99% of Sup Forums would be too beta to try out this typical brazilian dish

>99% of Sup Forums would be too beta to try out this typical brazilian dish

This is why the white race is dying. Pussy ass faggots.

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>monkey eating a monkey

Isn't that cannibalism?


I know monkeys are commonly eaten in Suriname, but I highly doubt they're eaten at any notable frequency in Brazil.

Just some nigger looking for attention, all it is.

Wow, you sure got me. I guess I'll stay beta and avoid eating parasite ridden garbage.

But is it truly uma delìcia or not?



That Niggestone looks delic



>dat protein


Son why are you eating your mother?


I believe monkeys are evil and so I refuse to eat them because I believe you get that evil energy inside of you. I'm sure it tastes fine I've eaten nastier shit and been fine with it.


Sadly, they are eaten in the northen part of the country, the dense jungles part

It's true

So brazilians are cannibals now?

Same reason i dont eat pig meat

>Eating semi-raw monkey meat

This is how AIDS started

>Hey I bet you all are 2 chicken to eat this!
>A nigger eating a monkey
It's not fear it's knowledge. I ain't gonna be that one dipshit who caught AIDs 2.0 beacause, I thought it would be a good idea to eat nigger food that had monkey in it

Only some small villages in the north do that, if you ever say that you eat monkey in rest of the country people will never believe in you.

Why are pigs evil? What the fuck are you talking about?

There are lots of pepe milkshakes, would you drink those?

Sage and delete thread not all Brazilians people do on this it only one small fieu.

Go back to niggerstan sand nigger


>Eating a monkey
>Having anything to do with your personality
Eating shit is eating shit. It's not alpha or beta or gamma.


It's a fucking monkey soup. The meat is cooked, there is nothing scary about it. I could eat it without a problem but I don't know why would I.

The translation is: "Felipe, my mother in law also did the ape soup here, its delicious"

His name in facebook its on diminutive and Zirigdun is some nigger slang.

Don't trust OP, his a Northeast nigger exactly like the one from the picture.

Here's a picture of what a really avarage Southeast brazilian middle class people look like on a street market.

Please stop calling us monkeys. We're just really good people that get bad fame because a few niggers mugged gringos in Rio.

You guys know it. You are really welcomed here. This is just unfair.

Fucking disgusting.


BAHAHAHA nig eating a nig in a bowl

k keep me posted

That's barely an improvement.

bullshit you're talking to a millenial world traveler you poor piece of trash. btw what's the best beach in southern brazil ? i'm planning on going to argentina this winter i'm hearing there are literally no good beaches in the whole country

Brazil is a shithole.

Just do a google map search into any residential area.

There are no houses without gates, bars, spikes, nails cemented onto walls, electric fences, and for the poorer regions, the monkeys go as far as breaking glass bottles and then cementing the sharp edges onto their walls.

It's fucking jungle. Average Brazilian gets mugged twice a year and your life is worth around $5 in the hands of some asshole with a knife or gun.

Kill all the monkeys from Brazil.

Too stupid to recognize his own people.

>Please stop calling us monkeys

ok sorry

This is how AIDS and Ebola became a thing.

Comida dos niggers. Fuda-se.


This just make me sad, dude. We're lovely people.

We are just fucked up by our gouvernment. We are a really big country and it's sad when you see a whole country like a single nigger.

We are as diverse as US. But we are not founded by kikes, thats all.

Here's like an avarege good looking girl in Brazil looks like. I'm sorry if you guys don't see the beauty and simplicity that we have. I think you guys need to knows more São Paulo and the South and less Rio and North.

Hope you guys don't take us as a giant black market.

We still eat dogs here, what's your problem?

After eating a monkey, we just pick ur mom and eat too

fuck that just cook it and eat it

no we are terrible people. we kill each other and other whiteout thinking twice, we also steal a lot. your marvelous são paluo might be better than Rio but that says nothing. if you see the news there's almost and murderer every day in that god dammed city. and the interior is even worse

I've visited my extended family down there, fellow hueanon, its just bantz. Pocos de Caldas is a beautiful city if you've been.


These fucking nordestinegros fuck with everything, but at least Brazil is being "washed"

"Too pussy to eat a moneky"
Yeah, I guess I am.
more proof that Brazil is subhuman.

Is that head really necessary?

>tfw to intelligent and manly to not eat shit

>eating literal nigger soup

take that monkey out first


Meu deus tinha que ser hue mesmo

Hey burger bro, you should go to Florianopolis, Bombinhas and Balneario Camburiu in these cities you will find magnificent beaches.

You're borned in Northwest or Diadema. That's why you think people here are shit, you just know people from your family or your neighborhood. We got a lot of crimes, yes, but that's a minority, brazilian people is one the sweetest people in the world.

Oh thanks man, I know that we are not the greatest civilization, but we really are not what the news show.

please, understand us:

god i hate brazil

Enjoy your prions, retard.

eating carnivore animals is for tasteless retards

why is he eating americans?

What's your heritage, user?

If you can go a little bit deaper on the country, you can find Ilhabela-SP. That's like paradise. It's a bit expensive, but i've been in the greatests south beachs, and nothing compares to Ilhabela.