How often do you get a bingo when you're arguing against whites Sup Forums?

How often do you get a bingo when you're arguing against whites Sup Forums?

nobody fucking cares. sage.

check you white privilege, shitlord

I actively try to fill up the whole sheet because white haters are little bitches who get pissed at anything whites do.

Niggers always complaining about the rules of the game. Git gud son.

All legitimate points.

Kys nigger

>defends cultural appropriation
lol niggers think dreadlocks is culture

Me too
I'm not white, either

Nice try shlomo

>cultural appropriation
>implying niggers have any culture

>gets offended by being called a name
only niggers get offended by this

OP, dont you see the joke? Everything on that bingo card is just a white version of what black people say? Black people think that the reason are poor is racism but they are obsessed about their race and act like they are a foreign culture. Blacks are not trying to be white or assimilated by whites, they simply want to be identified as an oppressed culture, sort of like Palestinians want to be identified as oppressed. How can you 'stop racism' when everything you talk about is an 'us and them' comparison? So if you want to be treated differently because you are black, stop using the word 'racist' and use prejudiced or discrimination. Racism is an oxymoron, races of people exist, you cant call yourself someone who 'does not see race' just like one of your bingo squares says.

Not combing your hair is high culture and don't you dare apropriate it.

I don't see "gas the kikes race war now"

You wouldn't get a bingo on this board while arguing me. Half of these are white liberal buzzwords

literally none of those seem unreasonable.

It's the fact that because white people are the ones benefit from systemic racism either directly or indirectly, they have to right to speak on the subject.
Essentially, it's like saying a woman has a nice ass in the work place and when she gets offended you shrug your shoulders and say something a long the lines of "What? It was a compliment."

>have no* right to speak on the subject

Didn't you mean to post it on internal JIDF forum instead?
