Sup Forums wants to deport this

Sup Forums wants to deport this

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I want to gas it and you

kill with fire



t. A full-blooded Canadian, Achmed.

Sure deported

It's a lie anyways, girls wear hijab after they hit puberty and start bleeding because they are considered "dirty" "unpure" and they need to cover themselfs to not tempt men into raping them.

Because we all know best way to make shit better is to handcuff people and take away their freedoms by locking them behind things.

You have to go back.

I'd throw it in a Vitamix.

how cute :3

Get in the oven little dude!

Deporting only moves the problem to another place, while killing it solves the problem.

I don't

I want to fuck it and later deport it.

No, I want to gas it and then burn its corpse.

yep i unironically do


Look at those soulless eyes of death

Not only do I want to deport that, I want to get rid of birthright citizenship as well.

I've got something to say
I threw a muslim baby off a cliff today, and
it doesnt matter much to me,
as long as its, dead

When the Ottomans were sieging Vienna they would scour the Austrian countryside slaughtering everyone they could. Every man and child would be put immediately to death, women who were pregnant were useless to them, so they too were put to the sword. The only ones kept around were the women who weren't pregnant so they could be raped and enslaved. The bodies of the men and children would be mutilated and put on pikes in an effort to terrorize the Austrians into surrender.

If you think the Muslim world has outgrown this behavior then you're very much mistaken. My recommendation is to adapt or die. No mercy for saracen.

Is that your wife?

No, this is.

I don't want it deported. I don't want it here in the first place.

The husband goes too

>ticking bomb.jpg

Sure do.

More like abort it

Aww I couldn

She can stay in my basement.

Nah, I'd throw it in the garbage bin, because that's where trash bags belong

yeah sounds good to me

Haram stop posting your wife online

with fire

In 20 years itll have a beard and walk your daughter through the street in a veil

hearty kek


You can't even call it a person

It's a choice, not a child.


Why are arabs so fucking ugly?

Is that your wife?