Hey Sup Forums I need you guys to redpill me on why some of you think the Holocaust literally never happened

Hey Sup Forums I need you guys to redpill me on why some of you think the Holocaust literally never happened.

There are countless photographs, first-hand accounts from Holocaust-survivors, and even some sparse video footage confirming it happened.

Outside of the memes, on what grounds is Holocaust denial a sane argument?

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It's a meme. The holocaust did happen.

>millions of documents seized by allies
>not a single one about exterminating jews

So every single photograph of the Holocaust is doctored?

Every single first-hand account from a Holocaus survivor is a massive, worldwide-coordinated lie?

Holocaust survivors that paint a very different picture of the camps than the stories you are used to:

There are no pictures that proof the holocaust happened. Watch this documentary of a Jew holocaust revisionist visiting Auschwitz:

>photographs are of malnourished, disease-ridden prisoners
>not one single report concerning "holocaust" but countless documents proving typhus epidemic
>countless reports requesting food, medicine, etc for prisoners
>there are accounts from "survivors" who talk about how the camps were actually good
>camps had swimming pools
>they were allowed money
>they had a canteen

The Jews were sent to the camps to work, not to be executed. The constant bombing of supply lines by the allies caused shortages of food and medicine for the camps and so many prisoners went without either. Starvation and disease took over and killed most that were "executed".

yeah it happened.

Sup Forums is satire remember

Happened but exaggerated

here ya go

What about the Nuremberg trials? Didn't Nazis admit to genociding the Jews but that they were just following orders?

what does a photograph prove? that prisoners were sick and starving? this is directly caused by

1) allied bombing destroying the roads and tracks used to deliver resources to the camps
2) typhus

This is easily proven and trying to use a picture as evidence of a genocide is nonsense.

There were starving Germans at the same time. It turns out the allies destroyed their factories, supply lines, fuel, and food.

Dumb ass is dumb.

why dont you give specific proofs supporting the belief in the Jewish Holocaust or fuck off?

There were widespread reports of torture and coercion to obtain confessions.

Also having "ovens" means nothing. LA has over a hundred crematory ovens.

The numbers of ovens at the camps would have been barely able to keep up with the typhoid related deaths.

Also red cross pegs the figure at 300,000 in the camps, mostly from Typhoid.

There were only 500,000 jews in Germany prior to the war. Many had actually escaped through the Havaara agreement.

What would you admit to if your nuts were crushed and forced to eat your own excrement? Get real. I'd say anything to make it stop.

last two are specifically about Auschwitz-Birkenau, not the entire thing, even so itd be hard to get an accurate number of the total death toll

They hunt down anyone who was so much as a gate guard, even if he's in his 90s.
Why do you think they would feel the need to do that?

It did happen, almost all Holocaust denial material is simply starting from false premises such as all 6 million jews were killed with zyclon b and then cremated so it must all be made up ect.

Get woke: imgur.com/a/725A7

Death camps and concentration camps were two different things.

goebbels ranting about the jews.
one of hitlers rants.
zyclon b has prussic acid in it (hydrogen cynide) using this as dissifectant is as effective as using musterd gas as moutrefresher.
you know why the b is in zyclon?

where a team of chemists that included Walter Heerdt (de) and Bruno Tesch developed a method of packaging hydrogen cyanide in sealed canisters along with a cautionary eye irritant and adsorbent stabilizers. The new product was also named Zyklon, but it became known as Zyklon B to distinguish it from the earlier version. Uses included delousing clothing and disinfesting ships, warehouses, and trains.
lets have a discussion about the holocaust user.

for example breendonk was a work camp for rebels and communist.
after the where procesed the where sent to buchenwald.
pic of the ss officers who where in charge of breendonk.