Why did Christianity collapse in the West?

Why did Christianity collapse in the West?

Now we have no bond to unify us against the Islamic Horde.

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It didn't collapse. Stop swallowing black pills and return to the Church.

There is no Islamic horde. No Islamic state is attacking the west. The retarded west attracts muslim lowlifes and spreads the borders wide open itself.

Christianity has failed. It is a weak religion that preaches weakness, non-violence and submission, also literal cuckoldry (Jesus was rasised by a fucking cuck.)

People are attracted to religion to cope with life's uncertainty's. Worrying where you get your next meal from? God has your back, you can pray to him for help. Children sick and can't get medicine? They'll go to heaven if they die. Criminals victimizing you and the police are too corrupt to help? They'll get their comeuppance when they go to hell.

But if you live a comfy easy life where you don't worry about any of these day to day survival issues you don't need faith to get through your life. That's why third world countries and poor areas in first world countries are the most religious.

So if you want the West to become more religious just wait until the big economic happening comes and people start worrying about how they'll survive the next day, and then people will come flooding back to the church real fucking fast.

dunno, read Jung and sort your bloody self out.

We lived in the best part of the world. We were then sold the lie that societies can thrive without religion & a belief in a judgement at the end of life.

Many younger people are now the first generation to taste the fruits of this liberal secularism, & they taste bitter. That's why in traditional Catholic parishes (where they say the latin mass) it's exclusively young people.

tl;dr Christianity has 'collapsed' before. It always returns. Be ahead of the curve, fellow bong, & join the Catholic Church

Television. and the liberal hippy movement that almost destroyed the nuclear family. and they are repeating history again with all this transhumanism faggotry.

as designed.

t. marxist jew

Christianity works for stability in a ETHNOSTATE, not as enforcement against an invasion you fucking concern retard. Pray all you want, but only action will fix this problem.

We outgrew it.

Its called evolution.

Why was a belief in religion a factor on any evolutionary scale anyway? I've never seen monkeys building burial mounds for each other, or electing one to administer a form of sacraments.

The Catholic Church is the one religion that explicitly tells us to reject primal instincts, while secularists tell us to give in to those primal instincts.

Catholic Church says 'don't masturbate. It is an unproductive, selfish act which has its sole aim: pleasure. You are a man with a soul. You were made for greatness'

Athests say: 'bonobos do it. It's natural'.

Abandonment of Catholic morality making us more like animals further down on the evolutionary scale.

You can say some abandon Catholicism due to a devolution, but not evolution

cause as beautiful as it was it was all just a meme invented so that freaks could fiddle kids

>Now we have no bond to unify us against the Islamic Horde.

If your race isn't enough to unite against the shitsknis, you don't deserve to live.

My race is my religion. It should be yours too.

I masturbate and I'm doing better than you.
Checkmate atheists.

left destroyed religion and west culture..

and on behave of non globalist jews sorry that some of us created the modern left and communism.. we hope to help to fix this.

>Why did Christianity collapse in the West?
It was a lie and foreign and a slave cult that created Jewish Aristocracy and eventually egalitarian Communism.

>nb4 smelly pagan

The Vikings looked like this. GOdin was worshiped in European until the 1400s or so... Later replaced with a Jewish "G-D" and became Santa Clause.

They were known for cleanliness and great hair amongst the dirty Christian Frankish women who they invaded.

They created an Empire spanning three Continents including the Americas.

They created Russia because the local king asked them to teach him how to rule a society.

They conquered Italy and Christian Rome and Greece and set up trade colonies there.

They were not loser poser faggots moronic pirate criminals or metal fags or those morons from the TV show Vikings (even though I like Ragnar and Loki).

They did not look or act like "fuck you dad" witches from a monster movie you fucking beta male.

>My race is my religion. It should be yours too.
It's called Naturalism. Be natural my friend.

>Russian tribes
>local king
Ayy lmao

Stop worrying about things like that. You can't control other people and this is on the level of gossip that Christ told us we cannot do.

Focus on being the best Christian you can and weak Christians will follow you and by extension, Christ without even noticing it. God is the only Good in the world. Follow Him and others will have no choice but to follow as well. If they don't follow it's their own doing.

>GOdin was worshiped in European until the 1400s or so..
Um, no?


Gas yourself.

>why did ignorance and superstition collapse in the west?

Gee, I dunno.


Bamboozled by the jews.

Us Slavs are probably the only sane people left.

christianity welcomes shitskin immigration.

hmm... wonder why it collapsed...

Being white is enough to unify us against the threat.

life became too easy, being single and female was way too much fun . IT was the woman in the house who usually kept watch that religious practices were being observed.

The jews and their tricks

>Why did Christianity collapse in the West?
WW1 and the churches committing the unforgivable atrocity of encouraging it's men to die under false pretenses..

Sex dolls are fucking degenerate. Get a real girlfriend you freaks.

If god is anywhere he isn't in the temples, churches or mosques.

Praise Jesus Christ the Only-Begotten Son of God, who was and is and is to come!

All that pomp and circumstance. God came to Christ in a desert. That ornate bullshit is really just a heresy. All religions are heresy and idolatry.

And once made into AI-powered fembots, the women of the world will have lost their monopoly on pussy.
This is why it's so important for them to sort themselves out before someone will snort a previous guest's cum out of their pussy. Men are practical. When the economics start making sense, even alphas will want to limit their exposure to the cunts.

Easy believism and 41,000 conflicting denominations with no real way to live a radical life of love like the first Christians.

There was a relatively recent shift towards literalism (god is an old guy who made the earth in 6 days 6000 years ago and lives in the clouds throwing lightning bolts at homos) which clashed with the enlightenment and lost.
Classical understanding was less literal.

The West grew up and stopped believing such superstitious nonsense when it was ultimately torn apart by science, common sense, fraudulence in the texts and applying simply logic.
Its fine to believe you have invisible friends, just grow out of them by the time you're 10 at the most.

Jews replaced it by materialism and greed.


It's not that simple, user. And you know it.

>when it was ultimately torn apart by science
you might underestimate the amount of christian scientists involved in all the little pieces people put together to decide the faith is superstition.

Sup Forums is an evil board and contrary to the socialist and egalitarian message of christ.

t. never received the Holy Spirit of God nor has read the Word

Because it's backwards.

Why are people wasting their time believing in skyfaries?

Why are there people believing that the world is only 6,000 years old, and that evolutions doesn't exist?

If god was real, why are their people starving?

I have nothing hostile against religion, although muslims need purging.


>This level of strawmanning

The west is still around 70% Christian so fuck off

why do we need religion?

why do we need to tell people about a wooden boat full of animals?

Protestantism collapsed the west

>Wooden boat full of animals
Please my sides

It will be 70% muslim in our life time, especially thanks to good cucktians

Its a soft religion that was destined to fade into obscurity the moment another virtue seeking ideology like marxism came into existence.

fuck this pope

and why do we need to learn about a sundried jew on a stick?

jewish propaganda basically

He's your fault.

free will plays a part. if earth was utopian, there would be no trials in life. with no trials, there would be no motivation, or even necessity to commit good. we would be NPCs.

the coexistence of a world of perfect conditions and christian morality should be more baffling than the idea of christian morality in a world of suffering.

Gotta love the look on the face of the bishop standong behind Francis

Cuz it's stupid and based on fairy tales.
(tips fedora)

Christian leadership became too tolerant and weak.

there is nothing unified about christianity
it was fractured from the very beginning

>Daddy issues
>Faux "enlightenment"
>The previous generation of church goes were complete idiots

Most modern westerners don't want to spend their time standing on false ceremony in an institution they care little about.

Sick of Satanic shills coming here with their strawmen of Christians.