ITT: Words that make you instantly rage


A phobia is an irrational fear to something. Fear of Islam is 100% rational.

>at the end of the day

lmfao move to underclass england

You fear turrists. I'm sure there are Islamist folks you wouldn't fear

Homophobia, I don't fear faggots.

>Fear of Islam is 100% rational.
How do you rationalise fear?

homophobia is one i suppose. no one actually fears homosexuals. we just know they are disordrerd and any behaviors should be shamed and ridiculed and illegal


Nobody is scared of some mentally insane faggot.

>white males

No it's not you retard


Racist is the only libshit buzzword that isn't complete nonsense.


To.Everytime some body write "to" when they are to stupid to write " too" I rage.

Racism now means not accepting millions of Muslims flooding your country.

It's kike word games. They manipulate (you) though subverting language and meaning

No such thing as a moderate muslim

Islamophobia is a word used to corral non-thinking leftist useful idiots.

Hi Ahmed

Too shay

>*insert x here* is not diverse enough


I am. They are nearly 50 times more likely to have HIV. The thought that some chick I'm fucking fucked a guy who fucked a tranny legitimately frightens me. They are a plague.

Could care less

Ever heard Sam Harris evaluate the Muslim global population in circle theory? Trust me, if most liberal/progressives/leftists were as sane about Islam as Sam Harris and Bill Maher, you'd have a lot more people on your side, AND A LOT LESS SYMPATHY FOR THE FAR RIGHT.

Imagine a circle. Imagine the core of the circle, a microscopic atom sized dot, as the percentage of Muslims who take part in blatant, physical terrorism. They make up less than 1% of the population, more like 0.00001% or whatever.

Now consider the 2nd to last outer diameter of a circle, which considers at least 90-95% of the worlds Muslim population. These people are ultra conservatives, who believe homosexuality, drawing Muhammad, apostasy, or any other born given human right of the west should be illegal. Essentially shariah law.

>hurr but pol wants that too durr

Are you implying that the vast, vast majority of Muslims are the equivalent of a neo-nazi collective?

"terrifying" the cuck lib bloggers use is nonstop in every single goddamn post title

this is a term used in sales. also "bridge", "story", "ultimately". fucking kills me




Because people use this word seriously, as if it means anything other than "it hurts my fee fees"



It sounds so fucking condescending when someone starts off every second sentence with "well, basically..." and so many fucking people do it. It also adds nothing at all to the sentence.

With mathemathic you caculate a potential outcome a you have fear for said outcome

This thread is a blizzard of triggered snowflakes

>gender and sex are different because some anthropolojew made up a definition
>global warming ----> climate change
>black "people"
>calling migrants refugees


