Push my agenda Sup Forums

Push my agenda Sup Forums

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>tried to think like a leftist to refute this
>brain.exe has stoped working

GG user

sargon was talking about 4chans power over symbols the other day. im certainly for it. the rainbow flag is an excellent target.

This is actually a decent idea.

Good idea, user

Fag Flag needs to be flipped upsidedown


Turn the biggest symbol of LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ into a "Hate Symbol"... I like it!





I'm gonna go ahead and clear you to proceed.


Santa Claus is white


O hi der Uncle Chang.

You need to remove the swastikas, to be honest. I'm all for using symbols but make up something new, for god's sake. Maybe use the sickle and hammer from communism.

Now this is a spicey meme


>people actually think you can fight subversion through open means

Feels good knowing that I am witnessing fucking losers on a homosexual Taiwanese masseuse board influence normie fag culture

Literally the visible light spectrum vs. blackness

They can't kill our memes but we can kill theirs, those masonic digits say it all


I think the swastikas are good because it gets the point across to sjws that "literal nazis" are using their rainbow flag. Also, any dipshits who might get memed into our movement can easily use the muh whirling logs of ancient culture argument as defense.

But DESU we need some sort of hammer and anvil logo IMO. We're actually forging a new path on the backs of our bants. A smashing a sickle on an anvil? That might just be my inner edgy tween coming out. If it is, tell me and I'll stop. But yea, I like the swazis

Well done. It's believable.


this is great desu

Good call, we need to take the fight to antifa

Unfortunately this won't work.

The left doesn't see race, ie. a black man in China is Chinese and thinks like the Chinese etc. Race to them has no relation to culture.

Good effort though.

Neuschwanstein desu


I'm saving all the good ones I see and will dump tomorrow if this thread isn't still up

We've got to keep pushing this and producing more and more memes about it if we want to truly subvert the Rainbow flag. Remember, meme magic isn't fueled entirely by repreating numbes, it requires boots on the ground and autist fingers on keyboards. Get to work boys.


>I think the swastikas are good because it gets the point across to sjws that "literal nazis" are using their rainbow flag. Also, any dipshits who might get memed into our movement can easily use the muh whirling logs of ancient culture argument as defense.
No it's too strong. We should use wn symbols that are less demonized. Odinist etc.

Already posted it on 9gag, go on faggots spread the word of the Rainbow Diversity.

Keep the swastika. Amazing work user.

Also, don't forget about the Washinton Post logo meaning "White Power"

Previous threads

A Swede did this one. I shit you not.


Using the sickle and hammer would be awesome.
They wouldn't know what to do with themselves.


I made a post on 9gag with this is already creating chaos. heuhuehuehuehueheueuh


>Ben Garrison comic on 9gag
Are they secretly redpilled?

give us the link

What if we invaded 9gag?

Where is the link?


>every color has its place
>an ethnic home for every race
fucking masterful

securing our people's identity is very important

fucking wonderful

>great work

Today at work, a guy in his 60s was ranting about liberals & how the OK hand sign is now RACIST!

>you did that in little over 3 weeks
All the way to Alaska!
I'm proud if you guys, take that refracted-light back, you've earned it!

Nice idea user, good job.

This idea is seriously beautiful.

How can you even argue against it?

You guys make me sick.

>hammer and sickle
Wtf is wrong with you two?

Best idea so far today. Keep pushing the agenda!


Redpill gen z

You can't, 9gag is heavily moderated. User submitted content mostly doesn't make it to the front page, even its dank as fuck. Most front page posts are posted by 9gag mods who steal from other websites.


Post the link you monkey fuck

Hammer and sickle are literally hate symbols I fucking hate communism so hard fuckign russians they destroyed my coutnry i fucking hate the russians why are they still in mycountry


Throwing swastikas on shit is going to backfire.


If you weren't autistic as fuck it would be obvious

Are you worried they might start calling us Nazis? Are you seriously that oblivious to the world around you?

The media has been painting Sup Forums as the bad guys forever: youtu.be/ze-3l6V2Q1E

This reminds me of murdoch murdoch's analogy to race mixing.

You're fucking retarded

I know the line on the left is blurry, but I'm a GIMP-noob so whatever

You have no argument so you've resorted to putting mean text on my screen, thinking it will make me stop persuing this, because you're a demoralizing shill, it's really obvious and ineffective, you deserve a paycut.

If you're not a shill and actually have a point to get across, muster up what little inteligence you have and explain it or fuck off and drown in an ocean of a million dicks, all ramming down your throat, like you dream about every night you faggot.

*on the right

It's a start

Jesus Christ. It even has a rhyming slogan.

Simple, but effective. Nice work, user!

The brilliance of memes is that they are both open and closed, they complete one side once one is spent, both easy to learn but hard to master

Consider Impact Font and Baneposting

Are we done with Washington post already? I just got back from the printing press.

no but the rainbow flag is priority

What do you mean by open and closed? Do you mean it should be less obvious?

thanks friendo

I like the blending of individual race's influence aligned with the color while still maintaining their separate qualities while still leaving out (((them))) and their (((Kingz)))

Just tweeted this with the hashtags
#yeshomo #blacklivesmatter #blm #diversity #LGBT #natsoc

and @diversityup actually retweeted it.

Link: twitter.com/n_schwartzerdt/status/862570893859577856 (it's a fake acc)

Sup Forums will pick apart Cultural Marxism bit by bit. And I am alive to witness this.


Good work bruv. We gotta get the memes out there. This is real psy ops we are doing here.

Is this real?

>Dumb as shit

no surprise here

great idea OP

I just asked a quetion.
No need to be so rude.


Excellent, now make a screencap video of you using Paint or Gimp with a blend tool to blend the colours together.

After its done, cut to final screen as you have shown.

Separate is beautiful, mixed is ugly.

Other anons can then add some other example like mixed couples, mixed countries, etc.

In order to make this different enough to appropriate but similar enough to discourage SJWs from using, we should rearrange the colors in order of lightest to darkest

Every color knows his place in the rainbow

Wait a.. polite response?

Oh shit user you actually made me feel guilty.

Sorry I'm late.

How did the power of his dick taste, user?
