Why the fuck is everyone and their dog trying to ban tobacco?

Why the fuck is everyone and their dog trying to ban tobacco?



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because it makes you look like a big lipped nigger

you're a nigger

Nicotine makes you smarter. Natural nootropic. The government wants you dumb. And eating soy. Few talk about this.

IMO its stupid to ban stuff like this (unhealthy and maybe addictive but basically harms nobody besides the consumer). Just raise taxes on it, but let people buy it if they really want it.

Snus or smoking or what?

Not sure about smarter, but it gets me through a hellish day.

>stupid to ban
Yeah, no kidding. See what banning weed has done? Whole black market the size of the god damn prohibition.

>raise taxes
end your life

the ban at parks is the same reason Freon is banned and lead solder in mobile phones -- they litter up the place and are costly to clean up, meanwhile there are too many dipshits not giving a fuck and dumping them vice responsibly disposing of them.

The britbongs haven't respected freedom in over 200 years, them banning shit isn't really news at this point.

>kills you
>kills others around you
>drain on health system
>wasted taxes

Gee wonder why

Because activists just want something to do to make them look virtuous.

I like a nice lip when I'm playing some men's league or when I'm bored out of my mind and want to keep myself from drinking

yes, goy. it's not your life or your body. you must contribute, and pay it forward so you can enjoy your golden years. we're doing this for you! :^)

Unless you think there should literally be no government, you need to tax something to fund it. Whether its food, drugs, income.... something needs to be taxed to fund basic government functions. Here are the reasons to tax unhealthy drugs:
1) They're generally bad. When you tax something like income, you are discouraging productivity. When you tax drugs, you are discouraging drug use, which is certainly a lot better. And, as long as we are going to have a government health care system, then we might as well discourage unhealthy behavior, as the bill for such behavior is payed in part by taxpayers. (Note that I am not arguing for such a system, only acknowledging the reality that we have one and that we might as well tax in a way that deals with that reality.)

2) They are addictive. This means that people will probably still buy them even with the higher price, allowing you to generate more revenue for the government.

Considering you get free healthcare, yeah you certainly are fucking it up for everyone else

I'm just sick of the over-taxing in the USA.

Sales tax is a-ok. Hell, I wouldn't even mind a 5% extra tax on addicting drugs. Income tax, property tax, and most other taxes other than tariffs are annoying and unnecessary.

I don't like big government.

*pretending* to demonise tobacco
as well laid plan to blame tobacco once the chemtrail effects show up in health stats as 'tobacco related lung cancer'
They plan far ahead
meanwhile they're laughing all the way to the bank on the back of tobacco profits

cigarettes now $40 for 40 in Australia
and they're stumpy short little things

I quit tobacco, for the record.


Notice how lifetime healthcare costs are lowest for the smoking group. Why? They die much sooner.

I think a smoking ban in public places is dumb but fuck all if I'm ever going to stand up for a smoker. I'm all for every freedom imaginable and think people should be able to do what they want regardless of its effect on them. However, smokers:
>litter ALL THE FUCKING TIME. The world is not your ashtray nor is it where you throw away the plastic wrapper or case they came in
>smokers are annoying as shit to be around. Constantly need catering to and the ones that don't realize how bad they smell REALLY stink.

Just like everything there are good smokers out there but, much like everything, it's ruined by the fucking dipshits that have to ruin everything.

Because Altria Group is one of the few big corporations that isn't owned and run exclusively by jews.

I work at a gas station, I feel your pain.

What about R.J. Reynolds? I'd walk a mile for a camel.

Cause fatter people consume more

So poor fat people can't afford a smoke, and they end up eating more instead?

You know I distinctly Nigel Farage being interviewed by some Telegraph cunt, funnily enough literally during the whole Brexit battle of the Thames (lol). Anyway according to the article when asked about he's smoking again he made some throwaway comment saying 'I think the doctors have got it wrong about smoking' and of course naturally the tone of the article is all lol nigel is totally unhinged guise

What does he know that we don't I wonder? I have heard the whole nootropic angle but maybe it's just a cover for some other horrible lung destroying agent that "leaked" into the atmosphere

Thanks swedebro. Got me off the burning Jew.

I've heard about the chemtrails causing the increases in lung cancer and whatever else.

Think it's that and not-so-much smoking?

I've been doing (copenhagen) long-cut, why snus over it?

Cope LC master race. No other can is even in the same league.

No spit, air dried tobacco, less cancer causing agents compared to smoke cured, not picking shit out of my teeth.

dunno really, I was thinking whatever it is somehow has to affect poor people disproportionately. Maybe then it's something in the indoor air, something simple as mold even

need to get some of that lung cleanse that's for sure

I used to use snus a lot, but after awhile went back to Copenhagen LC. It's just more satisfying. Swedish snus is supposed to be better for you than American dip, I believe.

who /offroad/ here?

You are a degenerate piece of shit, stop paying tobacco companies to poison you and lower your life expectancy, you utter retard.

>hurr lets pay to die faster
>hurr lets waste money on the tobacco jew
>hurr only liberals don't want to rot their jaw off for no fucking reason
>hurr da tobacco is so redpilled

Dude you are the epitome of a good goy slave for jewish masters. Just keep paying them to kill yourself, great job. Definitely don't listen to doctors and economists who explain why you're literally retarded. Keep dying.

Thunder Ultra master race

>raise taxes on tobacco
>drain on healthcare system

simple answer to both of these: get the fuck out of our lives government

not a single study that links smokeless tobacco with any cancer at all

I wish they sold this shit here in America in stores. All I can find around me is just General snus, and even that's starting to disappear.

This one just clicked in my head today.

I always wondered where the money was in banning cigarettes, and it must be big pharma. People self medicate for stress and mental clarity with tobacco, so it is a direct threat to certain pharmaceuticals, and would be very profitable for them to come up with new drugs to fill in that niche.

>get the fuck out of our lives government
Too late

gee thanks mom, now i'll never smoke again!

i am officially a #abstinencemissile now

Where I work in Saint Charles they sell camel snus and another one, but idk the name.

chew gives me heartburn so bad fuck that shit and no i dont fucking swallow it...

>I think the doctors have got it wrong about smoking
could be about how second hand smoking bans were pushed based on junk science, and now that they've been in place long enough that they are being debunked.




Camel Snus is pretty shitty compared to the Snus in Europe from what I understand. I've tried it, and it wasn't very good compared to General Snus. It was kind of too sweet and not much kick to it.

> Big tobacco fought hard to keep smoking because they had no alternative
> Big tobacco owns the vaping companies
> Big tobacco find it is cheaper to produce the vaping stuff as opposed to farming and doctoring tobacco
> Big tobacco sabotages their own original product to move people onto the new one

Simple really

Any Cope fans here?

>Big tobacco owns the vaping companies

Not true. The only segment they dominate is the disposable market. The stuff you find at gas stations that people try once and never use again because the product is shit, and overpriced.

They want to catch you into their proprietary, disposable system so you keep buying like cigarettes. Unfortunately for them, the Chinese market is waaaaaaay ahead of them and have the majority of market share. The chink products are customizable, and refillable, so you don't have to get jewed.

They're trying to turn it around with some ridiculous FDA regulations, but since you can just order the shit online, I'm not sure how effective it will be. It's going to kill a ton of American companies, though. So much for supporting small business!

I dont understand the draw to chewing tobacco, why not just smoke cigarettes? I have tried both and chew was disgusting.

I suppose you could say the same about smoking, the only advantage I can see would be not smelling like cigarettes, but it still makes your breath smell like shit?

Straight LC all day, dude. I like mint alright, too.

I want to dip again(did for four years during uni) but I can't justify it for the health risks(I don't give a shit if others do it). What are some decent replacements?

>Considering you get free healthcare
Are you dumb or something?

LC WG reporting in.

Straight was great, Grizzly natural was decent(for the wellfare bear). Straight/Natural were best flavors followed by WG

LC WG was my EDD for a like a year but I eventually got tired of it and had to switch.

Jews do not want goyim to use nicotine.
They got taken by surprise with vaping technology becoming widespread, they are scrambling worldwide to heavily tax and control vaping nicotine now.

Guessing in a few years (((science))) will say that vaping causes cancer.

They really don't want you to use nicotine.

Yeah, the people I know who dip and smoke are soooo smart.

I was smoking a cigar in a big ass park and this lady walked by looking at me like I had just curb stomped a baby to death.

Fuck you and fuck all these taxes. Fuck raising the smoking age to 21.

It's weird to me that scandis/finns have the whole smokeless tobacco thing in common with America's rednecks and hillbillies.

Like the supposed most progressive people on Earth share the same vice as the people who hang Confederate flags off their 30 year old pickup trucks.

Freon is banned because duponts patent ran out iirc

I'm paying for your healthcare. You don't have a right to abuse my money.

Because it increases the cost of healthcare dealing with tobacco users

The real answer is to let health insurance companies charge smokers appropriately.

500% increase in their premiums

That way the rest of us aren't paying for their degeneracy

>skoal mint pouches
I know I'm a pussy.

Would support this.

Obamacare incentivizes people to ruin their own health and penalizes people for living healthy lives.

Cigarettes are safer with the filter. As for vaping its inconclusive atm but i have a theory it draws water out of the lungs which could be far more harmful than smoke.

Dip rots your gums/throat, cigars do the same. So cigarettes are the champion here.

>Australian Liberal Democratic senator David Leyonhjelm has just delivered a speech which stands up for the one rights of one in five citizens who choose to smoke.

>His speech titled, Thank you For Smoking, he praises nicotine fiends for their $8 billion a year contribution to the economy and says he did the maths: Last year smokers cost the health care system $320 million and another $150 million in bushfire control.

>complain about something that kills you getting banned

>complain about something harmless becoming more acceptable

I love this country


argument ended there

This has got to be some of the dumbest shit I've read today

Do you think you'll get sympathy for your filthy habits here? "Boo hoo, i cant be a filthy piece od human garbage in public". Yeah, well, fuck off.
>Nicotine makes you smarter
Stimulants don't make you smarter.

Got my ettan white tucked in right now, thanks swedebro

its a combatant to the shit they are pumping in our food sources?

Nicotine along hasn't been implicated in cancer. Higher risk of hypertension/stroke/heart attack, though.


Because tobacco companies were always lying pieces of shit, saying cigs are no more addictive than cookies, and targeting kids with cartoon mascots and flavorful cigs.

Booze companies never acted that way, that's why nobody wants to exterminate them.

Fire safe cigarettes ruined it. I rarely smoked premade cigarettes after that.

Gauloises rollups were always my vice and I would happily smoke them again if they sold it here.

Nicotine is a nootropic.
You know how many of the elite chain smoke? Jim Simons chain smokes, so does the richest Rothschild heir alive, and more.

What they don't tell you about Nicotine:
>Nicotine – A meta-analysis of 41 double-blind, placebo-controlled studies concluded that nicotine or smoking had significant positive effects on aspects of fine motor abilities, alerting and orienting attention, and episodic and working memory.[40]
>A 2015 review noted that stimulation of the α4β2 nicotinic receptor is responsible for certain improvements in attentional performance;[41] among the nicotinic receptor subtypes, nicotine has the highest binding affinity at the α4β2 receptor (ki=1 nM), which is also the biological target that mediates nicotine's addictive properties.[42]

I'm actually thinking about using the patch or nicotine gum at work as a nootropic. Love me a cigar but I want to keep those as an occasional treat

Are you kidding me? Alcohol companies had targeted marketing at the same time that tobacco did?