I just watched 3 and a half hours of Varg videos

I just watched 3 and a half hours of Varg videos

I still cant tell if hes a retard or a genius


Little bit of both. He'll be entertaining and interesting for a few vids and then he'll bring up his retarded bro science for the next video.

Retards and so are you if you cant tell from just watching one video.

>M-muh blue eyes.
His blue eyes are so dark they are almost shit looking.

he seem to trigger lots of southern europeans for some reason

Obviously it's hard to agree with every thing he says as he is so opinionated but he has some good content overall and he never fails to surprise/make you laugh. Burzum changed black metal forever and Varg also burned churches...he is worthy of respect.

Definitely a genius.

I dare not think what he thinks of the Slavs.

He actually likes slavs alot

His website literally has a russian version.

better have done that on vidme.

>In his 40s
>completely gray hair

We wuz Slavs.

You're worshiping a murderer and cannibal.

The Celts were originally Black people. Ephorus (c. 405BC) claimed that the Celts were Blacks or Ethiopians(1)The Celts continued to be recognized as Blacks by Tacitus, who wrote about the Black Celts and Picts in 80 AD .(2)

The Celts on the mainland of Europe were called Iberians or Silures.(3)though the original Celts were Black, overtime their name was stolen by Europeans. Father O’Growney has discussed the history of the Celts. He makes it clear that the original Celts were the Iberians.(4)

The Iberians were probably conquered by the Ligurians.(5) It is suggested that the Ligurians may be represented by the modern Basque of Spain.(6) The Ligurians took the name Celt.

The Ligurians/Celts were conquered by the Gaulish speaking people. The Gauls conqered the Ligurians and pushed them into Spain. It was these Gauls who imposed their language on the Iberian and Ligurian Celts .

pure retard

>people here actually look up to some has been F- tier celebrity from an F- tier music genre who lives in a hut and off of welfare and his rich brother while ranting about being an aryan super human

he likes slavs

Varg's the best

>Have pure European bloodline of french dutch and german and eternal anglo

>brown eyes

it's not fair all my other siblings got blue and gray eyes!

yazidis are more nordic then south europeans..

top kek

Basically this. His core worldview is fine but be brings up dumbass things showing his complete lack of education like 'a new ice age is coming', 'red haired people wuz royalty', 'the pharaohs were celts', 'buy my boardgames'.
He also watches *real* complete idiots like Styx and Golden One.

Still, he's done more to practice what he preaches than anyone on this board.

Most people on Sup Forums are f-tier humans. There is a pattern.


Retard. Definitely a retard. And a communist, but I repeat myself.