What's your opinion on the Dutch East India Company?

What's your opinion on the Dutch East India Company?

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Seems legit.

did (((they))) controll VOC?

Do you know anything about our history?

Dutch invented stock market system through the VOC, it charged tax from everyone around the country both rich, middle and lower classes.
Hence they had a huge war chest and a early head start on the old empires i.e. UK, Spain, France.
Because bankrolling wars, reparing ships etc costs a lot of money.
So minimizing the risk (because everyone was literally a shareholder in this enterprise) meant that when ships with spices and loot returned from asian and the americas everyone profited because all the provinces would reap a profit based on how much they payed in the first place.
So quality of life didn't just improve for the rich but also the lower and middle classes.

As you can see here for nearly 300 years Netherlands was richest of the world until UK with a pool of 8-10x more people copied the system

I have taken the orangepill

the dutch control the jew's strings

they got fucked just like Henry. UK is downhill for last 100 years at least

Pieces of shit. I'm stuck here because of those faggots.

Are you white?

do YOU know your history?
the Jews left Spain during the inquisition and went to Poland and THE NETHERLANDS

Hell, the whole reformation was just Catholics adopting the practices of Jews.

Time to bring it back!!!

>Jews went to the Netherlands
Doesn't mean the founders of the VoC were jewish. Which for you information, they weren't.

Thanks for outfitting Napoleon's armies again Dutchfriend, you guys apparentely still were super rich before after and during the Napoleonic wars *obviously* you weren't just a cash cow for the Napoleonic empire and were completely pillaged.

The unie of Utrecht guaranteed religious peace and after the act of abjugation they no longer had a catholic king, therefore jews started coming to Holland. Not the other way around as you are suggesting here.

Also don't forget the total economic collapse during 1672

>it's only been going downhill ever since


We are major jews, our country is small and insignificant but we are good at jewing ourselves into succes.

I think the VoC was a pretty cool guy, creating trade networks all over the east and doesn't afraid of anything.

The lessons from its rise are stuff that are applied nowadays by all multinationals and Russian oligarchs.

The lesson from it's downfall is to treat your employees well and take measures against corruption, free trade is key for trade companies and at some point you need to think about decentralizing your power.

Give back our colonies

If that is the case, then when does your team place itself in the football worldcup?

Indonesia is full of muzzies... careful what you wish for, boudewijn.


We used to have excellent methods of keeping them in check. We have been the largest muslim country on earth until 1949 with basically no terrorism. It's all about a zero tolerance policy and recognising the weaknesses of muslim minds. I believe your general Pershing did something similar in the Philippines.

I wish I could travel back in time and hang out with these guys tbqh.

I visited the replica VOC ship Batavia in Sydney Harbour many years ago, it was an amazing experience.

The VOC was fairly based to be honest, they didn't fuck around with trading rivals as many dead Englishmen would attest to in the 1600s.

Do you remember the time when we hired samurai mercenaries to fight for our nutmeg monopoly?

Bunch of Calvinist Jews tbqh
No worries the South will rise again
Groot-Brabant waneer?
Harba Lorifa

Nice try larping as a Brabo you plopper

What is a Plopper?
A Belgian?

>Implying I'm not Brabants

Same as a blauwe.

So you think that I am Indonesian
Instead of a Brabander with Anti-Holland ideas.
Wew lad thats some mental gymnastics