What will varg think about yazidis they have blonde hair and blue eyes

what will varg think about yazidis they have blonde hair and blue eyes.

A few do, much like Pashtuns. But most don't.

so? the same is true of white people you dumb shit.

Varg had no consistency. He just rustles.

you only think he's inconsistent because you're a sleepwalking faggot cattle for the jew. You don't have original thoughts. Sugarplums and controlled opposition dance in your head.

if blue eyes and blonde hair are recessive, how did they become so common in the first place?

why are there two threads about yazidis made with the same exact post and grammar structure.

Sexual selection. White features don't survive in black populations because they're violent raping niggers and the "people" (human beings) with "hite features" flee 100% of the time.

Pushing the evolution lie is of the UTMOST IMPORTANCE right now.

Whites have to be made subservient to the idea that niggers could evolve any second.

does this imply that brown eyes and brown hair in white populations are nonwhite?

No that's fucking stupid and you are RETARDED for thinking it. Sincerely. You're a fucking mouthbreathing idiot. Fucking fool.

we are helping arabs kill white middle easterners. alawites are white people. Just like we helped muslims kill Christians in Serbia in the 90s. we have always helped the muslims kill the christians. its why we will be destroyed in Gods time.

The abbos got those genes too.

Also this Paracas mummies.

>sleepwalking faggot cattle for the jew

brown haired brown eyes mud-blood detected.

That's brown hair bleached from the sun.

lol no, you fucking idiot.

Varg is just a finngolian rape baby.

lol yes, cunt.

Varg doesn't seem very smart to me. Styx is smarter, much smarter

The difference between white brown, and nigger brown is night and day. Nigger brown is not even brown. It's clouded black.

In summary, White eyes are on the spectrum of color. Nigger eyes are not. If you see a nigger with brilliant radiant eyes, it's because that fucking savage family of his raped a white woman in the past.