Sup Forums is making me hate white people. Why are you so disrespectful to non-whites...

Sup Forums is making me hate white people. Why are you so disrespectful to non-whites? Also why does everyone think Iranians are secret whites? They have 50% Arabian DNA, it's just that some have a fetish for Iran and "muh ancient ally".

>Why are you so disrespectful to non-whites?
because they behave like uncivilized niggers, nigger.

>disrespectful to non-whites
Why do you live in our countries? You bring nothing positive to the table.

Why, because my parents are hardware engineers and my brother has a job that relates genetics and computer science and make 180k a year? This is what I am talking about, you don't care, you're just racist.

Why are non whites so disrespectful and savage in my own country? I shouldnt have to be worried about being killed by a race that makes up only 17% of ours just because I want to withdraw some money from my bank or go to the jiffy store for gas and a slushie. My neighborhood and town used to be great, no crime, doors unlocked at night. and low and behold the mid 2000's roll around and now today we have daily shooting in niggertown in my county, most of them random and at passerby's for gang initiation or just because the chimps wanna chimp. As soon as you can explain to me why thats my fault and my problem i will start listening to you, but the fact of the matter is that its not and its time for some fucking accountability

>ignores affirmative action

I'm not a nigger, I'm an Arab.

>why does everyone think Iranians are secret whites?

Its not a secret they are white by law.

Since 1944, Arabs have been deemed white by law.


>implying affirmative action doesn't apply to you

Fucking non-whites do not stay in their countries and pollute our habitat.

Islam is cancer, arabs and niggers are fucking retarded and chinks have a complete lack of conscience.
Of course I don't respect them, they are subhuman and need to leave me the fuck alone. Stay in your own shitholes, don't come here and threaten the existence of my people.

I can get affirmative action? Fugg, where do I sign up?

You have to go back.

cuz 90% of all non-whites are failed societies

I hope future historians will capture better how you had it coming when describing the next holocaust. As for the first one they made it look like it was our fault even though the Jews were given a fair chance to stop jewing us and to leave Germany.

>it's/pol/'a fault I'm so easily manipulated and not very smart.

Kys faggot


>goes to a POLITICALLY INCORRECT SUBFORUM on a notorious website that has been described as an "internet hate machine"
>gets offended by hate speech

Why not post somewhere else? Normiebook has rules against hate speech. So does Twitter.

>I'm not a nigger, I'm an Arab.

Potatos, potatoes.

my parents are hardware engineers and my brother has a job that relates genetics and computer science and make 180k a year
Ask your own, they got picked for their skin.

Kill yourself nigger lover

How? How dies my family pollute your habitat? Do you know my family?
I'm Christian, we only want to move to your countries because you ruined ours, I don't care about the Netherlands anymore, I hope the Turks rape you.
I can still be offended.
Iraq used to be modern, before you decided we were becoming too powerful and you decided to Fuck us up because of your consumerism and lust for oil.
No, it is not.
No. He is my half brother, he is Norwegian French. My parents got chosen because they where competent.
Kill yourself, maybe if you weren't such an asshole you wouldn't have to.

Pic Related
Thanks for slaughtering us and leaving our country in ruins.


>we only want to move to your countries because you ruined ours
holy stockholm syndrome batman

If you're not a savage nigger then you don't have nothing to worry about.

Explain. I would like to know why.

>My parents got chosen because they where competent
Unless you have solid proof, I'm going to send you back to

you are redpilled,we dont hate you

>my family

Islamic nigger terrorist detected

Well it's a bit masochistic isn't it?
Going to live in a country that fucked up yours.
Like marrying your rapist.

>Pic Related
That's in Kuwait.

Is anyone gonna talk about OP's picture?

You Took all of the people's livelihood away, we have no choice if we care for our children
No, it is just that I have pride, something you don't have

Kek, waiting for someone to notice.

First f all, what race are you (I'm assuming black)? Second, your whole "white people are racist" bit is horse shit. You're judging an entire race based on the actions of a few people on an internet forum called "politically incorrect". What the fuck did you expect?

You expect anyone to give a fuck about your anecdotal evidence in the face of statistics? Why? You're no better. How many people call you a nigger on a daily basis outside Sup Forums?

Hypocritical nigger.

If you don't like white people then why don't you kill yourself you stupid shitskin


you should hate white people

white peopel are evil

haha Im "white" and I even hate white people

You don't seem to know anything about your countries history. You were the aggressor against Kuwait. And the only country that benefited from oil from the Iraq war was China. The U.S. imports less than ever. I don't mean to be disrespectful but your attitude about the U.S. is one of the exact reasons people dislike immigrants. You act the victim while living as a benefactor.

Fuck drumpf and fuck white people!

Get the fuck out of here sub-human scum.
We don't want slavery anymore, we'll just purge your kind in future

>claims parents were competent
>given proof it was most likely for their skin color
>can't prove it wasn't for their skin color/religion
>uh oh, ad hominem to the rescue

Trust me, I have plenty of pride for my country. I want to retain its dignity by kicking out the immigrants like you who take our shit for granted and hate the country that fosters you and make room for ones who actually respect it. Fuck off back to your shitskin country if you hate it here so bad.

>you ruined ours
>Pic Related
>Thanks for slaughtering us and leaving our country in ruins.

Your country was a desert shithole before the white man gave you civilisation. No roads, no schools, no hospitals, no clean water, no toilets, no electricity. You were one small step above African spears and mudhuts, and that's where you'll go back to when civil society is destroyed by you low IQ savages.

Land of opportunity? Ringing any bells? Same reason our ancestors came.

No one gives a fuck if you hate white people. Day of the rope soon, nigger.

Your same bloody logic applies to them tho. Why do you want to go and cause trouble for the innocent everyday europeans and north americans? They didn't personally ruin your country the same way you didn't personally bomb anyone. Truth is, this is an heterogenous board and you can probably prove yourself to a pretty big portion of users. As it stands we are just wary of shitskins but that doesn't mean most of us won't consider you honorary whites.

Claims he hates whites, then dismisses people for being racist.


The Arab has a natural and intense hatred of everything better than him, which is why you hate not just white people, but pigs and dogs too

By using our resources, faggot. Humans are territorial beings,

Look, this nigger can't take the bantz.

Also, it's because demographics, culture and identity are destiny for a nation.

Immigrants are fine so long as they are few in number and assimilate into the host culture. Otherwise, as is happening in the US and now in Europe with the refugee crisis, the host culture is facing friction and erosion from foreign elements that are too numerous and insular to integrate. Instead we are seeing the inevitable clash of groups that ultimately only one can win.

Likely it will be the immigrants as they as their culture is not being poisoned from within by post modernist trash and cultural nihilism.

Now, there is an ethical argument over whether or not the West "deserves" it for their "atrocities", but that is neither here nor there for this discussion. Really, Sup Forums is just the online contigent of the host culture that is fighting back against the foreign elements. Think of it like the nation's immune system reacting.

Kill yourself nigger


Your parents and brother can stay then, your useless ass needs to go back.

living as a beneficiary, not benefactor.

Slow down there, turbo.


It is the same as being around niggers, you don't want to hate them but it develops, also I am Arab.
So US invasion didn't do any thing to Iraq?
My mother is Assyrian, I am pretty white
I don't take shot for granted, America is most likely the best country in the world, besides Iraq :^). I am just angry that so many people here hate me for my skin and not for who I am.
I don't hate white people in the way you are thinking, It is the same phenomena that occurs when you are around blacks
I have to go on the offensive, if not I will just be abused.
True, more like respect, I don't know, the only thing my relatives hate are Indians because they are stupid and delay work with computers.

Pic Related, my arm

The /pol meetups 19/20 non white.

Also I am not claiming to be white unlike this disgusting Iranian wannabes, I am not a cuck and love my history.

>Sup Forums is making me hate white people
You say it as if you don't want to hate white people. Don't come here then. Pretty simple.

>I'm an Arab
>My mother is Assyrian
Losing your credability, religion? You also identify yourself as non-white, so no matter what, you get the benifits of affirmative action.

Don't know about you guys, but I sure as hell hate all of you degenerates the same amount.

t. Arabian intellectual

dont hate arabs for their skin, they are hated for their religion, behavior and social norms.

If you don't understand the bell curve you don't understand the desire for ethnic states. I don't hate negroids at all, and in fact some mixed and more intelligent I would call friends. But hating someone for being different is not the same as hating a culture and society that want us to remove ourselves from the face of the planet. I'm not racist, i simply acknowledge the differences and think that separation would help us all.

Could we visit each other and be friendly and try each other's food/culture? Sure. I don't want to dilute my culture, genes, or history any further.

The Hotep movement is pretty much calling for a black ethno-state. I like those dudes for the most part. Some intelligent guys pushing for their own territory and culture, away from ours. How is that a bad thing? You're American, you see how well the two cultures get along

>Also I am not claiming to be white unlike this disgusting Iranian wannabes, I am not a cuck and love my history.
Hahahaha this stupid sand nigger thinks his history is worth anything hahaha. Only people's histories who's culture produces something worth while are worth celebrating. Your culture is CANCER. I hope that you get shot by a nigger.

>Sup Forums, Sup Forums for that matter, is one person
stop being racist because you see others being racist.

>white, non white, arab
humans is the word you're looking for.

inb4 some motherfucker who thinks they know about genetics but actually repeats some bullshit from the early 1900s.

>why iran etc etc
traces to Sumeria, oldest civilization we have evidence of.

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

Joke's on you, OP is a soundcloud rapper.

t. Arabian intellectual

>calling free speech hate speech
good goy

t. 1/16th Cherokee 7/16th Irish 3/16th French 5/16th Italian

>Also why does everyone think Iranians are secret whites? They have 50% Arabian DNA, it's just that some have a fetish for Iran and "muh ancient ally".

Iran is like forty different ethnic groups

Hate speech is free speech in the US you retard
t. R.A.V. v. City of St. Paul (1992)

>traces of Sumerian
You mean Iraq, right?

On average 50%





Ya those dudes are fucking scum m8

>Why, because my parents are hardware engineers and my brother has a job that relates genetics and computer science and make 180k a year? This is what I am talking about, you don't care, you're just racist.

what's funny is that your parents and brother are creating a "brain drain" in your home country. you are keeping your home country down while making america great.


I mean Sumeria, borders have moved since over 4000 years ago.

>proud of this

>Why are you so disrespectful to non-whites?
Because I don't want you to exist. You are a mistake.

Future of white women.

I'm not. Being white doesn't mean I automatically like you. Fuck, despite being occasionally kind to me due to my skin color, most people in MAGA swag are a putrid combination of the worst traits in humanity, at least physically speaking. I'm only grateful for the fact that their willing to admit in a genetic-based hierarchy where they fall somewhere way, way below me.

You forgot the part where they want a better life.
Iraq is filled with ancient civilizations
Do you talk to your mother with that mouth?

>You forgot the part where they want a better life.
I bet a lot of people want a better life. What's so special about your parents? Why did they feel the need to betray their countrymen? Why do they hate themselves so much?

>You forgot the part where they want a better life.

you can't make a better life where you were? are you a fucking racist?

> Hate themselves
> betrayed country men
Stop pulling shit out of your ass, you know that your "arguments" are false. As in your arguments cannot be applied to this.

Establishing yourself financially in a foreign country is pretty treacherous to your homeland, means you lack patriotic spirit.
Not that any of this is inherently bad, just own up to it.
Fuck, they shrug at being called racist, shrug at being called a traitor.

Hahaha what? You dumb Arab nigger you can't even challenge what I said because it's right. Sad and pathetic culture. At least you are proud though, maybe you will fuck off out of this country one day. Oh wait you would never because you also know your home culture is a cancer on this Earth, and so you will say in America until it's a majority non-white, then immigrate to where it's a majority white because ITS ALWAYS BETTER WHERE ITS WHITE and you know it too, even with the 40 generations of inbreeding you are able to comprehend that simple concept.

You're an idiot.
Why are you so hateful?

>what you say makes me feel bad
>therefore i will only address it as invalid
You know in your heart of hearts your parents are leeches who only came here to financially enrich themselves, when instead they could be helping enrich their own country.

Believe it or not, your parents aren't special. We definitely could do without them here. You should convince them to stop their betrayal and go back to where they came.

How do you feel that your parents moved to America and decided to race mix to produce a mongrel like you?

You need to leave. If not you, it will be you offspring who pay the price for you coming here. The say is coming.
