Based italy, good job guys

Based italy, good job guys

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Fucking racists,Italian goverment should punish the shitlords who let those poor refugees drown.

Olé Italy

Ahaha bait

Doing gods work italy.

Now start drowning the ones in your own country.

Or better idea, feed them to the pigs.

Why get mad that 200 niggers that wouldn't have attempted to assimilate to Italian society died?
The Government should praise them for preserving Europe.

They should be having hourly ferries for free from Africa to Italy! No passports or vetting needed, just open the faucet!

it's a shitfest.
italy is under attack and we realize we don't have anything to defend us.
this news was ready since 2013 but htey kept it until now because recently some prosecutor started to talk about NGOs and how they help human traffick and illegal migration. those NGOs are german and/or funded by soros.
the prosecutor just said "we think there's collusion, we need to investigate" and in less than a month we have soros visiting our government behind closed doors, obama visiting Milan in a private dinner and articles like this trying to guilt trip the nation.
we're treated like the lazy german slave and i'm fucking sick of it.

>Rise up, o' brave Mario.
>Wahoo! Bing bing! A re-take-a you nation a-back from the a-globalist scum! Wahoo! Bing bang!

Do people on the street realise? Or are you going to vote Green or something?


Based Neptune

look at all the women and children looking for refuge.

Our green party is polling at 2% and you need 3% to even get into parliament

top kek


most people still think italy is a sovereign government, they sill refuse to accept that we are being enslaved and sold off. the last democratically elected government was disbanded by german order in 2011

>"saved" 6000 niggers within the last 48 hours


80% of italians fall easily in this kind of emotional traps, no wonder the left holds the government since 1996 (excluding Berlusconi obv)

Oh no


Thank you based poseidon.

We aren't "saving" anyone, it's all NGOs now

Mamma mia! I love Italy now!

At least the majority doesnt stay in Italy and just moves to Swedenistan and Almānyā
You guys should advertise how poor and miserable Italy is so the remaining nogs get a move on. works for Portugal

We'll become just like Germany, France and Sweden. It's just a matter of time.

I love Italy.
Probably the last stronghold of real men in Europe.

Tell everyone. Redpill the fuck out of them. You must stop this before it's too late or you'll end up like France.

In theory it should work, but our devastated economics is still much better than the nigger's that they'll just stay here

It's like the Titanic, except the lifeboats are countries.

Have to wait for them to drown or else they'll sink you.

uhh user there are

We can only fix the west if we start killing jews. Either die like dogs or rise up and fight the enemy within.

Italians are BASED as fuck, not like those cuck baguettes, who would rescue them, feed them, house them and let them fuck his wife.

>the last democratically elected government was disbanded by german order in 2011
Jesus christ this makes me SO angry

Not if you fight. Not you guys. I grew up in San Francisco, I have lots of Italian friends from there. Toughest people ever. Fight!! don't let them destroy your awesome culture.

Based Luigi

Just hang up posters advertising Germoney as paradise on earth and how much better they'd be off there.
consider it payback. the krauts deserve it.


I'm completely against economic migrants and they should be sent back to their countries but letting them die is despicable.

And the people like this edgemeister are even more pathetic. We've all seen pictures of the pol users from the Shia campaign and I cringe when I think about what people like this look like. Absolute failures in life, don't have a job, never have had any experience with girls and they blame all the shit in their lives on anyone apart from themselves, be it Muslims or Jews or whatever.

Get a haircut and shave, lose some weight and get a job. You'll have a much more fulfilling life. But for our amusement, mind posting a picture of yourself without giving away who you are so we can really see the face of such posters.

Not so fast, cowboy.

Thanks brother, we'll keep fighting for our country

Question is, can niggers read?

Most people here are sick with immigration, the five star movement, the strongest party now, that was initially a pro immigration party, is now changing its position and demanding to investigate on the NGOs who take the refugees here.
BTW the electoral system here is proportional, so the cucked pro-EU party will surely ally to give us our Macron, 'cause some idiots still vote for Berlusconi, who is the leftist's puppet.

Thank you based poseidon

Look at this chink. Why are you pandering to these people? Think you'll fit in like this? I know that every person in Japan is an absolute weirdo and they have a massively declining population because no one in their right mind would fuck a japman. Please relax and stop trying to pit the problems of your inadequacies on other people. Truly very sad

>doctors without borders

every time!


Why are you cheering on this? That's that many people that won't get to experience your wife.

Thank you based Poseidon

first of all there are no actual japanese people on /pol, it's outside of their cultural sphere. Second of all, gas yourself sandnigger

Bologna = cancro

Let's face it, the strongest party in Italy is still PD
No matter how many people throw shit on it with proofs and facts, they still end up winning, and this bothers me a lot.

No no, you have to get more creative, italy. Create a sort of "all roads lead to Rome" situation but make it Berlin. Have road signs pointing to Berlin everywhere. Overstate the wealth of germany to all fugees.
Leave some trash laying around, feed them nothing but pizza with pineapple and pasta with no seasoning. discuss how germany has superior halal options and more welfare.
Germany decided we collectively should take refugees. Its only fair that our 'generous benefactors' should receive most of them.

Why are you so upset? My people aren't the ones that have introduced the world to cuckoldry, faggotry and transfaggotry. Perhaps it is you that should consider gassing yourself. The fact is if your ancestors knew what you people have done, they would've nuked themselves.


Next time shoot a canon or missile to destroy the boat, so they don't have the time to make phone call.

Next time this

you fucks civilized europe and was the foundation stone of the british empire,fucking act like it and stop it mario! do something!!!

thank you based poseidon

We are already doing the food part. Niggers started riots over some fucking tortellini not being good enough

Praise to this user, Bologna deserves everything they got into. Just like France and Sweden

Oh look, only men on this boat...

This is the type of response you get when a group of people that don't agree with faggotry, cuckoldry and transfaggotry enter your country.

This place is full to the brim with Jews like this faggot. If he's not a Jew then he has a Jewish dick so far up his ass you can't tell where he ends and the Jew begins.

>what is bacha bazi

mate the muslim world started the trap fetish....

And nothing of value was lost.

Great job Italy. We need more of this kind of heroism. Just avoid picking up 61 survivors next time.

We have extensive experience with you muslims and niggers. Don't take it personal, your identity, your culture, your religion simply sucks dicks.

Garbage site won't play the audio, got another source?

Yes that's Afghanistan. And even there it's illegal. The fact is that fucking anything but your wife is illegal here. But in your country you can fuck a man, you can cut off your dick and become an abomination and people will congratulate you for it. Justify those actions of your countrymen and I'll do mine. Bacha bazi is a crime and criminals will commit crimes

the muslim world is sexually repressed,due to this the most dangerous of degeneracy comes forth

as sigmund frued foretold,the more you push sex to the back of the mind the more degenerate the individual becomes...

muslims dress up little boys as girls and get them to dance and fuck them

keep it up Luigi, soon enough they'll all head for Germany and we'll just build a big wall around it.

I bet they sank their boat on purpose ecause they thought they would help them. Many such cases. Nice that it didn't worked this time.

Defend faggotry, cuckholdry and transfaggotry. Those are the pillars of Western Civilization now.

It's illegal to do that and the criminals once caught shall be executed.

This webM got deleted yesterday. Mods are onto us.

Only real men in EU are on blakans. and north of it. Meaning Magyars and Poland.

No, man. Look at Hungary and Poland. That's the true west of the future.

Muslims? They do nothing but ruin and destroy. They can't maintain, they can't create.

>pretending you don't all get bummed as kids and bum in turn

An entire culture of bunty men, shrub rocketeers and small bean regarders. How proud you must be hackmeed.

repetitious numerology confirms based italians.

Ive been to Italy many times in my life but the last time i went i felt like i was actually seeing real diversity for the first time. I went to Sorrento, a serene coastal town in the south. The people, the food and the atmosphere were wonderful as they always are in Italy but i made a mistake and went to Naples. I have never seen more negros squatting around in my entire life than i saw at the train station in Naples. Twice my backpack was opened and i resorted to carring it on my front. I had 3 men come up to me and offer to give me an apparently brand new phone for 80 shekel. The streets were a sea of refuse with everything from bags of generic trash to burned out cars. I would be lying if i said Italian streets were normally as clean and well maintained as Norwegian streets but i felt as though id taken a ferry to Eritrea.

Europe has too much history, culture and value to be allowed to fall into disarray and to become derelict like Johannesburg.

Thank you Based Neptune

Wow, sono piacevolmente sorpreso!

Thank you based Poseidon.

Fuck this shit. It's probably either a false flag, or something they had for a while and revealed just now in order to make us increase the volume of our taxi service.
It's not a good thing that this is in the news, at all.

Thank you based Poseidon!

Those are just two countries. The majority of you have faggots running around amok. That's your future and it's really sad to see such great civilizations fall on their asses and then literally blame migrants.

>Niggers started riots over some fucking tortellini not being good enough
Let them eat Macaroni

>and then literally blame migrants
When the muslim migrants commit 80% of the crimes and violence, who else would you like to blame?

This is probably about the ship that sing last year. I think it was last year.

it's true pigs will eat pretty much anything but that's straight up animal abuse

Based guards

(((The Independent)))

I'd like to see the statistics of that exact 80%. Hopefully it didn't originate out of your anus

Article says they were Syrians. Why would Syrians come to Europe from Libya?

also this is a stock photo. most of illegal aliens being escorted to italy from lybia are central africans males

eat cock moslem serb faggot

>insulting even termites

I think there is actually something of a consensus that Japan is pretty based. They dont take in 'refugees', theyre ethnically homogeneous and they have, basically, the nation many people want to replicate in the west (only its culturally and ethnically Japanese and not French, British etc).

Well, Naples is pretty much South Sudan at this point, not gonna lie. I feel you brother

Well, we gave them tortellini, if they don't want to eat them, they can just starve
Starving may make them feel like home



Subjectivity has no place in professional journalism. What kind of low rent tabloid rag is this?

Thank you based Poseidon.

It's bad though. The NGOs are going all out at the moment because they're fucking scared. News and newspapers are shilling 24/7
This garbage goes way way deeper

And trivial events like this will be used to weaponize guilt trips. We already knew stuff like this happen, we didn't need it on national news

Post yfw Portugal is worse than a warzone

Thank you based Poseidon

How is what I said even a bit untrue. Attack what I've said but you can't because you know it's true

stop projecting you piece of shit