For those into diet and civilization

These are some copypasta about Francis Pottengers Meat Study of Cats in the 1940s, make of it what you will. he also did a Milk study with similar results, the dead/denatured food control group
eventually died off.

In the first series of experiments, one group of cats was fed a diet of two-thirds raw meat, one-third raw milk, and cod-liver oil.(basically raw uncooked and "alive" foods) The second group was fed a diet of two-thirds cooked meat, one-third raw milk, and cod-liver oil. Within the ten-year period, approximately nine hundred cats were studied. The amount of data accumulated is large.

The cats receiving raw meat and raw milk reproduced in homogeneity from one generation to the next. Abortion was uncommon and the mother cats nursed their young in a normal manner. The cats had good resistance to vermin, infections, and parasites. They behaved in a predictable manner. Their organic development was complete and functioned normally.

Cats receiving the cooked-meat scraps (basically "dead" foods) reproduced a heterogeneous strain of kittens, each kitten of the litter being different in skeletal pattern. Abortion in these cats was common, running about 25 per cent in the first generation to about 70 per cent in the second generation. Deliveries were in general difficult, many cats dying in labor. Mortality rates of the kittens were high, frequently due to the failure of the mother to lactate. The kittens were often too frail to nurse.

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Cats are carnivores they are not supposed to eat cooked meat because their inteestines are short.

humans are omnivores with longer intestines so we have to cook our meat

you are dum

Cats aren't humans dipshit. Two creatures can't adequately process the same food just because they're both mammals.

Dude, if you want to lose weight then stop eating

We, in large part, because of our ability to control fire. Cooking is, in a sense, predigestion, which allowed our jaws to get smaller and our bodies to put less towards digestion and more towards our brain.

Fun fact: Aspirin will kill a cat. Their bodies don't always work in the same way ours do.

*We evolved, in...

Why are cats still able to reproduce at all, after several generations of cooked, canned and dry food?


read aajonus vonderplanitz books for the final dietary redpill

all im saying is western civilizations diet, breads and cooked meat, started about 10,000 years in the fertile crescent and we all know who else came out of there about the same time

before that we exclusively eat fresh fruits and vegitables and the occasional steak tare tare

How am I wrong, Ahmed? If you stop eating, you lose weight. It's a fact. I can't be wrong.

holy fucking shit this timing

>occasional steak tare tare
you mean every day

yes ideally the size of a mattress on top of you and you eat your way out, with loads of beer

I get what you are saying, but here is the thing. Its evolution. We evolve much quicker than expected, to adapt to an environment or environmental stress within a matter of 5-10 generations as a start, not thousands of years. Thousands of years is for the adaptation to become the new standard.

realistically speaking animals would be the majority of the diet. fruits only grow some of the time in some places, and the human digestive system cannot break down raw vegetables

How stupid are you?
We survived for millennia on raw vegetables. Meat came into our diets much much later.

you're literally retarded and have no idea what you're talking about

>the human digestive system cannot break down raw vegetables

you dumb fucking 25 percenter

You're literally RETARDED and have no idea what you're talking about

>raw vegetables
Yes, because raw carrots, onions, and broccoli are completely indigestible to humans. And cellulose doesn't play an important factor in the human digestive system...........

apparently, wtf do i actually know tho, there is a link to piss poor diet and
fertility rates

if fertility rates keep dropping then at some point evolution becomes moot

Best cat toys? What do y'all recommend?

oh thats gotta be a mouse costume for your penis

Humans also further adapted to eat those foods. Paleo diet is a bad meme that needs to die.

they are maybe 2-3% digestible raw, thats why you cook them retard. the cellulose cell walls are not broken down in the human digestive system, but it is broken down by cooking you dumb fuck

No we did not.

>2-3% digestible raw
Nice job pulling that number from your ass.

holy shit you're retarded.



you are fucking retarded

tell me the (((real))) number then you fucking mongoloid

Cats? What the fuck does this have to do with anything? And cooked food is no more "dead" than uncooked. Both are thoroughly dead.

i have 30ish cats how am i supposed to afford meat for them

>before that we exclusively eat fresh fruits and vegitables
Because fresh fruits and vegetables are just growing all over the place in northern Europe, right? Kill yourself

>doesn't back up his claims
Until you post studies that claim otherwise, you're the one who is wrong here
>inb4 i didn't either
I'm not the one making an affirmative claim that cats and humans have the same digestive tracts