Ok, Sup Forums, perhaps I'm an advanced level dumbass for not getting this, but

Ok, Sup Forums, perhaps I'm an advanced level dumbass for not getting this, but...

What exactly are the flaws of the libertarian right?

Other urls found in this thread:


that people keep mistaking it as liberal like the cucked LP party

They believe in open borders for one, that's pretty marxist of an ideology in itself but Libertarians don't seem to even realize that.

Other than that it's not so much that they don't have a sound Ideology, they're just autistic as fuck and retarded and don't know where to apply their ideology to make an attractive political movement that people can get on board with. Most rational people don't want unlimited immigration, most people don't like to see fags running down the street shoving dildos in their ass and screaming in people's faces that they're a bigot for looking at them strange. Yet the LP and many of its sheep seem to support that over any other issue.

Case and point look at Johnson trying so hard to be a living meme and abandoning every principal that people care about to talk about weed, calling people pussies and calling people racist for not supporting an open borders policy.

People care about freedom of speech, low taxes and property rights and Libertarians claim to stand for that yet you hardly ever see them bringing those issues up when they get a chance, they'd rather virtue signal to the left who hates them anyways.

t. Former Libertarian.

You say you're a former libertarian, what are you now?

I wish there was a party for common sense.


Libertarianism has no effective way of dealing with a parasitical class that has colonized all of our industries, media, and politics.

>The JQ:

At Majdanek, Soviets claimed that 2 million Jews were killed in gas chambers. Thanks to revisionists, today it's believed less than 60,000 died (primarily of disease). The Red Cross estimated only 8,000 had died there. That is a drop of almost 2 million. Yet most people don't know that, and continue quoting 6 million.
At Auschwitz, it was originally claimed 4 million people died in gas chambers. Today, the total death toll sits at 1.1 million (from all causes). That is a drop of almost 3 million, though still grossly inflated going by Red Cross reports.
People blindly believe 6 million died because they don't bother examining such a grisly topic. They take it on faith that movies and what little they learnt in school is accurate.

>Auschwitz - Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth:
>The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth:
>1/3rd of the Holocaust (debunked):
>Buchenwald: A Dumb Dumb Portrayal of Evil:

>The Last Days of the Big Lie
Spielberg's Oscar-winning documentary about the Shoah uses discredited eyewitness Paul Parks, who lies about being in a unit that liberated Dachau.
Parks, a known fraud, was in an earlier documentary about black soldiers liberating concentration camps, and criticized by the press after being outed by historians and military records.
NO BLACKS were involved in liberating ANY camps. But that didn't stop Spielberg from using Paul Parks as 1 of his 5 key witnesses in The Last Days, because the ONE American soldier couldn't be a WHITE guy, no he wanted it to be a NIGGER.
Other obvious lies are also exposed:

>They believe in open borders for one

From all my personal studies and attempted exposure to all political ideas, I've found that the libertarian argument just always wins.

Decentralized government and more personal liberties/freedoms just seems like the path of least resistance

case in point, my image stands perfectly.

You have no idea how much LP cunts need to be thrown out of helicopters for ruining the name. At least AnCap are out on its own rebranding as a fork with its own spicy memes


Every decent libertarian's beliefs don't go past the second ball.

The federal government exists to protect it's citizens and the nation's collective interests.

That's it.


At this point that's like saying that the Dems are liberal or the GOP conservative.

Yes it does.
>helicopter rides

the libertarian position has no national preference. supporting libertarianism is playing by "fair" rules while your enemies play by their own. in other words libertarianism is naive.

The freedoms it grants are what ultimately allow it to be destroyed.

At least with minarchism, ancap shit could possibly be stable, but the only way I see it being stable is if essentially states reemerge, so it's no different than what we've got (though the states would probably be better suited to their populace).


I've expounded on this many times, but I always get nowhere because of how pigheaded libertards are. Read the book 'leviathan' for the best argument for an authoritarian state, and how a state monopoly on force is necessary to enforce order and private property, and how "natural rights" are a meaningless inanity that do not exist. Rights come from governments. Once you realize this basic axiom their whole ideology crumbles, as its presuppositions have no validity whatsoever.

Libertarian means dismantle all our defenses against domestic enemies and hope everyone makes the right choices.

Ancap ideology is a lot of utopian nonsense but I have respect for them because they're principled and most of the ones i've met will gladly join us in the RWDS helicoptering when the time comes.

Where they're going they don't need roads.

I don't really know, I guess a constitutionalist with vague ethno-nationalist leanings. Meaning I don't think whites should die out or become a minority and our place in American society should be respected by our poc "guests"

You have to have something people want without being ideologues. No one wants them and they're either stuck in the dorm room or a corporate boardroom. There's no broad appeal and libertarians don't care.

They are bit eccentric, but that's okay.

You don't speak for every libertarian buddy. You do know the OP specified Libertarian Right, don't you? That's the non-cucked version by the way.

The only bs, other than your plebbit spacing, is in thinking a Libertarian society could successfully function without an ethnostate... Never gonna happen.
>prove me wrong
>pro tip, you can't

Bro, you're not Libertarian. You're facist. lrn2politic

Many do. I think there are a lot of (((plants))) within the LP that fall for marxist indoctrination disguised as an edgy pseudo-centrist political plat form.

>What exactly are the flaws of the libertarian right?

it doesn't advocate for the full blown extermination of a group of undesirables nor does it advocate for a fairy tale paradise where everybody magically agrees that money is bad and we should all just, like, share.

this is a flaw because nowadays the average moron needs something loud and exciting to get their attention and there are FAR more morons than non-morons, thus making it a real bitch to opt for this over the usual "pick your favorite color, which can only be either red or blue" american political landscape.

tl;dr - tyranny by morons > a weaker government + greater individual liberties. welcome to america.

Most Libertarians still follow the basic platform of the LP so I use the terms synonymously



Here, with videos:




They tend to not apply their (valid) organizational critiques of the State to the firm (which leads to, imo, unnuanced or simply wrong assumptions about how free markets would actually organize), and they tend to hold rhetorical positions as though we were already living in a free society, which we aren't.

Also general thick vs thin libertarianism shit but I'm not about to convince you fuckers of any of that.

There is no flaws. Don't listen to /stormfront/, they're a bunch of retards who are larping as national socialists. They hate libertarians because they're commies and can't defend their feelings based ideology with logic.

The 2016 presidential race made it abundantly clear that even they don't take themselves seriously. The true definition of controlled opposition. I wouldn't be surprised if all third parties were like this.

thumbnail looks like a pic of starving african child

Actually I hope degenerates make the wrong choice. They will be jobless and helpless without welfare or state assistance, and they will die while we watch them slowly rot inside and out from not being able to productively adapt

AnCap is eugenics, maybe not directly, but it filters nice and clean and grants the purest their rightful reign all in good time

Likewise while I may not fully agree with the local opposing principles here, no doubt our utmost cooperation is ensured in order to combat the common enemy and secure the freedom and prosperity of our beliefs

I do and btfo you, then you just go

>muh natural rights!!!

and talk about the NAP, and I cite how deregulation has failed every time, and how every successful state has had strong federal power, and you conveniently ignore it and pay it no heed


Nothing related to ancap would survive in reality. They are expecring people to behave as they do under a system of implied violence even when that system is removed. The NAP is retarded

A libertarian is basically a right winger that likes taking drugs and buttfucking.

He speaks for most, you rightist cuck. You're the ones who believe that government (ala Trump) can solve your bullshit problems (aka cuckin yourself to shit-tier politicians). Libertarians also believe that right/left are the same agenda, which is redistribution of wealth to their own elites. Libertarians believe in solving our problems first through maximizing liberty and reducing regulation. By "our" I mean Americans abandon your shit-tier country, and abandon American subsidies to it (trade/defense), and abandon American "aid" to your shit-tier country, including defense. We take care of home. We don't accept refugees. We make a fair deal on illegal immigration by restricting visas to shit-tier jobs. We redistribute wealth through good capitalism, not corporate rape.

TL;DR Libertarianism means fuck your bullshit conservative/liberal agenda (which we believe is samefaggging cucolkdry PIC RELATED), but if Australians want to pick my fruit, you're more than welcome to get a temporary visa.

jews would still be on top of a libertarian society.

>no effective way of dealing with a parasitical class

yes, it does, Libertarian's solution to welfare is let the Luddites starve.

Deregulation lead to the industrial revolution which single handedly turned our country into the most powerful nation on the planet.


I'd say that most people (that I've met at least) that call themselves "libertarian" aren't even really aware of the specific platforms of the LP, and just identify as such on a philosophical level.

LP is a complete joke

>They believe in open borders for one

Literally wrong. Completely. If you were okay with faggots running down the street shoving dildos up their asses as a libertarian, you were not a libertarian. You were probably a left leaning centrist but didn't know what centralism was so you called it Libertarianism.

>What exactly are the flaws of the libertarian right?
They are not conservative.

What about Nationalist Socialist Libertarians?

Requires an intelligent population

>Socialist Libertarians

Well since they got Gary Johnson the party is now dead, the name is now ruined. He is not and never will be a libertarian.

RIP libertarians 2016

National Socialism is still Socialism.

The whole thing is a flaw


>they refuse to acknowledge that human nature is basically evil
>they still believe everyone is equal
>they believe in open borders
>they were literally founded by (((them)))
For a more in-depth analysis, please refer to pic related

Its a pretty hilarious word, but they are the least insane of the commies, despite their stupid name.

Chomsky rails on marxist and postmodernist nonsense all the time.


It can certainly have. Hoppe covered it. If a covenant prefers to show national preference, it's perfectly okay

No, because you can exile them

Having open borders is fine as long as people in the society are not getting taxed. Since immigrants are not provided any financial help they will self deport, if they are unable to get a job or provide for themselves.

>he speaks for most
Explains why the LP is still a fucking joke

>rightist cuck
Nice projection faggot. Physically removing stains like you from society is the definition of not being cucked.

He's libertarian Right is he? Interesting logic m8, tho that never was the strongpoint of closet lefties like you.

>left/right agenda is the same... Redistribution of wealth
Completely, utterly wrong. Fuck you are stupid. For a start the left wants equality, the right believes in traditional hierarchy. Polar opposites.

>we look after home
>fair deal on illegal immigration
You're one of those cucks who thinks you'll be able to function as a society without borders. Hasn't done Europe much good... Which brings me to your last, most laughable point.

>muh murrica stop supporting based Aussies
Yeah, you know why? Cos with someone like you in power YOU WON'T HAVE A FUCKING MILITARY. Or any funds for foreign aid kek. Our emus could successfully invade and rape you larpers. YOU will be the one living in a shit-tier country because...

Hard truth is, you would become Putins bitch the moment you replaced the government with your stateless 'good capitalism.' Start learning Russian cunt, you're gonna need it. The problem isn't necessarily that you couldn't implement libertarianism the way you want to, it's that other nations would take advantage of you the moment that you did.

I just don't get why you guys keep larping like there's nothing more to life than economics and liberty. Without a government providing a monoculture or 'guidance', shall we call it, something to unify us other than blood... people will and do revert to in-group thinking and behaviour. Without an ethnostate, and open borders, you are talking tribalism akin to Mad Max. With nothing in place to stop it. Please explain how you would stop the Mexicans (or even funnier, leafs) from swarming your ass without a government and army? The NAP?? Fucking kek.
stop making us look bad:

Government has become bloated

I remember when the guy first designed that logo. He asked for criticism. I told him it looked like Mapplethorpe's 'Crucifix Immersed in the Artist's Urine'.

>they refuse to acknowledge that human nature is basically evil
And you still think the existence of the state is justified? Retard.
>they still believe everyone is equal
You're talking about the leftist "libertarians". You're an idiot
>they believe in open borders
A minarchist state could enforce a strong border, so not necessarily
>they were literally founded by (((them)))
It's one thing to acknowledge the existence of a Jewish problem. It's another thing to believe every Jew is part of an elitist organization

1. There is nothing in principle wrong with power, authority, etc or good about freedom. A liberal state just happens to be the best thing we've evolved so far, there's no reason to stick to extreme and simplistic ideals like the NAP.
2. The only difference between a state and a corporation is the ability to hold territory. Corporations can be authoritarian if we give them police forces and militaries, and some shit like patents works better when you can enforce that there is only one authority in a given area. Maybe patents is a bad idea though since it's arguable if they are even worth having.
3. Libertarians don't care about social conservation, which is better than being orthodox, but it's still naiive and harmful.
4. Trying to adopt any extreme position like Socialism, Libertarianism etc denies that there is a cost in changing what we have, and that it's sometimes better to make incremental rather than drastic changes.

I would be considered more libertarian leaning than anything else in US politics, but I consider myself more of a conservative. The difference is I don't care if the government does X, Y, or Z, I care that the government justify WHY they want to do X, Y, or Z and not do it in the meantime.

>And you still think the existence of the state is justified?