Why do homeless people find it so hard to believe that no one carries around cash anymore?

Why do homeless people find it so hard to believe that no one carries around cash anymore?

Why not help the massive American homeless population instead of ungrateful minorities and foreigners/illegals?

White guilt indoctrinated into us from school. Homedchooling is the best option.

Because Americans are the best Goyim to ever live.

Cashless society 2020

>buying into the plastic jew

But why do you not carry cash? Why use credit and support the banks and other sick institutions, while having your spending habits tracked to your name?

>he doesn't carry at least $20 at all times

Most of the homeless I see are minorities though.

imagine the left's reaction to a charity that only helps white homeless people

Why are white people so afraid to tell some homeless no to fuck off?

Fuck those people. I never tell them "sorry bro". I tell them to fuck off. I wish a nigga would...

Yes, let's give banks total control over our currency, because they've proven to be so honest and responsible in the past.

>tfw you can actively make the choice to not help a minority by denying them your spare change
>even sweeter when they can hear it jangling in your pocket
>still sweeter when you tell them to fuck off and smile
>sweetest sweetie when you're eating something expensive in front of them, like a giant ice cream cone or some fancy faggot-tier coffee with whipped shit on top

Nigga unless you're carrying around a sack of gold nuggets, the bank already has control of currency. You won't get any except at a bank, so your spending is pretty limited unless you're only ever paid in cash and you save it under your mattress.

This is my dilemma. Our parasite community has really expanded in the past decade. The real challenge is to find families who have legitimately fallen on hard times and not some r/selected dregs who are dumped here by some religious charity who soely want to live among whites.

I was homeless for the majority of my "best years", but my brother wasn't so lucky as he was homeless most of the time growing up. It's something that's eaten on my and will probably continue until my casket closes. I get a horible feeling when I can't do anything, but even more is the feeling of not being able to save everyone.

In my country you can support a family just by working the streets. I'm talking middle class lifestyle.
Stop the gibs.

Have fun getting stabbed, tough guy.

Can't do that as a woman if you're on foot, and I don't want the car damaged if we're in the car. Don't run into many homeless anyway.

Most of the homeless I encounter are minorities or just batshit insane and unpleasant as fuck.

hello rural user,

That's just not a viable strategy in cities. Homeless are a combination of addict, crazy, nigger. Each is highly unpredictable. I go passed maybe 20 homeless a day. If I antagonized them on a daily basis, eventually something bad would happen. Saying sorry bro is actually better than treating them as non-people, which is the other sane strategy.

Lots of libshits give them money.

why not talk about all the fucking plastic in the ocean instead of bitching about climate change and homeless crackheads?

"I wish a nigga would" most likely implies he has a CCW to blast niggers with. If not, then yeah he's retarded.

Because they have no bank account, or money.
If I asked you how to care for a dik dik (yes, it's a real animal) you'd have no concept because you didn't know they existed before this.
Same concept.

Lugers are sexy as hell.

Why can useless niggers have free houses and apartments with food stamps while whites die in streets?

question of our generation right there

even bigger question is "why illegals and rapefugees instead of citizens"

Just wait until those niggas start using Square on their tracfones.