Actual SJW here

Actual SJW here
Ask me anything

there are only 2 genders

>actual sjw here

Go away.


this tb h

Former SJW activist here.

Just wanted to say that you should stick around in Sup Forums for few months and you will find out how Hitler did nothing wrong just as I did.

Mark my words.

What's your gender?

i literally am, I Used to do gender studies in Melbourne and Sydney

Whats stopping you from killing yourself? As we all know, SJW hate white people and their existence and since SJW are 99% white, your very own co-existence is racist.

So consider killing yourself to stop racism my dude.

How many new genders did Bill Nye find this week?

Literally male, I'm a guy just like you desu

What did you do as a SJW? Do you know if there's an actual Antifa here or forming itself?

I want to kill communists.

Lemme guess, you are from Tartu right? Most SJW come from there,

>Actually believing most of this board

Obviously im not proud of being a white male because of what we've done for a long time


get out

Multiple invasion day protests with aboriginal Australian people

What? Make society better?

not going to answer ignorant statements desu

What's your end goal?

World peace

no you didn't.

How do you differentiate your ideology from fanatical religious ideologies?


Yes I did? im not sure what you mean by no you didn't

Why do you hate traditions?

well, with all humans dead it certainly is more peaceful. great job, sjw!

and how is it incorrect.

use proof, such as facts and scientific evidence. conjecture and opinions dont hold merit.

we accept all ideologies as long as they're not hateful

if I ask you nicely will you hang your self?

How do SJWs actually intend to convert the members of this Mongolian Underwater Archery forum to their way of thinking? Their arguments are logically unsound.

I Don't i love all cultures desu

What defines a hateful ideology?

A rabbi and a mufti are drowning and you can only save one. Who do you choose and why?

White cultures desu, but not all whites but most

ha! how about western culture. for example National Socialist Germany?

Who makes the call?

Anything they disagree with

arrhh too many hard questions i quit, bye

Who made that call?


Please explain


Good call.

Do your ideology hate most white ideologies?

Have you ever read 1984?

See ya


>What did you do as a SJW?
Organized one anti-racism protest in Tartu a year ago. Got 120 people together and gave a bunch of interviews to the media.

>Do you know if there's an actual Antifa here or forming itself?
I have contacted our antifa, they were pretty active back in 2008 but these days, they only operate on one pathetic facebook page (PunaMust). Don't worry, anarcists over here are in very bad state, there's only like 10-15 people gathering in Tallinn from time to time to organize events in Ülase 12, but they are nowhere near in shape to come out on the streets to protest anything other than animal abuse or some shit.

I'd be more worried about the Tartu hipsters organizing stupid student events with a liberal bias and poisoning our minds.

But if you really wanna kill communists, one good advice: go to our torchlight marches or nationalist protests, and look at the counterprotesters. These are your subversives neatly lined up. Then go over there to them and call them out on being commies and watch their faces turn red.

>you are from Tartu right?
From a certain small town in Southern Estonia but yeah, I mostly found liberal associates from Tartu, since it was geographically close to me.


Do I count as a sjw? When I was in my late teens and 20's and went to a lot of parties, when I saw people being mean to somebody, like not just trying to be funny but actually being cunts, I'd tell them they could stop or fight me, and then if they didn't stop, I'd smash them with whatever was handy. The best thing I ever hit somebody with was a texas mickey.

I just get mad when people are cunts in front of me, I feel like they should ask my permission first, it's hard to explain.

I really expected about 2-3 more questions before it fell apart like that. Weak sauce.

I remember seeing a picture of you somewhere.

No, we don't use violence unless absolutely necessary, Violence is a white ideology

Yeah, I have been telling the same story awful lot of times here on Sup Forums and people tend to recognize me too much, so I refrain from retelling my story unless someone requests to know.

If anyone is actually falling for this -1488/10 b8 needs to shoot themselves in the head.

Name something positive that non-whites have contributed to society as a whole that whites haven't severely outdone

ever think some of us aren't falling for decades of white propaganda

>violence is a white ideology

Why did income inequality take a backseat to racial politics?

>(((white))) propaganda
ftfy senpai

That is not SJW, that is just you being a decent person. Calling our people on behaving like cunts is perfectly aligned with having right-wing beliefs, no matter if unknowingly or knowingly. In my experience, ideological leftists are people who have no honour and they are happy to use sneaky tactics or behave nasty if that gets their point across.

"Many SJWs have an intense identification with the problems of groups that have an image of being weak (women), defeated (American Indians), repellent (homosexuals) or otherwise inferior. The SJWs themselves feel that these groups are inferior. They would never admit to themselves that they have such feelings, but it is precisely because they do see these groups as inferior that they identify with their problems. (We do not mean to suggest that women, Indians, etc. ARE inferior; we are only making a point about SJW psychology.)"

How are you different from this statement, or are you self-aware enough to realize that you perceive the above stated groups as inferior?

Obviously we have alot of work to do in terms of income inequality, But racial issues should be dealt with sooner

>Violence is a white ideology

I was falling for the larp until this post

Ever seen a transgendered cable connector?

it really is when you think about it though, we force non whites into violence while they're just trying to survive and live their lives

Violence isn't an ideology at all.

All Mammals (let alone all humans) possess the lateral septum from which violence impulses originate, it predates humanity itself by many millions of years, all races (by any definition of the word as applied to humans) possess the capacity and will for violence, and every single recorded history by any culture known to academia has violence within it.

You must not be very well acquainted with non-white cultures. What a shame.

How much do u cry at nighst for being such an asshole?

How do you justify racial equality when Zimbabwe and South Africa are clear examples of what happens when black get power?

Remember when we forced Muslims to throw gays from rooftops? Good times


>it really is when you think about it though, we force non whites into violence while they're just trying to survive and live their lives

Everyone is able to provide for their own needs; we have the technology and efficiency to do so. No one is "forced" into doing anything.

No shit.

>But racial issues should be dealt with sooner
I think it should be the other way around, economic dealt with first.
Occupy Wall Street lost all it's momentum, and I don't see people coming back to it within the next few years.

>Violence isn't an ideology

LoL sure i guess these guys didn't exist

You'd hold antifa to the same standard of non-violence, of course?

one could think a bit of preparation beforehand would have been made before a "warrior" enters the fray. kek.

lol okay

How do you explain nigger gangs shooting each other at such high rates?

How bad does it smell?

>Actual SJW here
>no violence

Oppression, white government war on them for the last 50 years

Gender is a grammatical term only and using it to refer to sex is incorrect. There are 3 genders grammatically.



I can tell you're not a history major because then you'd realize how much of that statement is pretty retarded.

The white government purposely gave them crack cocaine to destroy their families


Poor whites shoot each other at lower rates than middle class blacks

Police forces have always been "militarised", they just used to wear funnier hats

jews aren't white race (the look "white" tho)

You should not feel ashamed for being on the top of the natural hierarchy.

>muh oppression
This is a stupid argument. Many nations and groups of people have suffered even worse treatment over longer periods of time than blacks in america, yet they are doing better than blacks in america.

Read this quote on pic related.

Then kills yourself and do the world a favour.

See that's the problem with you and your fucked up ideology you place the blame towards someone else rather then place it on the individual, Black man robs a bank it was the governments fault for oppressing him, Black man does crack it was the government fault for injecting into his arm.

That's your problem and will always be your problem you can't take blame for your own actions you must find someone to blame.

Those are crime victims, not perpetrators.

lol. no wonder this site is the laughing stock of the internet

"The idea is to create new victimhood groups, then make them as vocal and radical as possible, emphasizing division / resentment / victimhood. Groups must be separate but ‘allied’. These groups could then influence cultural and societal change – far in excess of their actual importance or numbers within society."

(Cultural Marxism, Frankfurt School, Political Correctness, Social Engineering)

Sheep are better off with a shepard. Freedum in no good for niggers.

Why do people of Israel allowed to build literal national-socialism with citizenship by blood and eugenics, but a mere thought about goyim doing the same is outrageous?