Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with jews? Is it a fetish?


they wish to enslave humanity and have largely succeeded

Yes. I want a Jewish gf.

They're successful financially. But why do you believe some neckbeard on Sup Forums who says that they want to enslave humanity? Besides, arn't they the master race? Isn't it good if the world is filled with them?

Pick any degeneracy in society. Seriously, any. Porn, gay marriage, trans activism, open borders... take your pick.

Trace it's genesis. You will find a Jew behind it.

They are truly the worst of humanity.

Yes, I'm 1/4 jewish and i get so many closet gay pols to pund my master race bp

They are behind much of the things that pisses Sup Forums off. Of course they are in focus.

You'd find people of others race too. Probably whites since they are in power along with jews in the first world countries.

>You'd find people of others race too.

Not disproportionately, my hindu friend. Whites are rotten individually, Jews are rotten collectively.

At this point, Jews have become something like the Brahmin in hindu culture. Except that instead of being guardians of culture, they destroy it.

homogeneous communities will rise sooner or later against the Jews, for example Germany

they Jews became too powerful to be able to exist in homogeneous societies

it would be too easy for populists like Hitler to enrage the homogeneous people against an foreign 1% ruling class like the Jews

for the jews to survive with their current power level they need to destroy homogeneity of your county and make you compete with your wifes for the same jobs

it must be quite the life, using jewgoldz to fly to various third world countries to shill against the goyim on Sup Forums using different flags. very elaborate, worth every shekel


What is their motive though? If they successful enough to be in a position where they could influence things, wouldn't be they content with that?

>Hitler was a jew
>Germany was sold out by jews even before the war started

Only a jew would tell others that jews are too powerful and evil just to get rid of concurrence

Pretty much this
We have the left and the right in our country bending over backwards to be the best goym
We have Jews still pushing communism
We have new Weimar forming
We get articles about how white people are the problem mostly written by Jews
Media is largely Jewish
2 supreme Court members are Jewish
All this while being 2% of the population
Impressive yes, but they have their own agenda they are a foreign people they do not have our interests in mind.

>2% of the population
>More than 50% of the problem
And we thought black crime was bad

The motive is to live in a Weimar style civilization where they are free to indulge in everything they enjoy and where the mixed hordes starve in the streets
This is the sole reason they have been movies kicked out of 100+ countries since the birth of Christ
There truly is nothing new under the sun

Because Sup Forums is salty about their success. Instead of actually doing something about it, they just spend their time screeching autistically.

The dislike Jews because they want to be them. National socialists feed off being 'more pure' than others and have a need to feel superior because chances are they are poor and uneducated.

I should revise this by saying they still more or less need those starving masses to which is why Israel isnt like that. Jews in Israel are famous for being unable to work amongst themselves and regularly need to work through other people to keep the swindling down.

There's nothing particularly worse about the Jew at the end of the day though, all foreign people in positions of power are going to be destructive to our system
The republic is a weak system

who runs the degenerate media in white countries ? Jews. Who run the banks who systematically crash every decade? Jews. Who lobbies for mass nonwhite immigration? Jews. Who makes all the degenerate porn like blacked.com? Jews. Who pushes the anti white propaganda? Jews. Who pays and systemically brings in muslims into Europe? JEWS.
they are the eternal enemy of the european blooded man.

Because we've seen behind the mask!