Redpill me on the 'Native American Genocide'

Redpill me on the 'Native American Genocide'

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>whitey takes their land
>becomes a minority in their own land

Basically what will happen to us whites if we keep letting in shitskins.

Eternal waaaarfaare!

There was negative amount genocide. The natives tantalized their creative reach. ha and probably were that stupid.

Warring native American tribes were crazy violent towards each other forever. White man comes in and wipes the floor with all of them. Now all of the sudden war and conquest is bad.

What state should I go to if I want some peyote and spiritual counseling?

Peyote pussy?

Peru, Lima, Miraflores.

That order. It's cheap, excellent, and you'll never forget it. Great things happen.

When the Europeans arrived, carrying germs which thrived in dense, semi-urban populations, the indigenous people of the Americas were effectively doomed. They had never experienced smallpox, measles or flu before, and the viruses tore through the continent, killing an estimated 90% of Native Americans.

They died of smallpox. Europeans tried to help and gave them food water and blankets. (((they))) said whites laced the blankets with small pox. Thats a (((lie)))

Imagine how much of a waste it would have been to have left all of North America in the hands of buffalo-worshipping nomads







So you're implying that NA would become India if it weren't invaded?

I know right. Everyone makes it seem like the native Americans were perfect people until the white man came along


General William Sherman bragged of "racial cleansing of the land,” beginning with extermination of the Indians.

Sherman announced his objective as to fight the Indians until the Indians are obliterated or beg for mercy. Sherman gave authorization to slaughter as many women and children as he felt was necessary when they attacked Indian villages.

Sherman called the “final solution of the Indian problem” involved “killing Indians and segregating their pauperized survivors in remote places.”

Sherman’s overall policy was never accommodation and compromise, but vigorous war against the Indians,” whom he regarded as “a less-than-human and savage race.”

Natives had already experienced an apocalyptic level plague before Whites even landed here.

"Sherman viewed Indians as he viewed Southerners". During the Civil War, Sherman practiced a total war of destruction of property used to feed women & children … Now the army, in its Indian warfare, wiped out entire villages.”

Sherman ordered his men when encountering Indians, “to act with all the vigor he had shown in the Shenandoah Valley during the final months of the Civil War.”, where they burned and plundered the Valley when only women, children, and elderly remained there.

Sherman insisted that the only answer to the Indian problem was all-out war — of the kind he had utilized against Southern civilians.

Sherman's compulsion was extermination. In a letter to his wife early in the war, he declared that his ultimate purpose was “extermination of the people of the South, till not one habitation is left standing."

Sherman considered Indians to be subhuman and racially inferior to whites and therefore deserving of extermination.

Sherman himself thought of the former slaves in exactly the same way. “The Indians give a fair illustration of the fate of the negroes if they are released from the control of the whites,” he once said.

Sherman’s goal was a “racial cleansing of the land,” beginning with extermination of the Indians.

Sherman conducted more than one thousand attacks on Indian villages, mostly in the winter months, when families were together.

Sherman gave the same orders he gave in Georgia, to kill everyone and everything, including dogs, and to burn everything that would burn so as to increase the likelihood that any survivors would starve or freeze to death.

Military records estimate that about 45,000 Indians, including women and children, were killed during the wars on the Plains Indians.

>ok we will pay you for this land, also we will even marry some of your leaders daughters to our brightest, upstanding citizens so one day we can be great allies.
>you guys better not attack us or steal our people out of their homes in the night skin them alive or we'll be really mad at you
>"we dindu nuffin gib free stuff NAO!!!"

The small pox virus was carried into North America by an aftrican slave who traveled with Hernando De Soto in the early 1500's.

Honestly they were just savages. They roamed around killing and raping each other. They had what is now America for thousands of years and did nothing with it. Its not like they were on the verge of creating electricity or anything really.

They get "muh nobel savaged" by liberals because its just another check on the fuck white men list.

"They were spiritual and lived off the land"

1. everybody lives off the fucking land.

2. just about every culture has spiritual beliefs.

Its all just bullshit to pile on white people for being better. Smoke my fuckin peace pipe Geronimo.

Also some whites are getting clobbered and their wife's snatched.

already is

underrated post

Molymeme has a decent take on it

Tribes warred with each other but tribal war never threatens to wipe out a whole people. It was more like, "hey, you pushed too far into my land, get out," and once they got out, there was peace again. Conquest is very different.

Lierally didn't happen. How the fuck are you supposed to feed EIGHTY GORILLION PEOPLE and leave behind no trace of civilization?

We also practically bred what was left of them out of existence.

t.metis rape baby

>libtards believe this
So genocide of rival tribes only ever happened in Afro-Eurasia because yeah

Karma's a bitch, ain't it?

1000s of years Europeans and even Chinese/Japanese/Abbos and Egyptians travel to Americas only to be killed by so called "native" Asiatics.

1000AD Viking begin a trade route through Mississippi, Great Lakes, all the way to Greenland. Asiatics slowly kill it off through constant chaos.

1600s 80% were dead by the time Pilgrims arrive.

Died from warfare ("great war tribes) spreading Spanish disease.

War tribes form because horses were not native to the Americas and they used them to revolutionize their culture, weapons...

Horse tribes spread rape, cannibalism, murder to other non-horse primitive tribes, easier than working for a living. Like Genghis Khan...

White man arrives makes deals with Asiatics, both groups break agreements over and over again.

More whites come, push into more tribal lands which were already devastated from their own cannibalistic wars.

White man cures small pox during Revolutionary War.

White man makes land deals with Asiatics in the West. Asiatics continue to murder white man, rape butcher his children and women.

Asiatics get drunk and beat in wars.

1970s Communist (((Howard Zinn))) recreates American history with help from 100% Jewish owned publishing companies.
Les about small pox blankets based on a British fort's letter to another fort during an attack from Asiatics trying to eat them.

1990s 'bad Indian' movies outlawed. Asiatic tribes now become mystical peaceful elves in perfect unity with nature -- even though they committed massive amounts of deforestation through slash and burn techniques through out centuries.

2000s Putin begins an Anti-American campaign in league with World Communism in order to spread meme to other countries.


The largest mass killings in history were committed by native Americans. Really.

>Les about small pox blankets based on a British fort's letter to another fort during an attack from Asiatics trying to eat them.

Rightest thing you burgers have done in your existence. Some siberian peoples are essentially same as your natives, and damn, you dont want any of these violent drunk fucks anywhere around you.

Fucking based

>They were as imperialist and genocidal as the white settlers who eventually vanquished them.

>When they first migrated to the great plains of the American South in the late 18th century from the Rocky Mountains, not only did they achieve dominance over the tribes there, they almost exterminated the Apaches, among the greatest horse warriors in the world.


The Native American Genocide never happened and if it did then why are their Indians still alive?

Yeah... read up on Esau and the Horite and the Hittites and Khazars.

Jordan, Mount Petra, Rome, Greece Jasher, etc.


The most complete genocide was committed by Australians but I think USA was worse. The Native American were willing to integrate and negotiating for peace but agreed to Trail of Tears Andrew Jackson genocide because they knew there was no other option.

Germ theory didn't even exist back then, how could they know that blankets spread smallpox lol

Siberians are the same as native americans?

Instead of red pills from halfbreed teenagers why don't you go read a lot and make your own research with books from people who actually gave a shit about the story? Many of the fags posting here have native blood and will say whatever makes them feel more integrated to the country that hates them.

Yes, they came into North America from Siberia on foot when these were not separated by water. I remember even some whites also came, but they were killed off by asians.

Natives are worthless filth. Every one I have ever met has smelled of alcohol and piss.

Im saying that all humans kill eachother fuckass autismo

Whites also crossed the atlantic during the stone age. Were they seperate groups?

Oh how manly. Real human being.

it never happened but it should have


It's true.

Fucking buffalo niggers are what people think all indians were. The eastern tribes built cities, had functioning government, and agriculture. Buffalo niggers stole Spanish horses, and pretended to be a great people.

Germs and disease before they knew what they were

>2 minutes later

>complains about white genocide and white women cucking their husbands on black bulls.

get a load on this guy.

Let's do this.

Most Indians died from disease (smallpox) the Europeans brought to the Americas. Even most educated liberals agree on that. That's not to say the Indians weren't treated like shit, however. But, the US Government's policy during Manifest Destiny was about relocating them to reservations, not killing them.

Note that the bone structure of that North American Indian's face. They do no resemble their cousins in Central and South Ameria nor Canadian First Nations for that matter

The weak should fear the strong.

Natives also were mostly killed off by disease which Europeans didn't know jack shit about for the most part. We couldn't have stopped it even if we wanted to leave them to build mud huts

How about you fuck off instead?


Be clear... do you mean the current one? Or the one that happened to the indigenous peoples back during colonization?

>Germ theory didn't even exist back then, how could they know that blankets spread smallpox lol
It was in a letter from one military outpost to another saying "maybe we should throw over some blankets and they're stop trying to kill us since we're all infected in here and can't leave"

That's all the ONLY source of the blanket small pox theory created by (((Howard Zinn)))

>fought a war
>war sucks
>natives lost
>whites were dick heads about it afterwards

red pill me on whites somehow not receding when mixing with natives like theyre supposed to and somehow being visible demographics on reserves



>a fucking pile of dirt
White people built shit like that for 40,000 years. Then after the dark ages we started building cathedrals. We gave featherheads civilization and they invented smoking meth and raping children

Natives were thousands of different tribes of varying awesomeness. Some were shit, some were cool. They often went to war with each other and massacred each other

Then the white man came and they got BTFO. Truly it was just one of many battles over territory that the continent had seen, but it was a definitive one. The natives then turned into what the swedes are today. But instead of refugees, they took to the bottle for their self destruction

Either we have similar features or the north american caucasians BLEACHED the asiatic bastards before they were driven to extinction


Fuck you dick cheese

Also they were really bad at picking sides which led to them being treated poorly by the winners.
>french and indian war
>picked france
>american revolution
>picked britain
>american civil war
>picked confederacy
>modern culture war
>picked blm

What's wrong, Two dogs Fucking By The River? This hitting a little to close to tipi?

did a native start ww1?

We need to subsidies their alcoholism so they can die off sooner.