Why are women so unhappy?

Why are women so unhappy?

it's unnatural for a woman to get married after 30, that's why islam is right that marriage is allowed after menstruation

>I think it's more to do with the fact that ur a dog
She's not wrong
Any guy you meet who claims to be the "nice guy" will have one immediately apparent trait; they're spineless
They act like a dog, so eager for approval and acceptance
Women don't want that shit

>‘She met Anton and they were both extremely happy. He moved in. They had lots in common. But she could not overcome her previous sadness and felt Anton would leave her. She was looking forward to turning 30, planning trips to Italy with Anton and going to Vegas for her birthday, she was saving money every month.
This laddy was probably murdered

Well not all but I think it is genetic. Although childbearing is a tedious process it still makes women happier and it might sound contradictory but they don't age as fast you can see that all 100+ age women had children. My aunt is 42 alone with no children and she fucking looks like a vampire and she is so resentful I can feel the hate in the room when she sees me and my mother.

Unrealstic expectations of life based upon nonsensical media.

>life is perfect
>no ill's in the world
> you are perfect
>you deserve the best of everything because your amazing for being a woman
>buy this new makeup or these clothes, it will make you so popular and admired
>you can have anything you want just take it

Etc etc

Then reality of life is most people are not very wealthy at all and need to make sacrifices to live yet this goes against all they have had pummelled into their sweetie heads thus triggering depression when their picture perfect fantasy life they have built up in their minds for years comes crashing down around them.

>Been posted about a thousand times since then

>Why are women so unhappy?
>"Nice guys" are dogs
>I'm gonna be a picky bitch
>Why won't any of these "bad boys" marry me
>Kills herself

I think they are just retarded.

They got what they asked for.

that's not what dog means in this context, burger


Males pretending it's not their fault.

>feminists pushed into powerful positions completely ruin family courts and break the advantages of marriage for the men
>women still expect men to be interested in marriage desptie it being a losing deal for them
>still expect men to roleplay as a 50s nuclear family head, despite having none of the advantages and ten times the disadvantages
They want to have their cake, eat it, and have someone bring another before they are done

>it's unnatural for a woman to get married after 30, that's why islam is right that marriage is allowed after menstruation
Yeah, she should have married her cousin.


Because they see whoevers shoving their cock in her head as "manly". Anything else is childish and they cant deal with it.

They treat themselves this way and then wonder why that nice guy no longer sees eye to eye with them. Theres just no guys left for her. Because she wanted to be surrounded by males that don't care about her and stuff their dicks in her head.

tl;dr theyre happy when youre fucking them. Theyre unhappy when they realize they sold their soul for a dick in the mouth.

They go Full Whore, kill themselves, or find a nice guy who falls for her "ive changed" shit.

this. every girl thinks she's destined to marry johnny depp. women don't like men they like men's money.

Because they have rights and freedom and dont know what to do with it.

Who are the happiest women i Britain?

You might expect it to be the ones who make the most money? Wrong.

What about those with the most interesting jobs? Nope.

Daily visits to the club? Still wrong.

Women with 4-5 children or more are the happiest female demographic in the UK. I don't know what to make of this other than that feminism is not for the benefit of women but for the enrichment of the elite.

Some women wait too long to get off the ride and realize the mistake they've made.

Feminism is for the benefit of feminists.
All it did was create a new form of ideological elite that gets to dictate what they want based on their own twisted sense of morality.
It gave a handful of ideologues and disgust-based thinkers mandate to try and take action against what offends them and it is based on reasoning according to the interest of the ideological class, not the general people.

Most people feel incomplete without a single prominent male and a single prominent female in their lives. In all seriousness her tweet was probably due to frustration at being unable to find an appropriate man. For women, the whole feminist "strong independent woman" movement means it's become harder for them to admit they're unhappy without a man, lest they betray their own movement.

Ironically, most men have no trouble admitting they want a woman in their lives.

>be young woman
>cant vote but dont pay taxes or go to war so meh
>husband marches into a coal mine every morning, probably clenches his ass cheeks several times a day hoping the tunnel doesn't collapse at the sound of every minor rockfall
>all I have to do is spread my legs, cook, do some basic labor, and shit out a few kids
>happy because I'm taken care of and my life has purpose; I'm a teacher, a mother, a caregiver and I lead a life filled with love

lets fastforward shall we

>be young woman
>turn 18 and go off to college
>not before I make sure to vote in some election for the statist candidate because muh gibs
>get shithoused every weekend and fuck every Tyrone and Chad that comes my way
>if not depressed at this stage, they're invariably insecure
>get a shitty degree like every other woman
>flood the market working a shitty administrative job in the air conditioning where I can bitch about everything like crude jokes or why Amber is a skanky whore
>because my kind have flooded the labor force en masse, wages are no longer adequate for one man to raise a family on
>get pissed at men
>vote for the state again because muh fair wages and muh gibs
>the only guys I look at are guys that will fuck me and leave, leaving me in distress
>I was never taught any values so I constantly seek pleasure thinking it will make me happy
>can't find a guy to settle down with
>I have no higher purpose but to be a worker bee in a system inculcating me with ideals of consumerism and fornication

The lucky ones get fat, settle for a desperate retard, and shit out a kid while they work 40 hours a week and leave the little fuck neglected, the unlucky ones get fat and continue to complain about everything, often following the trajectory of writing articles for Salon

Now repeat after me goys: WOMEN'S LIBERATION WAS GREAT!

Stupid woman could have continued to toy with men and entrapped several with children while receiving benefits from them and the state. Truly deserves to die, can't even use her body to her advantage properly jesus fucking christ.

I have never dated down/woman less rich than me

Explain that please

Women in their prime have the power to sleep with whoever they want, but in the long run it will do them no good. For men it's the opposite; you need looks and game to get women, but it's far less damaging to their future. In the end it all evens out.

I literally enjoy nothing more than to be alone at home and relax, browse the internet and watch anime.
Looking at cute 2D girls, I just can't understand why any sane man would settle for a 3D girl. What do you get out of it? You'll have to spend money, have less time in general and worst of all, you'll have to deal with a 3D girl. Even if she looks nice now (she probably doesn't), she'll be ugly in 5 years.
I'll never understand what goes on in the brain of a normie. I'm incredibly happy alone, and I could spend decades without human contact, just by enjoying my hobbies and talking to people online.

I'm a 30 year old guy and spent my 20s being a neurotic, self-destructive mess. Now I'm on track to have my life together with a good job, mentally and physically, church etc. in the next 2-3 years. Depressed as fuck though because I don't know where or how I'll find a reasonably attractive, young woman who isn't a fuckhead whose taken 5+ random dicks.

One less roastie. Good.

Disney and Romantic Comedies coupled with birth control and antidepressants

that's not many guys user
really doesn't matter anyway

The 5+ dicks is going to be the hardest thing to achieve there. Frankly in this day if you're a virgin female in your late 20's then you probably have some social issues.

Yeah, ok.

they're half right desu

Church activities are a good avenue. If you stay social with the group you will find yourself with like minded people; eventually you'll meet a friend-of-a-friend qt3.14 and if you're normal, either things will work out with her, or maybe you'll become friends and she'll set you up with someone else.
Live your life like you've already found your soulmate and one day you will wake up with her there.
And finally, for all the things in your life you regret or relationships that didn't work, you will be more thankful and aware when you find the right person.

If everything is a shit test then surely the "fuck me rough, choke me, slap me" bedtalk is a shit test too? Aren't you supposed to never give women what they want because they don't actually know what's good for them. Instead of being her bitch and giving her the rough sex she's asking for give her lights off vanilla missionary sex or better yet say you're tired or feign a headache.

>Still expect men to roleplay as[...]

This is a perfect way to put it. We act like the heads of family when we're treated like it. Its not innate.

Men kill themselves at a much higher rate tho


Try going without the social aspect of talking to people online and see how you do.

This, responsibility is a bitch for women

For how long? They'll overlook a lot of things for a few months to a year while the hormones are flowing.

im already putting my backup plan into action

im learning japanese and plan to become an english teacher and use my being white as a crutch to bag myself a wife

i'm a fatfuck currently losing weight though i wonder if i have good facial genetics underneath all this fat

On average, they are MUCH happier than the standard /pol-ack and will continue to be so until their deaths. These retarded fantasies of them being miserable as a consequence of refusing to settle down with your pathetic beta asses are just sad.

> Bu-but muh robo-waifuz

Yeah, maybe by 2050 you finally get to experience being "loved" by a "woman"... you know, just like many guys do nowadays in DROVES lmao

tl;dr gg you lost the genetic lottery kys the world will be a better place ty

Sounds about right

Women are not supposed to postpone wedlock and childbirth until the point where it becomes impossible.
The media and education systems teach them that it is possible to have a career outside of the natural state.
They buy the lie, realise they're conned when it's too late and there are no refunds.

The real tragedy is that instead of coping with their mistakes, they lash out against the same people they've been shunning with statements like

This is perfect

Because men are shit

Lol loser

Islam is shit and so is your whole family and country.

is it really losing if i find a loving wife who isn't a roastie

I remember this game!

>Senpai - because she was crazy
>BF - because she was crazy
>police - because she was crazy
>ME - because she was crazy
>own therapist - because she was crazy
>Death Inquest - because she was crazy
>Libtards - BECAUSE PATRIARCHY!!1!!!1!
>politicians - because not enough feminism!!

And guess which got way more coverage in teh media lol

>Jap willing to fuck you just because you're white
>not a slut

What does your father look like?

Do you even have a father?

This is what feminism does to people. It ends up fucking over both men AND women.

Because there is an assumption that work is something you enjoy rather than something you do to secure existence.

So, the workplace is open, but it has no benefit to the women who have sold most of their lives to it.

>tfw bred my gf who i've been with since 19 at the ripe young age of 25

am i doing life right

i'm the spitting image of my dad

and yeah i have one, he's great, i told him about my plan and he seemed pretty supportive of my endeavor

Only Sup Forums nerds could make a tragic story in the newspaper about themselves. Get some sunlight, nerds.

women are unhappy because modern work isnt something most people can handle. 9-5 (you wish) away from your family sitting in a cubicle?

same thing with men.

because they are stronk and independent

Time will tell, how's the money situation.

>not dating an ugly girl who is self-conscious and will do anything to keep you


lol by all means go ahead

Because they are doing to opposite of what they've been doing for the past 10.000 years ?

i will, thanks

This Australian shitposting is sub-par. I'd like another representative please.

>be a female brainlet
>get brainwashed with feminist
>i'm gonna be a powerful and independent woman! a career will bring me happiness! men dig that shit!
>commit suicide at 30 once you realize you're going to die lonely and childless

t. Based Finn.

I hope you're happy with yourself, her blood is on your hands!

Women aren't particularly unhappy, men lead the suicide stats.


>her blood is on your hands!
My hands are squeaky clean, goy. Look at the pic if you want proof.

>Why are women so unhappy?

Feminism, materialism, chasing black cocks.

They also have no character, no marketable skills, and hold no value for a man. Living with a modern woman is like living with another man, and faced with that possibility most men would choose to stay single.

>Haha I'll take as many cocks and creampies as I want!!! fuck off, losers lmao #yolo
>Ok I'm ready to s-settle down now. a-anyone? hello?
This is what happens when you empower beings with the intellectual level, responsibility and foresight of children.

And people wonder why birth rates are dropping when the average women are whores like these

they are unhappy because you beta video game playing losers are not manning up and making yourself into a worthy man. Even worse, you are not pursuing as you need to be doing. It is the man's job to pursue, the woman's to decide and choose. This is natural.

Because they want to believe the lies (((they))) are telling them, but then it turns out to be just a bunch of bullshit to turn Western women into insufferable cunts. At one point they realize what they have become and how they ruined the West.

Oh look. Another human waste disposes itself.

the better question is who cares?

years of reinforced narcissism masked as "free expression"

good shit



>that tweet

Oh god such sweet justice

its scientifically proven women need some dick in their life. i and a "private contractor" and have worked in interrogating people america needed info from. i can provide a service involving a dry uncooked hot dog as long as the individual is duck tapped to a chair and cant turn around

i say things like "wheres the trigger !!" then poke their ear lobe with it while barry white music plays in a dimly lit room

didnt take some raghead long to go full muhammad

Imagine if women were just straightforward



No matter of whiteness will be able to help you here. If anything you will be treated worse in Japan than in the US.

Feminists pushing them to be businessmen even if they want to raise kids and be a homemaker


Is that a nigger's name? It sounds like one.

Being this naive

What matter is the bacteriological, viral and fungal health. Rest is symbolic nonsense and your own security. It only take one dirty guy to ruin a girl, not 5.

meant insecurity

This, work was never like this and we are not evolved for it. Families worked together, not linked but not very far from eachother. Kids helped. You worked where you lived or extremely close by, no fucking commute. And so on it goes.

Modernity was a mistake


This works incredibly bad due to social media, tinder and instagram. Of course we should all better ourselves, get healthy and fit, lead more interesting lives, improve our social relations, save some money and get some valuable assets - not only for women or attraction but as parts of a good masculine life.

None of this adresses successfully the problem of Tinder-chads and club-Tyrones. She will cheat on you due to the Coolidge effect, no matter what level Chad you are. 4-11% of fathers are NOT THE FATHER. This is absolutely unacceptable.

Aren't you supposed to be looking after your wife's son right now?

Would not have been an Evolutionary Stable Strategy. They evolved perfectly to keep provider husband + chads babies. Evolution is a high-risk high-reward game, DNA is cucking us all.

dont let the bitter people stop you. hold on to your goal of weight loss and living in japan.

Whatever you say, Rasheed.