn't deserve.


Here here, embrace the right. Fuck the left.

We have the best ancaps.

doki doki


>economics prof seems like a bro at first
>might be a teacher I agree with, right?
>have a discussion with him about economics
>he's a fucking berniefag who's butthurt he didn't win


Ana Paula "Rothgirl" Lins.