The left and right are both delusional

the left are right are becoming ever more hated by each other as the days pass and as these days pass people on both sides become more and more secure in their beliefs unwilling to see when they are at fault.
centrism is the only way forward in a society becoming ever more divided.
prove me wrong.

You mean the third way/fascism?

he doesn't know what he meant because he is a moron.

The left and right are the same coin. Its individualism vs anti-individualism. Honest Reality.

Middle of the road = run over by a car.

appeal to moderation fallacy: the post

>centrism is the only way forward
Centrism is also an ideology of its own.
You wanna have integrity and be independent on each subject, without concerns where your oppinion lies on this balkanized spectrum.

Georgism is what your looking for

I'm fine with more moderate people.

They are the types you can actually have a conversation with.

What you are taught as "capitalism" results in inequality and inefficiency because it lacks a theory to manage common resources. It doesn't even recognize that there is such a thing as common resources. Georgism corrects this flaw by not only recognizing common resources like land, minerals, water, fish stocks as such, but adds that by managing these resources with user fees, you can get rid of all other taxation and remove impediments to economic development. So under Georgism, regular folk are mostly taxed in proportion to the value of any land they may possess. The vast majority of people would pay a lot less than they currently pay in income, payroll and consumption taxes, but absentee landlords would pay a lot more, and the mortgage business of banks would be an order of magnitude smaller, because land taxes cancel the benefits of homeownership as an investment. The system also discourages the inefficient use of land, controlling sprawl and inefficient farming practices. Housing and transportation costs would be greatly reduced, thus allowing for a greater equality of opportunity. A Universal basic income (UBI) could provide for those unable to work.

Both left and right dont understand liberty or what property rights actually are

Both sides will deny the land monopoly and neither seeks to address it even though it is at the root of all economic injustice we experience today

Hegelian dialectic


Human beings are programmed to hate one another. The way this manifests in politics is the left/right divide. Centrists are people who have elevated themselves beyond their programming to think more objectively and critically. We are not concerned with arguing with one another but with truth and co-existence. Of course, plebs don't – and actually can't – comprehend this.

I can't help but laugh when I hear Democrats saying that Trump will be impeached and when I hear Republicans saying that Hillary and/or Obama will go to prison. You've lost your grip on reality if you believe either of these things will happen

Most of the "moderate" values people hold today weren't established by the "moderates" of yesterday. They were established by the leftists.

The "moderate" of 2017 holds roughly the same values as the hardline socialist of 1917 had. The "moderate" of that period would seem unbearably retrograde to you.

This ought to bother you, but chances are, it doesn't.

> the middle ground = the truth

lol no

50 % ice cream 50 % shit is not real ice cream


Memes are not arguments.

Congratulations on not understanding Radical Centrism or its origins. Radical Centrism is really born out of classical liberalism aka "moderate" libertarianism. The goal is not ideological purity but to develop politically palpable solutions that actually solve problems while increasing individual liberty. It is called "Centrism" not because it seeks to balance between socialism and traditionalism, but because it rejects both while recognizing that "muh ancapistan" is not politically palpable and a waste of time.

Any "position" is irrational. Issues should be decided on a case by case basis.

See pic related. Georgism is stupid.

care to explain which of these "views" is radical 1917 socialism?

Im not sure the progressive era = socialism
Enjoying that 40 hour work week and 1.5x over time pay?

>2+2 = 5!
>No, 2+2 = 4!
>As an enlightened centrist, let me tell you that you are both wrong. The answer is clearly 4.5

This guy and you dont understand state vs common land and how it works, if you really want to understand read pic related

not an argument

Neither is anything you have said.
Calling yourself a "centrist" means you are still defining yourself seperately from your definition of "left" or "right", and there will still always be at least two sides in any dialectic you attempt to engage in.

As others have pointed out in the thread, the only way you are able to define your "centrism" is in relation to external grouped ideologies. It is like defining your skin tone as "average".

Average compared to what?

I didn't even pretend to be posting an argument I was posting a funny image

Let me cut out the irrelevant dialogue in that second panel of your comic.

>If you want to live in one acre of my land... you've gotta pay me rent

Got a problem with that? You're arguing against property rights?

>I don't take a stand so I'm never wrong

The worst type of intellectual cowardice

No im arguing for property rights and you are just a confused royal libertarian that doesn't get that the state grants people the ultimate privilege of title to land

land ownership is legal ownership and not ownership via the fruits of your labor
read and The LVT would replace all taxes on activities consumptive productive and recreational


Center has been moving left for a long time. Just two decades ago the majority of democrats would be considered "radical right wing racist extremists."

No, we just don't agree with your bogus definitions and arbitrary axiomatic statements.

is that an argument or you just typed it out so you could use the alliteration of "arbitrary axiomatic" to sound smart

is that even an argument against georgism?

According to royal libertarians, land becomes private property when one mixes one's labor with it. And mixing what is yours with what is not yours in order to own the whole thing is considered great sport. But the notion is filled with problems. How much labor does it take to claim land, and how much land can one claim for that labor? And for how long can one make that claim?

According to classical liberals, land belonged to the user for as long as the land was being used, and no longer. But according to royal libertarians, land belongs to the first user, forever. So, do the oceans belong to the heirs of the first person to take a fish out or put a boat in? Does someone who plows the same field each year own only one field, while someone who plows a different field each year owns dozens of fields? Should the builder of the first transcontinental railroad own the continent? Shouldn't we at least have to pay a toll to cross the tracks? Are there no common rights to the earth at all? To royal libertarians there are not, but classical liberals recognized that unlimited ownership of land never flowed from use, but from the state:

One would think, but the purpose of a guiding principle or "position" is to prevent hypocrisy and arbitraryiness /contradiction. Ie "the left is all for freedom of speech when it agrees with them but for suppression of speech when it doesnt".

IMO the Buddha provides the best line of approach. Whereas the left/liberals use (arbitrary and shifting) conceptions of "social justice" to determine actions and outcomes and the right uses (sometimes arbitrary and shifting) conceptions of freedom and liberty, the Buddha uses "freedom from suffering, hatred and delusion" as the primary lens.
Freedom is preferable unless one's freedom impinges on someone elses or causes undeserved suffering. One is free to act collectively or individually provided the same non-harming or "ahimsa" principle is met.

Defense is justified. Money is fine. Good or favorable birth is fortunate, poor or low birth is karma.

He's got everything covered.


libertarian master race

I think it's unhealthy to have books *inside* your head.


We are libertarians who make the classical liberal distinction between land, labor and capital. We believe in the private possession of land without interference from the state, but in the community collection of land rent to prevent monopolization of land.
We believe that all government activities should at least be limited to those which increase the value of land by more than what the government collects, and that government should be funded entirely from the land value increases it creates.

We oppose direct state monopolization of land as well as state-sanctioned private monopolization of land, and advocate that state and federally held land pay land rent to the communities the same as private land.

We advocate that government be allowed to spend only what is authorized by voter referendum or similar device and that it take for itself the minimum it is authorized to spend. Those who advocate collection of the full rent stipulate that the proceeds be divided among community members on a per-capita or similar basis, for the land, and the rent, belong to the people, not the state.

We condemn the taxation of property improvements, and of all activities, productive, consumptive, or recreational, as invasions by the state into the private affairs of free individuals.

Nothing wrong with pic related.
No more absurd than shrill SJW's and fucking-white-male-hating feminists, minorities and cucks for president.
"Xir's President Now!".

I'd rather a fat guy with no teeth than a fat cunt with no sense.

>you are just a confused royal libertarian that doesn't get that the state grants people the ultimate privilege of title to land
No. Self-ownership does

Centrism, take the worst of the right and the worst of the left, mix, simmer then try to swallow.

>you are just a confused royal libertarian that doesn't get that the state grants people the ultimate privilege of title to land

Where the fuck did I say anthing remotely close to that.

eph 4:14
Then we will no longer be immature like children. We won't be tossed and blown about by every wind of new teaching. We will not be influenced when people try to trick us with lies so clever they sound like the truth.

So if you suppose that god/Allah/Santa Clause has granted everyone a right to exisit how then can you suppose he did not grant them a place to exist?

Make a man the king of an island or owner of all the land its makes no difference as everyone else is indebted to him for life

Centrism is white genocide. Those who turn away will be turned upon. If you dont care about white genocide, youre a traitor. Traitors before enemies. Flaming tires are the solution for traitors, worked in South Africa, will work again. Until white genocide is stopped, the left is responsible and the right, or at least some of it, are justified in their righteous opposition to it. Those in the center merely cant decide if white genocide is bad or not. They should be made to understand why that is an unacceptable position.

Because youre implicitly excluding land from production factors

"Not an argument" fallacy

try again

Fence sitting doesnt get shit done.

>Because youre implicitly excluding land from production factors
