What technologies will make the biggest political in the next 20-30 years?

What technologies will make the biggest political in the next 20-30 years?

we are gonna see wars caused by hacking

totally immersive VR with no strings (i.e. cables/input devices and other rubbish) attached. Just you and your brain. And pinky.

Bombs that can completely half the electromagnetic pulse.

Artificial wombs and transhumanism

>god's hand is a nigger


nice nigger hand, retard.

No. He just has made his hands dirty. It's symbolic.

New kind of stick that brings light without fire

Automation is the only thing I'm legit worried about. Any economic system is going for a huge ride when almost every unskilled labor job is filled.

>implying AI systems wont replace very skilled labor jobs too

Am I bad person if I'd take mass genocide for population control over an Elysium style world where countless billions suffer in the most squalid crime-riddled poverty?

Probably. Isn't it better to live in shit poverty than to not live at all?

Either cognitive expansions using computers, or Artificial General Intelligence.

The latter is a threat to all societies, so the societies are going to try really hard to either monopolize on it, or try to curb it in some fashion.

Who's gonna invent that AI?

>Automation is the only thing I'm legit worried about.
then you're probably a retard.

labor will move, thats it.

That's the thing, I'd rather not be born than be born into a world where I have no hope of being able to improve my lot in life. And I would not wish to impart that on anyone else.

Maybe I should stop reading Ligotti.

Asteroid mining lithium for electric cars.

Man Elysium was built because overpopulation fucked white countries with immigration and people who didn't want to live with brownies fled to space. Instead some fuckface decides to fuck up too and bring hordes of brownies to space too so apparently they can't escape the hordes anywhere, and are expected to carry the burden of monkey-humans forever

some plebs over at the MIT.

Automated vehicles (mainly trucks)

Augmentation will be huge but I don't see it causing much political drama

You know full well the elites that were living in space are the same ones that live in gated communities and tell everyone else to race mix.

Hopefully none of them

You mean affirmative action students? Sure I'm not saying it won't happen, I'm saying it's unlikely due to fact public resources will be skin tight in the future due to the strain caused by 'browning' of the society. I'm amazed if we can have the pre-existing infrastructure intact, which I doubt we will as there's only so much oil left.

>make the biggest political

Sure, bunch of lawyers will bring about space age instead of STEM aristocracy in the future.

Don't get me wrong. As much as I love watching Elysium for the aesthetic porn, it's absolutely bonkers to think the resources to take care of all the poor on Earth exist.

I wanted to believe in liberal democracy, I wanted to believe everyone could get along. I do my best to give everyone a fair shake, like my folks raised me. Instead I see naught but disaster, idiots obsessed with petty grievances when we had the most oppurtunity we havr ever had, and it sas squandered by the idle rich wanting to feel morally superior. I hate it. I hate it all.

I am genuinely worried that when things collapse, our species can never recover because we broke too many steps on the ladder of our advancement. Then we're doomed to extinction. And there is nothing I can do.

Crypto currency will be the one that catches people off guard. The elites will invent their own crypto currency that only they can use to buy and sell things, everyone else will be denied access to this currency.

Interesting standpoint/theory. Sure why not.

biological engineering - what happens when people actually do start making up their own genders?

"The conservatives are fools: They whine about the decay of traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological
progress and economic growth. Apparently it never occurs to them that you can't make rapid, drastic changes in the technology and the economy of a society with out causing rapid changes in all other aspects of the society as well, and that such rapid changes inevitably break down traditional values."

Why do Conservacucks claim to protect tradition when their actions destroy it?

> wanting a stable happy society
Check out this FAG

They already have it. It's called gold, but don't tell anyone.


>ywn be as radically redpilled as the unabomber

I wish I had been born early enough to think about it first, too bad I can only agree with it

Now it's our turn to prevent a post-scarcity world. You have the knowledge, and it's up to us to act

Shrink Technology
>The technology that allows for the shrinking of massive objects, buildings, even people.

How come God's hand is black ?

Tech that allows you to overcome handicaps becoming mainstream. Contacts allowing you to see in UV/IR/x-ray, at first invented for the blind but then become usable by everyone. Same with hearing aids, prosthetics, etc.
Also comes with ID chips, that will allow you to communicate, go online, and transfer money super fast and conveniently (also for monitoring personal data).
Driverless cars and Uber Pool

This is the only legit answer.
You could already easily replace about half of any western nation's population by automation. Self-driving cars will make cab/ truck drivers obsolete, waiters are already replaced in some "gimmicky" amusement park restaurants, packets are carried out by drones, cashiers are looking their replacements right now...
It could also easily hit more high-skill jobs, diagnostics are better done by an AI than doctors, accountants are superfluous, etc.
Not sure if there will really be enough new jobs to make up for it and with unemployment permanently in the mid-double digits we could very will see public unrest. This could get even worse with transhumanism and we would really have a two-class society, one of which is essentially worthless and living off of nothing but government money and the kindness of strangers.
Weirdly enough, I don't think it will concern politics all that much. It's already underway and virtually no politician in the world is thinking about solutions and by the time they start talking about it will already be too late. Not like they could do much about it anyway...

Gene Editing, Genetic enhancement, the rise of real nationalism, the end of cultural marxism, 3D metal printing, cheap Space Flight.

waifu technology will destroy feminism forever


automation will replace higher-tier jobs first tho

Watch disability advocacy groups cry foul , discrimination, hell even genocide when these things start being available. Its boggles my mind that deaf culture is a thing.


black holes

I am entirely against the idea of transhumanism or the installation of electronic man made parts into our bodies in any way. So far, no matter how much technology is abused to manipulate and control the masses through media, it's still an external factor. We are still physically capable of separating ourselves from it and doing what we want. Once we have electronics implanted into us this barrier is gone. I am 100% sure that something like this will be used to control people from within their own bodies. It's so easy to program a chip with a mechanism to kill the owner if they try to remove it or don't comply.

Fuck this shit. The moment this sort of thing becomes more popular I'm opting out. I'm moving to the fucking woods and living as a hunter gatherer or some shit. I don't care if I die of some illness or get mauled by an animal. It's better than being a mindless drone slave or seeing that happen to my kids.

You've been watching Ghost in The Shell, havent you?

Dingo being a Dingo, fucking figures.

you haven't?

I haven't actually. A bunch of friends recc'd it but I never got around to it.

Porn of course


okay, maybe not next 20-30, but 30-50. Designer babies. The ability to genetically alter your offspring to whatever looks, intelligence, you want. Can you imagine that kind of power? The currency of prime pussy would go down. The value of being intelligent gone. In a world of beautiful, intelligent, driven people, what would set someone apart from another?