Do you believe in the Holy Fire?

Of course a devout Orthodox christian is much more likely to believe than a protestant or catholic, but I'm personally a non denominational christian. I don't belong to any church, I don't believe in denominations, instead I believe in Yeshua the messiah of the Jews aka Jesus Christ.

Now if you're part of some church then that's fine, but that can already define your mindset over what it is. An orthodox is likely to believe while non orthodox christians probably have some sort of doubts.

However I'd like to hear what you guys think about the Holy Fire. Do you think it's really a miracle from God? Now if it's really a miracle from God then it's a matter of faith because it goes against the laws of nature, it's a supernatural happening. So that's why I don't believe the Holy Fire should be "scientifically proven" just like I don't believe the Shroud of Turin should be 100% proven because it's a matter of faith. I personally believe in the Shroud of Turin to be Jesus, but I don't know about the Holy Fire.

What are your thoughts?

PS: Like I said I don't believe in denominations, so don't try to convert me to the "one right church". I don't care whether you're catholic, orthodox, protestant, messianic jew or whatever, you're all brothers and sisters in Christ, but please don't try to convince me by saying that "it's real because orthodox church is the one true church". I believe the word of God that whoever calls upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ will be saved and no church can save you.

I still think the orthodox church is a good thing though, but don't try to tell me that "orthodox church is the way" when Yeshua is the only way.

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I don't even know if I should join a denomination. I like the idea of the Anglican church but the only thing in Scotland is the Episcopal Church and they are cucks.

I was thinking of joining the catholic church a while ago even though I don't believe in denominations.

Here in Finland we have the lutheran church and it sucks. I bet 90% of the priests are not saved and they don't represent christianity at all as what Jesus said. Also the churches they build are a joke, they're too modern and barely even have a cross somewhere.

So when I looked at the catholic and orthodox churches they looked much cooler. The ceremonies look awesome, the church buildings are beautiful and everything feels so devout and sincere.

But I have a couple big things I disagree with their doctrines. The pope, baptism as an infant and biggest of all praying to Mary which is totally unbiblical and idolatry.

So in the end I decided not to join. There are just tons of religious people who aren't actually christian just like in the lutheran church here.

But I still believe there are some truly devout christians in the catholic and orthodox churches. I still like the ceremonies and all but being part of a denomination does nothing to save you, so that's why I haven't bothered. It's like you just have a name in their register and that's all. All that matters really is a real spiritual relationship with Christ

>implying anyone actually believes god is real and it's not just a socially acceptable coping mechanism for uncertainty in life

Look atheist Alfred I think even you can tell that this was meant as a thread for christians to discuss. It's a given you don't believe in the Holy Fire not to mention the Bible so repent and come back later.

bump, cmon christians answer

The flood is an allegory for being born of a woman - nature. The fire is an allegory for other forms of reproduction and genetic enhancement - trans-humanism. The things they are trying now they tried to force on everyone in the past. They lost, but retained some power. Bull hormones are important to what they do, whether it is creating Nephilim, or transgendered things. The Star of David symbolizes this.

you should provide some context. i haven't even heard of the holy fire

>The Star of David symbolizes this.
anti-semitism much? The jews who believe in Yeshua the Messiah are just as christians as others

Also I have no idea how any of this related to anything

Jesus said to judge people by their fruit.

Tell me what fruit has "god" given?
>Kills people on a whim , despite commanding "Do not Murder"
> Designs all life forms in such a way that everyone has to kill in order to stay fed,
from bacteria to lions.
Everyone has to compete hurt one another.

Speak English.
There is absolutely no proofs that Jesus pronounced his name this way. Iésous is how the Greeks, whose language the gospel is written in, pronounce it.

Stop judaising Christianity.

Holy fire? You mean the holy light, right? We kinda treat it like a big thing, we basically believe that it absolves our sins of the past year and we go unto an another one as reborn. Most of the devout Orthodox usually come to see it.

>Holy fire? You mean the holy light, right? We kinda treat it like a big thing, we basically believe that it absolves our sins of the past year and we go unto an another one as reborn. Most of the devout Orthodox usually come to see it.
Do you PERSONALLY believe that it's a miracle from God and not just a tradition set up by the orthodox leaders?

and how would you set it up?
jews and mudslimes are trying to disprove it, bad things happen if you try interfering with ritual
I'm not saying it is 100% sure miracle from God, but it may be, this is simplest explanation

Christianity wouldn't exist without what we call "judaism" today. They're really the same thing, most of the jews just don't realize the old testament scriptures in the same light as christians do.

In the prophecies of Jesus in the old testament, He's called "Yeshua" in hebrew which means "salvation". Iésous is Greek the translation from Yeshua.

someone goes alone into a room and comes out with a flame and you people actually believe this fire came from heaven its like you're cavemen still amazed by fire... get real


and humans would not exist if not bacteriae, your point being?


Gnosticism explains this

Why is any of this a problem?


over on 8/CRIPPLE CH

that name again is:


As I don't believe in denominations(catholics for example make a way too big a deal of the fact that they're always correct when they have so many false doctrines that contradict the Bible) it makes me doubt this little, because it's a thing that's a big deal only with the orthodox and not all christians in general.

However I'd want to believe in this, I think the event is a wonderul celebration and seeing from the videos everyone is just greatly rejoicing the resurrection of Christ in the event of the Holy Fire.

Also IF it really is a miracle from God I don't wanna doubt it and seek for "evidence" for it. I don't want to doubt miracles from God

op: please come and start posting on the dedicated christian board - /christian/ over on cripple chan

God bless

oh fuck off with your divide and conquer

whata heck is cripple chan? Sup Forums is already bad enough for me, I dont wanna go too deep into the internet

wanna have evidence? Holy Fire in Great Saturday is open to people
you can go there and see it for yourself




kek is the only way, serving the jewish desert god will only lead you to ruin

i don't really believe in hole fire, but i still consider myself an orthodox since i understand importance of religion for healthy society

Thanks for the invitation, but we discuss our faith her in the midst of the heathens, that they might know Him.

Our God is not closeted away in its little safe space like lbgt or mlp. He is the God of all things, including the politically incorrect

I would believe you more if you got digits
you have no idea what are you talking about, but you are from USA so we understand that you are retard

If God wanted to do a miracle why doesn't he cure cancer instead of lighting some faggots candle?

Some Greeks have been critical of the Holy Fire, such as Adamantios Korais, who condemned what he considered to be religious fraud in his treatise "On the Holy Light of Jerusalem." He referred to the event as "machinations of fraudulent priests" and to the "unholy" light of Jerusalem as "a profiteers' miracle".

In 2005, in a live demonstration on Greek television,[20] Michael Kalopoulos, author and historian of religion, dipped three candles in white phosphorus. The candles spontaneously ignited after approximately 20 minutes due to the self-ignition properties of white phosphorus when in contact with air. According to Kalopoulos' website:

If phosphorus is dissolved in an appropriate organic solvent, self-ignition is delayed until the solvent has almost completely evaporated. Repeated experiments showed that the ignition can be delayed for half an hour or more, depending on the density of the solution and the solvent employed.

Is it that bad? There's an episcopal church round the corner from me but I never got round to checking it out.

Actually yes I've wanted to do a pilgrimage to the Holy Land a long time and also I wanna see the Holy Fire for myself. The fact that so many people are celebrating the resurrection of Christ at the church of His resurrection is a wonderful thing. Seeing for myself would be the best thing to find out if it's real. They also say that the Holy Fire doesn't hurt if you touch it.

I want to believe it's true, but if it's fake and setup by the orthodox leaders then that's a shameless scam and God doesn't take it lightly

He's clearly evil.

>ppl cant explain something scientifically
>its gods miracle

for fucks sake

>as christian as others
>do opposite to what Jesus was teaching
yes you are right ! now tip fedora and go back to plebbit

How do you know the difference between good and evil?


you don't even know differeance between murdering and killing ?
plis go educate yourself

because there were no cancer at that times ?

>do opposite to what Jesus was teaching
lol messianic jews follow Jesus' teachings. Don't you know that they consider Jesus Christ as their messiah that was foretold in their old testament?

Except the jews hate Christians, esspecily orthodox Christians, and despised Jesus and all his followers. Read the talmud. Synagogue of satan and all that.

>Gay Marriage
>female priests

Go Catholic or Orthodox lad...

Yeah if you have to go soo deep into mambo jambo then I'd rather start my own religion.

If god made it this convoluted to understand what to believe even within his own church (Christians can't even agree on one version).

Then it is not a sin not to believe in anything.

unless i see it with my own eyes then its no miracle

>some priests go in a room with a candle
>they come out with the candle being lit

i'm not an atheist, i believe in god, but this is just stupid

Are you leprechaun?

That's not even close to what I was saying though you moron. The evil deity of the old testament isn't the higher up god of the new testament, the one that Jesus wanted people to know about. Pretty simple shit. He was a pretender that was just more powerful than humans.

Messianic jews view other christians as brothers and sisters in christ

Messianic "judaism" = christianity

Jews that claim to support Christ without conversion are just trying to con you to support Israel by pretending to have something in common with Christians... look at the everyday evangelical and how cucked they are..

yeah, that's why the are breaking all of 10 laws that God gave them
they lie they steal they murder they are degenerate they do literally the opposite of what God wanted them to be
and they are still waiting for a messiah because Jesus was not good enuff for them
also if you read Old Testament you can clearly see how God was punishing jews for not obeying His will
but you know better don't ya redditor ?

Annd how do you know that?

that's a bullshit
if they have the same religion why even use 2 differeant words ?
if judaism = christianity why even use word christianity in the first place ?
unless that is judaism =/= christianity

I don't, you started off saying that god did evil things, and I said the gnostics had an explanation for it, why even comment if you don't want to talk about it you retard

Don't kill with malice, you dumb nigger.

>look at the everyday evangelical and how cucked they are..
Just because there are lukewarm evangelicals it doesn't mean that people who are christians that believe Israel should be protected because it's THE HOLY LAND and belongs to the God's people (including christians too by the way) are not real christians.

Catholic and orthodox churches sure look devout, but there are so many lukewarm religious catholics who don't really know Christ and just follow the traditions while being spiritually dead inside

Nobody who is Catholic or Orthodox is praying to saints. They are asking for intercession aka asking venerable, blessed or saintly brothers and sisters in Christ who reside in with our Lord in Heaven to also pray for us. On feast days we remember those who came before, the deeds and miracles done and their martyrdom for Christ.

You don't it's subjective.
Mayans sacrificed people to their gods.
I think it's evil.

The same way you believe a god who drowns civilizations put's 40 ppl and then forces them to inbreed is good.
You're subjectively believe it to be ok.

>socially acceptable
not around the people I know socially
most are "lol christianity is the source of the words problems" queers

Do you like chocolate ice cream?

Yes to which I said that I can build my own shitty explanation and it wouldn't be any less valid than anything that you would provide me with.

Including the belief that god and Satan are actually one and the same thing.
It is even seen in Jacob that they are matey matey with one another.

Sometimes I do sometimes I don't

>and they are still waiting for a messiah because Jesus was not good enuff for them
Dude you completely MISS THE POINT. You don't even know what a "messianic jew" is. Messianic jew is a jew who believes that Jesus is His messiah who died for his sins and resurrected from the dead JUST LIKE christians do. You're talking about other jews who don't believe Jesus to be the messiah.
>they lie they steal they murder they are degenerate they do literally the opposite of what God wanted them to be
Yeah yeah, as if THE REST OF THE WORLD didn't do that. Jews are sinful too but so are you and I. Thank God for Christ the redeemer

>The pope, baptism as an infant and biggest of all praying to Mary which is totally unbiblical and idolatry.

First of all, it is a matter of authority. You will have to subject yourself to authority sooner or later, first to that of God and second to the institute He Himself founded on earth. You don't specify your exact beef with the pope, but this reason I think is what most people have against it; problems with submitting yourself to authority. You are the creature, you don't get to judge the creator and his law. God chooses his rock on which he will build his church, whom he gave authority, and that is that.

Second, infant baptism; you don't specify, so I have to guess that your reason is that it should be done consciously at some stage of (young) adulthood. However, baptism isn't affecting the conscious part of man but the spirit part which is higher, more subtle and already present at birth. That is what is being restored, the higher and through that the lower, not the other way around.

Third, Mariolatry, worshipping of Mary is a misunderstanding, we don't mistake God for Mary and that is the most important point. There is a hierarchy in heaven which the reformation failed to recognize, and subsequently accused Catholics of worshiping Saints or Mary as God. We ask her to intercede, we do not pray to her asking for forgiveness of sins etc. See the 'hail Mary' for example.

And now I have to get back to work, good luck user!

Jesus was Greek.

I baptise you in water.But he how I'm no worthy to carry the sandals of will baptise you in fire.i am non denomination to my brother.


This shit right here is why orthodox Christians are blantant heretics.

>>faggot fires
>>kissing priests
>>niggas killing dragons and sheet


Gnosticism is based on more than just some irish cunt making things up, not even saying it is my religion, was just pointing out that it offers an explanation for the problem you have with the old testament god

so chocolate ice cream is sometimes evil

Like what what proofs do you have?

>Nobody who is Catholic or Orthodox is praying to saints. They are asking for intercession aka asking venerable
The thing is though that Jesus is the only intercessor between man and God. Praying to someone other than Jesus is unbiblical

Chocolate icecream doesn't get mad and slay me for not liking it.

find your own proofs potato nigger

Dark souls prepere to be orthodox edition

>stfu leaf
not talking to you

So something you don't like is only evil if it also has free agency?

Choose orthodox. Most based and closest to the teachings of Jesus.

>See the 'hail Mary'
Why hail Mary? I don't say "ave Peter" I only hail Christ. Also the Bible teaches that Jesus is the only intercessor between man and God.

The thing about pope: why would God choose a person like Pope Francis to be the leader of His church? Pope Francis says that atheists and muslims also get saved even though they don't believe in Christ. Also he's not judging homosexuality and he has plenty of other things wrong with his doctrines that completely CONTRADICT the Bible.

This is why I don't believe in denominations. People always mess things up.

Jesus was a Jew. Just because the New Testament was written in Greek doesn't mean the people in it are all Greeks.

I don't watch anime and think the characters are english just because the subtitles are in English.

Is this related to the Uncreated Light of the Tabor?

Dead objects have no moral values and cannot be judged.

Is the gun evil or is the person using the gun evil.

It's really down to personal preference.

He's not wrong. You think back in the day they needed a CT scan to tell someone had developed bumpy, cancerous lumps? It helps, but even today it's rarely what gives the first flag of alarm. The truth is modernization has poisoned humans with chemicals. From the shitty frozen foods we eat to the cancer causing housing materials we use. Cancer as a serious medical issue basically didn't exist back then in the ways it does today. Granted people also only typically used to live 50 years max anyway; so some kinds of cancers probably still developed and weren't noticed. But compared to the many and expedient forms we see today, it was basically a non-issue until relatively recently.

I don't know if it has that sort of symbolism among the orthodox christians.

Basically the Holy Fire is this:
The Holy Fire (Greek Ἃγιον Φῶς, "Holy Light") is described by Orthodox Christians as a miracle that occurs every year at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem on Great Saturday, or Holy Saturday, the day preceding Orthodox Easter.

Orthodox tradition holds that the Holy Fire happens annually on the day preceding Orthodox Pascha (Orthodox Easter), in which a blue light emanates within Jesus Christ's tomb (usually rising from the marble slab covering the stone bed believed to be that upon which Jesus' body was placed for burial) now in the Holy Sepulchre, which eventually forms a column containing a form of fire, from which candles are lit, which are then used to light the candles of the clergy and pilgrims in attendance. The fire is also said to spontaneously light other lamps and candles around the church.[1][2] Pilgrims and clergy claim that the Holy Fire does not burn them.[3][4]

lol I ask christians on Sup Forums if they believe the Holy Fire is real and 80% of the thread fights about morality

I started it and I'm not christian. Im a Theist , but I don't believe in any religion. I believe in God of Nature and Harmony. Who created the world and just looks at it and doesn't care what happens to it.

The gold tempered in fire is a nother biblical defamation god is outside time and space.

So uhh God doesn't change with the times?

Ok how about this if God wanted to do a miracle why wouldn't he make sure everyone had a plate of food once a day instead of light some faggots candle.

>Dead objects have no moral values and cannot be judged.
So why are you so upset when moral agents are judged?

>doesn't care what happens to it.
what a "nice guy"

>I believe in God of Nature and Harmony
Aah you're a hippie.
>Who created the world and just looks at it and doesn't care what happens to it.
God cares, but He gave humans a free will. We're in this mess out of our own will but peace will come when the Christ comes back and rules as the king of kings for eternity

Gods judgement is equally as subjective as your and mine.

> buy a x10 flamethrower
> go to an orthodoxx easter thingy
> get the god's fire from olympus or something (this is basically the meme behind the olympic torch right?)
> go to a somali neigborhood
> smash that like button

I don't believe him to be a moral god, probably not even omnipotent nor omnipresent.

People still believe in Gods? Thanks "God" we already defeated christians in my country.

Do you want to talk about holy fire or not?

I was just informing the leaf how modernization has radically up-scaled the cancer in modern man.
To answer your question: I'm extremely skeptical of earthly miracles. They frequently seem to be basic, non-divine occurrences being falsely interpreted by the over zealous.