Why was Europe still in the stone age in 8000 B.C.E?

Why was Europe still in the stone age in 8000 B.C.E?

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Why is Africa still in the Stone Age in 2017 AD?

They haven't met with the African Homo Sapiens who taught them different crafts back then.


why hasn't africa devoloped in 10k years?

maybe you should ask someone from 8000BC? in all seriousness though, it might be due to negroids evolving from a common ancestor earlier than caucasoids. Who knows

>when the first post is indeed the best post





Pharaonic civilisation did not exist in 8,000 BC, nor did Neanderthals.

A better question is: why is Africa still in the Stone Age today?

Actually the oldest depiction of wheeled transport was found in europe and it's dating shows that it predates the Uruk period by a good deal.


>Stone and dirt hut
>Not a cave


Sorry I dont speak fedora

Btfo lol

Caves are natural, thats a building Jamal.

What is this new age shit?

Only the 4 fertile crescent societies had decent agriculture down at that time. Eygpt is the only one of these societies in Africa and it's on the far northeast tip of the continent.

TLDR: We Wuzn't Kangz

>implying the egyptian civilisation existed 8000 BC
>implying they are negroids and not caucasian
Reminder to sage bait threads

i bet they take refuges from europe and this barbarians ruin them

Only way I can explain this is that europe at that time was populated mostly by neanderthal-human hybrids. Nomadic hunter-gatherers.

This is what the Enlightenment gave us. Fedora atheists.

Why is the average African IQ 75?

>thinking Egyptian civilisation was around in 8000 BC
>thinking Egyptian civilisation was black

They rather famously did a DNA test on Tutanchamon and discovered he had majority White European DNA.
By extension so would his father, his mother, etc.
These royal lines go back a long way and all Egyptians are typically shaded the same colour as each other in their wall paintings, with exception of the Nubian slaves.

>ancient Egypt the Glorious was white
>Mozes and the Hebrew fled from white people
>tfw that's probably why whites are goyim too

Racist tests


Neanderthal extinction began around 40,000 years ago in Europe, after anatomically modern humans had reached the continent.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neanderthal_extinction form wiki

>be african
>invent pyramid
>usefulness peaks at being a tourist attraction

>be european
>invent wheel
>most significant technological discovery of all time

A fuckimg Leaf bringing the banter, I love it.

>Mozes and the Hebrew fled from white people
The exodus never happened

>single ruler, knows all 3000years of history.

good one.

founder of the first dynasty sure looks white.

menes was whi...


It isn't anything impressive.

>As if B.C.E was a thing during the enlightenment or even centuries after it
Enough faggot, go learn actual history and LARP less.

>Invent wheel


fuck off mate. its not.



Development and civilization happens at different times and under different circumstance. All these WE WUZ faggots forget that without Rome there wouldn't be western civilization, without Greece there wouldn't have been Rome and without the flourishing civilizations in the middle east that died off there wouldn't be greece that heavily traded with them and took a lot of their ideas and innovated them at the end of the Greece dark ages.

I'm not saying western civilization isn't worth preserving, it fucking is, probably the most important because as we've seen the fall of this society could end in not just death but complete annihilation.

The belief that all africans are niggers is slightly off the hook.
Egyptians are Africans but not sub-saharan Africans, caucasoids not negroids.
Once mesopotamia started the agricultural revolution, north africa and southern Europe caught into that almost immediately, and that's how civilization started there, and that's what led to the ancient egyptians

OP btfo

I use it because I'm Jewish, but athiests like to use it to be edgy

>Souther Europe
Wat. You mean Anatolia and Greece? Souther Europe was still largely tribal and uncolonized at this point in history and not until the colonization by Greeks and the eventual Rise of Rome was there any significant development in the area of Italy, Spain etc.


>About the year B.C. 2234 the Cushite inhabitants of Southern Babylonia, who were of a cognate race with the primitive colonists both of Arabia and of the African Ethiopia, may be supposed to have first risen into importance.1 Delivered from the yoke of the Zoroastrian Medes, who were of a strictly Turanian or at any rate of a mixed Scythe- Arian race, they raised a native dynasty to the throne, instituting an empire of which the capitals were at Mugheir, at Warka, at Senkereh, and at Niffer, and introducing the worship of the heavenly bodies, in contradistinction to the elemental worship of the Magian Medes. In connexion with this planetary adoration, whereof we see the earliest traces in the temples of the Moon at Mugheir, of the Sun at Senkereh, and of Belus and Beltis (or Jupiter and Venus) at Niffer and Warka, the movements of the stars would be naturally observed and registered, astronomical tables would be formed, and a chronological system founded thereupon, such as we find to have continued uninterrupted to the days of Callisthenes and Berosus.

so called middle-east was populated by cushites since ancient of times.

History of Herodotus, Volume 4

without cush,no summer, babylon, no so called mid-east

Industrial revolution is literally settling down and and farming, the whole world didn't caught up for at least a thousand years, tribalism is not bad.
We have some pretty infamous tribes in
northern Morocco, and they are /H O M O G E N E O U S/.
No balding genes, no notable alergies or hereditary diseases.
Tribalism maybe backwards, but it's not /that/ bad.

fuck off amed.

there were plenty of so-called negroids in northern africa and in egypt.

>8000 BC
>1 post by this ID

your personal opinion of it plays no role in determining whether or not it's a cave

>1854, "a descendant of Biblical Ham" (see Hamitic), with -ite (1). Used in reference to Egyptian and other peoples of north and northeast Africa; but popularly, "a black African, a negro."


Ham, a black African, a negro.

It was caused by the enlightenment. Globalism, multiculturalism and the growing hate for Christanity.

It's a stone-built complex, Barack, and it's considerably more impressive than anything your fellow negroes have made in Africa.





They liked it old school back then. Why is Africa still in the stone age to this day?

I would definitly put it down to whether conditions. In Egypt and the middle East, it was warm enough that allowed even fools to live and smart people to flourish. While winter would mean fools would die and smart people would live in Europe.

Now back in 8000BCE this was great for africa and the middle east as populations were low so they didn't need to much land and water to keep their population happy, however as the years have rolled by and both areas have seen a dramatic increase in population so has the need for food and water increased meaning that both of these areas now have famines that wipe out entire areas.

Meanwhile in Europe we had the land to grow shit but what we lacked was a way of storing food to survive the 4 long months of freezing temperatures. As soon as storing food properly and drying fruits so they last longer became common knowlege our population started to boom but unlike the Africans and Middle we now had the bonus of only our smart people surviving for the most part which gave us a massive edge.

first pirst birst pirst

Egypt was white

There was no civilization 10k years ago you retard. .

Top bant fellow Brit

I once read they wore that because they ate dirt


Egypt is not Africa

What African