It seems there is hope on the horizon. Fire up those autism engines boys, we need to meme this guy into power

It seems there is hope on the horizon. Fire up those autism engines boys, we need to meme this guy into power.

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>meme this guy
do you know how popes are elected?

I'm fine with eradicating christanity if we get to eliminate islam after

How did May 7th go again?

its still a mystery even today, science just has not come far enough

Yes. The cardinals are already sick of the current pope's shit. If they see support for a particular new pope they will vote him in.

This CUNT is just appealing to popular opinion.
JUST fucking look at (((him))). Would you trust someone that LITERALLY looks like a child raping satanist?!?!?

Normal old guy says islam is bad. Somehow this dumb bong has a problem with that.

>potential next pope
not anymore

Jews have done that quite well though.

I think they meant to say accurately

I remember hearing that Steve Bannon is pulling strings to get this guy elected.

Hope he does as good a job as he did with the Trump campaign.

deus vult

Frankly, I find it hard to believe that a bunch of men, all of which are knocking on the heavens door already, would ever even see a single meme let alone care about it. They all are too busy wearing stupid clothes and having their nose glued to their bible.


No one has to claim anything, it's exactly what they are doing. They know it, we know it, everyone knows it

yea, i guess it's not that bad.

He's got my vote

We get posters from the Holy See.

Still hoping for a black pope.
African Cardinals are the only fire and brimstone Catholics left and he'd have immunity from leftist criticism.

I'll take it lad. We need to turn the tide.

His shirt thing says SEX hahahaahahahaha

he's a Kike-lover, just like all the popes before him

tough on the outside, soft on the inside - just another instance of controlled opposition

Now that would be fun.
There's a certain black cardinal who's quite brilliant, I just wish I could remember his name.
He'd be our meal ticket.

The guy's a fag-enabler.

He'd be even worse than the current Pope.

Idiot, these are Romans/Tourists that enter Il Estato Vaticano and use their phones to post.

Finally someone whos not insane.

Yes, god (who btw reads Sup Forums memes) will descent a white bird from the skies to mark the next pope.


>Would you trust someone that LITERALLY looks like a child raping satanist?!?!?
no and that's why i don't trust brits Churchill is a good example

Looks like a filthy anglo


You're probably thinking of Turkson, the Cardinal of Ghana

We got Mayotte, faggot

I don't think Bannon has power over the Catholic Church

Austriafag here.
Misleading headline.

Schönborn said:
>"Wir haben das Erbe durchgebracht, wir haben das christliche Erbe durchgebracht und verschleudert. Und jetzt wundern wir uns, wie es in Europa ausschaut. Es geht uns wie dem verlorenen Sohn, der das kostbare Gut des Vaters, das kostbare christliche Erbe durchgebracht hat. Und jetzt stellen wir fest, dass es uns hinten und vorne fehlt, wenn wir in Not geraten. Nicht nur wirtschaftlich, auch das wird kommen, aber vielmehr auch menschlich, religiös und glaubensmäßig. Was wird aus Europa werden?

>Heute vor 333 Jahren ist Wien gerettet worden. Wird es jetzt einen dritten Versuch einer islamischen Eroberung Europas geben? Viele Muslime denken und wünschen sich das und sagen: Dieses Europa ist am Ende. Und ich denke, dass das, was heute Moses in der Lesung tut und was Gott der Barmherzige mit seinem jüngeren Sohn tut, wir heute für Europa erbitten sollen: Herr, gib uns noch einmal eine Chance! Vergiss nicht, dass wir dein Volk sind So wie Moses ihn daran erinnert: Es ist doch DEIN Volk, DU hast es herausgeführt, DU hast es geheiligt, es ist DEIN Volk.

1.) His quote is a fucking year old. Why would you try to dig it up now.

2.) Schönborn does not say Islam wants to conquer Europe but that Europe itself has squandered its heritage. We (Eruopeans) need to stop being fags, return to christian morals and faith to stop the Muslim conquest.

3.) I can't be arsed to translate the passages so use google or whatever. Some other germanfag will do it.

through the holy spirit inspiring the votes of the cardinals
Or by popular acclamation of the citizens of Rome


meh its Christmas - the time of miracles

Wasn't it more video related that the current Pope was trying to kneecap?

get the faggot antipope out of the Vatican and lets start the new crusades asap.

incredibly and with only 14 centuries of precedent


Well we fucking lost Austria, Netherlands and France. We need a good win right about now.

Second Crusades incoming

And he going to stop them, or it is just too many feet to wash?

Tenth. There were nine previously.

(((They))) probably know by now how to deal with this guy.
Just how they knew how to deal with Hofer, Wilders and Le Pen.

>Islam has wanted to eradicate christianity for more than a thousand years (and has shown publicly they do)
>The religion hasn't been reformed and actually has spawned a few even more radical branches
>"Actually Islam is a religion of peace, they don't want that, I promise. This cardinal is a bigot!"

really lights your white smokes

Why are my fellow countrymen so retarded?

Please don't leave me with Brits. Can I come to Poland? I'll learn and speak Polish and everything.

everyone itt should read this post before posting

>Why are my fellow countrymen so retarded?
You're a Paki too?

I was being sarcastic.
I thought (my fellow countrymen) would get that.

we didnt put any effort in to those m8, sure there were a few threads up but no one actually did anything worth a fuck.

with Trump and Brexit we kicked it into overdrive, activated all the almonds and increased our autism by 300% and what happened with those elections? we won

White, thankfully. I live around Birmingham, so it does feel like I'm a minority

>implying most Brits aren't retarded like that anyway

You know that guy wont have a shot for like 20 years. Popes live forever by being injected with the youthful blood of toddlers. Europe wont even be a thing by then.

Francis is young and will survive decades more.

He will never be Pope. Expect a diversity Pope next.


As a lifelong athiest, I now root for a rise in Christian extremism.

Can we meme him into pope?
Also, what does he think about (((them)))?




>in a Christcuck

Uh huh

The cardinals don't see the memes. But the memes push the zeitgeist, which the cardinals do pay attention to.

crusade when?


This is true, we didn't try that hard with France, fucking France


>tfw you will see a crusade in your life time.

Sup Forums never learns because they're 90 IQ losers.

>Drumpf says let's ban le Muslims, gets elected and does nothing for Americans and his watered-down pathetic Muslim ban is shot down anyways, he takes in MORE refugees than Obama, but he makes sure Israel gets their aid package

Every Jew shill in politics always tries to rally support by being anti-Muslim to appeal to retarded white peoples' emotions and then when they're in power they just pursue their own pro-Jew agenda.



No, Trump won because there was no good Democrat opposition and the general behavior of the left. Their behavior drove off many liberals to vote the other parties to spite them. With Le Pen, this is a different political climate and it was approached the same way the American election was. The opposition was strong, the people are different.


Implying ((((THEY)))) will let him become pope.

Thank you austbro

From the Easter service of pope Francis:

Flammas eius
>Flaming Lucifer
Lucifer matutínus invéniat:
>Lucifer finds Mankind
ille, inquam, Lúcifer, qui nescit occásum Christus Fílius tuus, (!!!!)
>I say: Oh Lucifer who will never be defeated, CHRIST IS YOUR SON!

Catholicism. Not even once.

inb4 hurrrrrr, lucifer means bringer of light!!!!
Spoiler: God is never called the bringer of light in the Bible.

No, Lepen lost because the election was stolen. Over 60% of the ballots that went out either had two Macron ballets or the Lepen ballot was ruined to the point that it was ineligible.

what is references though is that the Great Enemy will pretend to be an Angel of Light.

Not personally I do not. But I have many friend who want this exactly.

Nazis, The Church.... Can life imitate art Sup Forums? Are we going to fuck the Fear Turkey?

eh, she was a puppet like trump anyways

If you're a french person and you live in your secured white suburb. Why the fuck would you vote Le Pen?

Has anyone of you even read Macron's plans? He wants to create a fiscal European Union. That means that Germany pays for literally everything. The French retire at 62 (workers of the state often age 50) and work 35 hour weeks. Germans work 40 hour weeks and retire with 67 (they want to up it to 70).

I would have voted the shit out of Macron and pro EU if I were French.

The French system is retarded
>hurr durr we hand out to you a piece of paper with the names and you pick one
>oops you got 2 macrons
>oops the lepen ballot you got was spoiled

Catholicism is desperate for relevancy, particularly in a world where Muslims outbreed them like 5 - 1 and atheism and/or ambivalence is taking over.

If someone seems popular and succeeds in uniting people or bringing more to Catholicism, even casually, then the cardinals will vote him in.

They must be sick of the current pope. He spits on everything Catholicism was ever for. I've no idea how he even came into place. He's like a Globalist Jew's dream of an ideal Pope.

Yeah, its designed to be rigged.

Great work.
I see another non-Catholic coming in to tell us about our religion.
I'm glad you found time to study a bit of latin in between the anime sessions and fapping to traps.
I hope you tell us more about our religion. We love nothing more than being told what is what by people with a passing interest in theology and religion.

Keep it up.

Do you know how this timeline works?

Get bombed mudslime

No way! We need muslims before the gays get even worse.

Get white merrifat

>Cardinals pay attention to the zeitgeist
No, at best the church adapts new circumstances 40 years after they're established because they're simply no longer possible to ignore

>Next potential pope
Aren't all cardinals a "potential pope"?


its a boy though, just a fair warning :3

Very good meme, user

You don't realise that Vatican-posters are lurking.

You can see them shitposting on a regular basis.

>He knows because he monitors them all 24/7
Thanks, Interpol.


that's a girl, user

Either proxy or tourists on wifi.
Do you really believe cardinals in Vatican are browsing Sup Forums?