"fascism works"

>"fascism works"

>capitalism works

>liberals are good guys

im a leftist and even i see that facism works about as well as communism

source: history

Well it does work, the question is whether or not it's good for the quality of life of the people, I'd say it's not.

It does. if not abused you monkey.
And no. Any fundamentalist ideology fails in the end. We have this thing called history to prove it. Just to many retards try to relive it and think their edgy and they can make it work this time around.

A lot of immoral systems work

just look at t_d

>anarchy works

A lot of moral systems fail

It did for 16 years, though...

>letting 7.5 billion people live and depleting natural resources work

>Antifa works

Haha what a stupid idea, who would try that a retard.


>"Fascism is exclusively right-wing"
>"Communism has never been tried because all the countries that identified as Communist were lying capitalists"
>"I'm transgender"
>"I said it, so it's true. You have to believe me."
>"It's not a phase, mom! This is who I really am!"
>Gets taken care of by system
>"Stupid oppressive system!"

you will have to defend facism rather then attack other ideologies that don't work

good luck, heck even communism lasted longer then

Fascism is the embracing of a collective identity. When you do that, society changes drastically. Internationalist agendas are destroyed, such as global banking. And we all know what happens when you oppose such jewry.

There will always be fascism, because it's ingrained in the very biological state of man. It's tribalism on a state scale.

Hvilket parti stemmer du på?

>and then the Amerifat came into the thread.

>I have to defend fascism
>Says random bloke on the internet
Aw man :(

How about no, since I'm not actually a fascist, nor to I advocate fascism? If only antifa could grasp that incredibly simple concept.

>People that disagree with me... aren't all fascist nazis???

I'm one of those supremely evil libertarians that they love to hate but apparently know nothing about. You know, giving everyone absolute freedom, almost to the point of anarchy, but keeping a few laws in place to keep us from descending into total chaos... That's super bad. God forbid someone want you to be able to be independent.

>letting any human live at all

News flash, we don't live in Tribes anymore.

Ruined your perfect evening, dog fucker?

s o r r y ~

Actually closer to 24-5, Uncle Ben's march on Rome was in 1920.
Still a long reach from the time Communism spent alive but I think comparing lifespan when one was defeated in a war, the other actually collapsed on itself is somewhat of a false comparison.
Defeating ideas in wars doesn't mean they don't work, it just means you had a comparative advantage, regardless of your political system.

stemte ikke, du?

>We don't live in tribes anymore
That's culturally insensitive to Africans, Islanders, and Jews. Very bigoted statement. Apologize.

How does that make your feel?

News flash, we still abide by it due to multilevel selection and in-group altruism.

We aren't conversing with people who live in Tribes here, we are talking about advanced western nations that can sway the entire world in one direction.

just take it easy, if you don't want to thats fine

i find your accusations kinda funny, because your whole argument seems to assert that the canadian dude agreed with the ideology you attacked, but now you tell me that i shouldnt assert you being a facist because you where defensive in this thread

do what you want, i just think you should make up your mind about this sorta stuff ;^)

Isn't China more fascist than communist?

Ingen, valget er mellom islamistiske femifascister på venstresiden, og pappagutt-drittsekker på hoyresiden.

I don't feel anything because your day is of no consequence to me. *tips*

It was nuthin personnel, leaf.

>fascism doesn't work


we can all give reasons as to why something happend, history happens in a singular line, so the same arguments apply when one enwokes historic evidence , "facism always leads to war" "communism colapses in on itself" , and communism lasts a bit longer, but they both arent viable systems ect.

Then why was there a need to even reply to the thread in the first place?

>"i am Canadian"

bra jobba, hvor ca. er du på politicalcompass? Jeg ligger helt nederst til venste, anarcho-syndicalist

du vet, direkte demokrati og alt det er, har også ikke så mye imot hva folke velger, sålenge de kan ta ansvar, og det lar seg ikke gjore uten direkte demokrati. En krig er bare en krig fra land til land, og ikke folk til folk. Vi må bare være ærlige og ta ansvar for våre handlinger, vi kan ikke vente til resten av verden skal gjore det forst.

legg merke til hvor mange "victims" det er på hver side, politikk er en vits når det kommer til å ikke legge merke til fagets egene begrensninger
"de med makt er redde for forandring, og de uten vil ha forandring" , det er det som man må fokusere på og skjonne at folk må komme ut av den sirkelen

>dagboken min

But tribalism isn't exclusive to small tribes. It can be widespread, as it is with the Jews. They identify as being a part of a tribe, despite not all being centralized in Israel. It's an identity, not unlike "blackness". Tribal doesn't inherently have to be a negative term.

>"Fascism works"
I wasn't exactly expecting deep conversation.

Then don't get involved if you think you're intellectually superior to everyone who wanted to get into conversation.
Go stroke your ego somewhere else, because obviously you have a tunneled mind set towards one way.

I shitpost because I enjoy it.
I posted because I wanted to.
It's all in good fun. I've joined the conversation now.
I don't see the problem.

I see what you're saying, but my main point was to use the lifespan of either system as a marker for its success is a seriously flawed practice.
Would you like to have a bunch of monarchist running around claiming their system works best because of its lengthy application? Oh wait we already have those guys too.

Considering Communism has been allowed to exist in several forms and consistently shared a common or similar fate, the argument of implosion is a little more legitimate.
The argument that Fascism always leads to war however, surely can be agreed is a bit of wishful thinking, Spain survived just fine, arguments can be made about whether or not it
truly was a "fascist" nation, however recognition by the UN as fascist and probably every ANTIFA faggot ever should realistically be enough.

Ligger ca. her og liker også ideen om direkte demokrati. Interessant posisjon også da, anarcho-syndicalist, husker samfunnsfaglæreren min pleide å være inspirert av den samme ideologien da han var ung. Han var ganske aktiv (protester etc.).

spain did lead to war, a civil war
the point was that facists nations are too strict for human nature, very similar to how communists nations are

the fact is that there is no clear definition of human nature other then the evolution of ouer species, which means that we will always go beyond any given structure and try to become its masters, facism however seems to hold a rather conservative view on humans in general, which is why when they cant get what they want, they either start wars outwards or innwards.
Im not even sure if a purely facist clockwork of a world would work. Its too riddged and unlike democracy it doesn't allow for the basic truth of change to be applied to it.

If it lasted long enough after its agression phase, we would still have to deal with the "leader" exchange phase, which so many communist nations suffered from.

And yes sure, you can find exceptions, but that would be like saying communism has no problem with leadership because north korea makes it work

my point was not about history as the main factor, history is just one argument, there are many more factors, the most important being the lack of respect for humans (or appropriation to facts such as human change)

>only times fascism ever happened, it made the country ridiculously powerful in a short period of time
>basically the PCP of political ideology; needs several strong countries to hold it down to put in handcuffs
>still probably breaks handcuffs
what is your criteria for "working?"

lol canadans are such faggs

um.. hang on, you might want to think about your argument of "fascism leading to war" in the context of the civil war dude.

fascism works for killing communists

pragmatism works

kult! Jeg er ikke så bekymra for norge, det virker som vi har en god blanding av tanker, vi har upolitiske smarte folks, og politiske mennesker som ikke har forstått den storre konteksten
og alt imellom

you have to take it into the context of the whole post, "ridged human nature vs. change" and political systems that allow for change

if you want to disqualify spain from being called facist, fine, but the point still stands, its the same with the communists

the problem of "disagreement" and therby change isn't something authoritarians are very happy about

the same with conservatives, the only reason they changed the meaning to "slow change" rather then "to conserve" is because they understood that the whole political perspective was based on a riddged understanding of human nature. Which is false.


Sorry, were living proof that it does work.
But sadly fascists are not immortal

this works