Why aren't you a radical centrist, Sup Forums? Daily reminder that left and right wing radicals should be executed

Why aren't you a radical centrist, Sup Forums? Daily reminder that left and right wing radicals should be executed

Friendly reminder that the Principa Discordia was created on a Xerox Machine because Robert Anton Wilson wanted in on some of them sweet sweet tax-exempt religious shekels

>radical centrist
As the left and right constantly shift, so does the center
If your are a centrist for more than five years or so, you're probably just a spineless coward afraid of offending anyone

You're assuming the needs of society don't also change.

Also, I don't think most people care about offending anyone they aren't trying to bone.

Cause its boring

you don't have to offend people to defend what you believe in. You can advocate for more common sense middle of the road policies instead of ultra liberal which will bankrupt us, or ultra conservative where we privatize water, air, and other essentials. You don't have to be an edge lord to get your point across, in fact most people want the same thing, but just have different ways of achieving those goals. For example, the right wants to end poverty through employment programs, and the left wants to pay poor people to live without working. Neither side wants people to starve and die on the street.

>far left is a jew
really makes you think

>ll in wellfare to get a masonic 33 (l = 12 = 1+2 = 3)

Masons are into all kinds of freaky shit. Don't become a walking zombie like them!

Are you a radical centrist if you mostly have far left and far right views?

>Nont being Alt-center

National Socialism can't be defined by left-right categories

to truly be a radical centrist, you must reject all western cultural institutions. otherwise, you are just a centrist. it is a lonely place at the bottom of the rabbit hole, and most people do not have the willpower to reach the abyss.

Depends on the issue and their circumstances.

Picking sides is easy.

how about if you choose the role of the devils advocate, always ensuring that the pendulum doesn't swing too far in either direction

>le Devils Advocate is such a noble position!

There's nothing 'enlightened' about being a contrarian with no real beliefs of your own.

Spoken like a true radical.

No, but it seems like it would at least be fun, unlike a being a boring "centrist"

i dont know

where do centrists stand on the jewish question?

that far left guy

It depends on if your Jewish or not.


Sub-genius? As in not genius?