Anarcho communism

Tell me how anarcho communism doesn't work

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Tell us how it does work.

What's stopping someone from just stealing someone else's shit?

Cool emblem desu

People are naturally greedy.

I came to ask this

Kek. Shut down in one response.

Because it's communism. And anarchy. And you're twelve

>let's abolish all current hierarchies and establish new hierarchies
cool computer generated slide thread


Reality itself is the ultimate refutation.

You can't steal because no one owns anything. Everything belongs to everyone.

who is responsible for the upkeep of the means of production?



How are you going to stop people stealing the stuff someone made without a state or private military

tell myself to sage and hide thread

Kill yourself.

>system where the government collects resources and redistributes
>except this time with no government

i cant see this question as anything other than shitposting. how do you propose that would even happen? everyone just distributes what they have equally with no oversight?

Alright, give me your clothes, also I live in your house and let me fuck your daughter.

niggers will outvote you into starvation, but they are too stupid to cultivate, so everyone dies

Maybe that whole anarchy plus any sort of organization thing.... you fucking mongoloid.

>1 post by this id

nvm guys stop replying

how an oxymoron can get so popular?

I can't even wrap my head around how you would solve disputes
>"that's not your kid you fascist, that's our kid"
>"We are all comrades here, love is love, stop hating."

ALL HAIL THE uhh it's not a state guys, it's the people! A uhh "social contract' for the greater good. Rights? uhh well you get free stuff that you can't keep because owning things is oppressive, no one really works since no matter what they get the free stuff..

Okay sure. My clothes are infested with lice because no one produces bug spray anymore and my daughter is dead because no one produces medicine anymore so have fun with that.


can this be an ancap andy thread?

>give me

wrong mindset. remember no property whatsoever. no private property or personal property

Well, where is it? Where is your functional ancom society?

Tell us how a society without any hierarchy works, and why it wouldn't be just fucking chaos until a new hierarchy emerged.

Without large scale state guidance, communism will never reach the potential collectivist ideals. Anarchy would be suppressed. Anarcho-communism is probably the only way to wrest control from the capitalistic west, but as the revolution grows the actors with the AnCom movement would have to forsake Anarchism for Control in the name of the greater goood. One would need a visionary of such impeccable magnitude I doubt the peaceful transition between an anarchic intentional society and a planned economy would be possible.

So this whole anarcho-commie bullshit is just a fad to sell merchandise to losers then?

Make that Freemarket Nationalism and you have a fair deal between two negotiating parties with minor state enforcement to prevent marxists from breathing.

>Tell me how anarcho communism doesn't work

Funny that you should mention work, given that's exactly the trouble with anarcho-communism. Why would anyone labor for the benefit of strangers? The Marxists have armies, secret police, and the gulag to foster the requisite community spirit in the working class none of which are solutions hierarchy hating hippies.

it's people looking to make a quick buck off of so called "first day communist kids". leftists of the marxists/communists/socialist/anarchist variety are deeply critical of consumerism

anarcho fascist here

>So this whole (((Any Political Movement Whatsoever)))bullshit is just a fad to sell merchandise to losers then?

Someone is gonna want to keep something as their own in this glorious future commune sooner or later, as said, humans are naturally greedy, you cannot deny that.

Punk culture has ALWAYS been a fad to sell shit since the Jews first paid crackheads to sing.

Its why the underground is underground. The less marketable the less desirable. It doesn't change the empty essence that is the Jewish "counter(western) culture"

Basically, everybody pools resources and takes from the pool when they need to.

Note, I'm not saying it works only how it's supposed to work.

the name itself is an oxymoron

>>Someone is gonna want to keep something as their own in this glorious future commune sooner or later,
this is why communists will always say something about the distinction between personal and private property, the latter which they want abolished

>Punk culture has ALWAYS been a fad to sell shit since the Jews first paid crackheads to sing.

it's almost like the marxists were right all along

anarcho communism is government with strong social programs that's liberal when it comes to individual freedom

there is a government, but it's not meant to fringe on muh freedom only to regulate things a government is nevessary for

No government to redistribute the wealth. What's to stop me making my own business?

Well then, If someone has something I desire, buying it or something like it is no longer an option, so I'll have to steal it from them or kill them.

it would benefit them too to keep doing those things, not just other people

>>Well then, If someone has something I desire, buying it or something like it is no longer an option, so I'll have to steal it from them or kill them.

well, you might have some sort of system of labor vouchers as a currency. but if you're an anarchist, then its the same thing as money

the fact all the workers own guns and will kill you for trying to siphon the wealth made by industry selfishly into your pockets?

You people realize Marxism is about freedom and anti-statism right? Have any of you actually read Marx?


Labor vouchers sounds like money to me, we can't have that

What if I hire people to kill the people trying to take my money?

What happened to kulaks in Russia and China

they starved to death like everyone else?

But there's no state to murder me, unlike the kulaks and there's no state to take way my food.

a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.

>anarchy = no government
>anarchy-communism has a government


>own guns

no one owns anything comrade

anarcho communism doesn't mean there's no government dipshit

it's government with a focus on strong social programs and individual freedom

it's a non authoritarian government that's based on communism rather than capitalism

Where is the state mentioned in post world revolution marxism? The state is dissolved at this point and all workers own guns and they will act in their own self interest which is preventing an individual from taking control of a means of production from a collective.

i know what anarchy means, but i know what anarcho communism as well and adding on "communism" to the term makes it different

all you did just now was define a different ideology


Please Read -->

Still waiting for OP to answer this.

What would be the incentive to create anything then, you can just mooch off of others and if you try to make something for yourself others will mooch off of you.
You are punished for doing work and rewarded for doing nothing and living off someone else's work.
And there would be no way to make people work because there would be no government since it's anarchism.
Honestly, how the hell would this type of society survive for more than a week?

So what prevents someone from consuming loads of stuff but never contributing anything back to society.
The problem with communism is that you eventually have to force people to work using violence.
THe problem with anarcho communism is that there isn't even a government to force people to work so no one works and the society collapses.

More money=more guns=dead commies=successful reinstatement of capitalism.

Unfortunately without the state forcing people to make food there isn't any food in the first place.


Because nobody is fucking stupid enough to try it moron

well we know anarchy doesn't work and we know communism doesn't work so why don't we combine the two yes very nice

That's complete bullshit, the goals of communism and anarcho communism is to create a stateless and classless society, there can be no state and no government, no social programs definitely,

Marxism wants statelessness, without a state, there is no state whatsoever, nothing.

What you two are describing is libertarian socialism

i know, you can't grasp the idea of freedom without capitalism, but monetary systems don't make people free

it's just a different kind of control

even an an cap has a master

Because it's a childish idea that disregards the fact that everyone is different and apparently most ppl want a republic.

How is redistribution supposed to work if there is no central organization to redistribute stuff? How can everyone be expected to do so on their own free will?

As long as the key problem of society is scarcity communism will not work.

Maybe once automation has done it's thing and things are so cheap that the price is negligible then communism can be feasible, but as long as people are required to work to produce goods and services then it isn't feasible.

some of the reasons communism has failed has been the result of capitalist societies outright trying to tear it down

examine the conditions behind failure

capitalism isn't working, conditions are terrible why do you think that holding on to money will fix anything?

i know the goals well i've plenty of books behind both ideas, it sounds like you don't know and just focus on the words

Marxists and Libertarians are the same thing. The only difference being how to reach the utopian " end stage " with marxists believing the state is a transition period and libertarians/ancaps believing the state is a transition period.
>wait its the same thing
>n-no cause commies want to take wealth from the rich corportatism by using the government, while ancaps want to take wealth from the rich corporatism by dismantling the government

you know we're looking at end stage capitalism right?

people need to learn to be more self sufficient or we're all fucked

the main difference between Marxists and Libertarians is respect for property rights

Because all means of production are owned by collectives. There is no centralized organization to profit.

Ancaps and libertarians want to keep private property, else there's nothing stopping me from demanding someone's clothes.

in marxists minds they respect property rights more because they're keeping more of what they produce

You do realise that the whole premise of Anarcho anything is the absence of a state. The only way communism has ever been able to be enforced is by literally doing the exact opposite.

>Anarcho communism
>"society based on voluntary or inexistant institutions, stateless"

Sounds like you need to read those books again

in marxist reality, they don't own anything and everything in their possession can be taken away by anyone at any time for the good of the collective

Yes, the age of capitalism is coming to an end.

But it hasn't yet.

Trying to establish post-scarcity societies in a country still with scarcity is retarded.

Wait your turn, capitalism still has at least 50 years left.

>literally defending the "that time wasn't real communism" meme
okay im closing this thread now bye

Then it's just plain old communism then isn't it you fucking twat

from the wikipedia page for anarchism it say da people stop people from being mean


i didn't say it wasn't real communism i'm saying you have to judge failures accordingly and see why something didn't work

capitalism isn't working and there's been plenty of failures, why cling to it like it's all there is?

The same reasons libertarianism doesn't work.
>Human nature and niggers

How's that working out in somalia?

They don't have jobs, make people late for their jobs, and break shit at people jobs...they're pretty much anti-work, kiddo.

>wanting anarchy

That's like saying you want chaos and ruin.

>tell me how combining an ideology that requires authoritarianism to function even half-asssedly with anarchy doesn't work

no its saying im a self centered hyper individualist that wants to live an existence of innawoods without going innawoods


It's like they think that work is something that capitalism makes us do for no reason and that once capitalism is gone no one will have to work anymore.

>mfw watching commies and libs/ancaps not realize they both in reality would end up relying on authoritarianism for the same reason

the word differentiation is there to signify that it's not authoritarian