Do modern veterans deserve the smug sense of self worth that they all have...

Do modern veterans deserve the smug sense of self worth that they all have? There was no draft and they weren't defending freedom.

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Not really, but it is open to anyone who wants to join so join and feel entitled yourself or quit your bitching.

Just say "thank you for your service" in the most condescending way possible. It triggers them big league.

>veterans in the 50s
>get drafted
>do your job and return
>get interviewed
>"I was just a lucky feller"

>veterans in the 10's
>volunteer to go kill browns for some other browns in deserts
>get your leg blown off fighting an enemy of some other browns

In all honestly everyone I know absolutely hates being thanked for service because it is awkward and we don't know how to respond to that shit. The benefits that come with it are thanks enough especially when other countries force people to serve then shit on them.

Most veterans I know who specifically mention it (lived in the US for a while) where insufferable.

>spent a couple months sitting in the desert
>now call themselves "veteran", even though they never saw any fighting
>whenever you disagree with them they go "this is not what I fought to protect"


Regardless it is a sacrifice many of you wont spend months at a time away from home or your family... probably ever.

contract killers

framplad drampfff

Reddit numales incoming

You at Osan?

You have to give them a little something to entice them in fighting the ZOG wars.

Shut up ZOG bot. Dune coons next to Israel aren't a threat to our constitution. Morocco was actually the first country to recognize our sovereignty. We had no problem with shitskins until our (((greatest ally)))

> Don't thank me, thank my boss

Most never see combat but military is a hard life style. You have little control of your everyday life. Most of your daily decisions are made by someone above you and at any time you could be forced to go to some shithole in the middle east to carry around 50lbs of gear in 90 degree weather just hoping you don't get blown up while on patrol.

Im a civilian, I got out in 2013. And I was army, so no, not Osan. I was at Yongsan surrounded by POGs in the only infantry company stationed in Seoul during my time here as a soldier. I now live in Seoul as a civilian cuz reasons.

>t. assblasted wannabe veteran

They deserve even more, because they volunteered for it. When you force somebody to do something, and give them a medal

Look at it this way, if you tell somebody to mop up a floor, and they do it, do you think they deserve as much praise as somebody else mopping the floor without being told to do so in the first place?

Honor guard are pogs too, dylan

you one of the us troops near nk?

It was all very silly

We did it to serve. Sure our intentions may have been misguided, but at the end of the day, you don't go because someone told you to, you go for the guy standing to either side of you. And if you don't go, someone else has to. I am a combat vet. I never fired a shot. I damn sure did get shot at. I don't wear the "vet gear" I don't parade the fact I am a vet, and I even disliked when I was in uniform people would "thank" me. Now I work at the VA in Lexington helping other vets and do voice work to help my self. We aren't all primadonnas.
But, if the shtf you will want us on your side. Remember that. So maybe just don't be a dick to a vet, you honestly don't know what we went through, or why.

>smug sense of self worth
Meh, everyone I meet has a "smug sense of self worth" even fucking meth addicts at walmart. At least vets left their trailerparks at some point in time.

But no, there's no reason to kiss any service members ass. We've got a load of holidays for them, they get school grants, housing loans, job assistance, their own healthcare, discounts at nearly every major chain, etc. And it's the perfect entry point to a political career or government job.

It's pretty cushy to be a vet, and the injure/casualty rate is extremely low.

thanks for starting a war in the middle ease which has made more muslims flee to the west making us less safe

and yet you probably still wouldn't do it.

Yes, but they're dumb to not join a PMC instead.

Isn't that the most awkward handshake ever?

sounds retarded, how about go back to high school and get a better job next time

We can't all be ruthless soldiers of fortune, Archer

It's staged you fucking faggot frog.

No they're nothing more than slaves of the Jew

>Wearing ACU's in public
>not having a Ranger Tab
>not having his straps taped off/tied down
>fucked up beret
>not even airborne

fucking tabless legs are disgusting.

No. Not at all. I'd say less than 90% of US military "veterans" from our most recent conflicts actually did anything remotely dangerous.

I hate it when Americans find out you spent time in Iraq or Afghan. This thank you for your service bullshit is pure condescension and virtue signalling. Especially in my case since I didn't do it out of service for the US, UK or anyone. It was completely personal.

This. Veteran nowadays deserve zero respect. They're the foot soldiers of globalist neocons.

>Implying PMCs will take you without military experience


they're all glorified faggots who think they are literally god because they raped some shitskin in afghanistan or someother shithole nobody cares about


you're not even a free fucking country

I'm so glad the marine corps doesn't allow us to wear our camo or most uniforms in public. Absolutely ate people that do that, trying to get compliments from the older generation and feel good for having one achievement in their otherwise miserable lives. I respect people that have been in combat for giving up something of themselves, but I hate the ones that use military service to tack an extra inch on their dick

This is why the term "vet" needs to be more narrow.

I don't personally consider anyone who wasn't Infantry/Combat Arms or serving at a Battalion level a veteran.

absolutely this as fuck

Did you learn Korean during your time stationed there? Must be fun to travel to another (first world) country during peace time and get to have your food and housing paid for.

That must be some of the nice things about joining the military.

They do.

It's not about the job, or the pay shithead. Clearly it's about something you will not or cannot ever understand. And that's ok. But just because you are a selfish prick, doesn't mean everyone is. And the Army, gave me invaluable skills that you simply cannot learn outside of the military setting. Skills that make me a nightmare for someone like you, if you insist on showing your ass.

Okay faggot, do some time and then say that.

You're right, they are. But I came from an actual infantry unit prior to being stationed here. I reenlisted for Korea while still in Afghanistan and waived my dwell time because Korea is considered a hardship tour for some reason. This wasn't my first or last duty station.

>implying any US veteran has ever been defending american freedom ever

even in the civil war they were more forcing the south to take on freedom rather than defending the norths

I wouldn't know if they're acting smug or whatever but to be fair your society as a whole is somewhat responsible if they are.

You seem to elevate them to demigod status, almost every sporting event has a tribute to "the troops" at the start and every tv personality has to say "I RESPECT AND SUPPORT THE TROOPS" every time they're mentioned. God forbid anyone says anything remotely negative about muh troops protecting our freedoms.

People come up to them and thank them for their service. If you say you served in the military then everyone is supposed to revere you as some sort of deity. Hell, apparently they walk around in their fatigues when they're back home for some reason. Why is that? Surely it's not purely so people come up to them and shake their hand "OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH".

It's all well and good to respect military personnel if you believe in what they're doing, and especially if they've seen combat but you guys take it to a crazy level.

K. Please point out a single fucking careers page on a single contractors website that doesn't say "prior military training, preferably in infantry or special forces, necessary for employment." or some form of that. When you do please let us know.

Lol nope. Find a single one. Real life isn't your call of duty fan fiction.

I was lucky enough to be stationed in Italy with the 173rd prior to here. I never learned Korea as a soldier, but I did after my return as a civilian.

rasczak frowns at the Cowards in this thread. It's like you haven't earned your citizenship.

most of those "smug veterans" are larping faggots who never served, like 95% of them tbqhwyfm

>Hey, look at me everyone! I fought for Israel for money, now show some respect! FREEDOM AINT FREE FREEDOM AINT FREE

It's annoying when someone starts or defends an argument on the internet by saying "I'M A VETEREN-"

I'm not sure how it is in the American military but I know in the Canadian military it's about a 45% chance of you just getting to the second interview and doing the test they have you do to see if you can speak the language and do basic math. It's even less for when you're in BMO.

When you go to base you're suppose to be dressed in uniform and I know a few guys that takes the trains or buses to get to base and they mostly all want to just be left alone but always get someone that starts talking to them about the military.

The worse is when girls start talking to you because you can't use the fact that you're in the military to benefit you in personal affairs.

Knowing all of this it still doesn't stop me for thanking a military personal when I see them in the states. Even if I disagree with what they're doing I can appreciate the fact that they're signing up for a cause that they believe is greater than them or that they've figured a way to get free school.

>prior military training, preferably in infantry or special forces
Not a necessity, not for all, but it's not. I'll try find something for you now, know plenty of people, from here especially, that had absolutely no military training - not even police force. Give me a few..

Deserve smug self-worth? No. They sacrificed voluntarily for whatever reason they felt necessary.

Do they deserve some respect for at least volunteering? Yeah, sure. Being a public servant in a shitty job takes some commitment.

You can tell the good vets apart when they downplay their service. I had one of each type on my shift for a couple years, and the quiet guy who always talked about his family was ten times better than the whiny cunt who played himself up.

I would have served when I was in college, but I found my wife then and didn't want to trouble her with tours in the sandbox.

>Clearly it's about something you will not or cannot ever understand.
Because you're a deluded dumbass. Learn science if you want to save the world. Stop messing up the middle east.

I started to think twisted after a few years working in the army honor Guard burying suicides every week. it was almost like humor to me. I felt no sympathy. I actually said some fucked up shit to next of kin in my head. I got out of the army and one year later after discharge I ended up at the VA psych ward under suicide watch. one tour under my belt age 18. 13 months Iraq. Abu ghraib. I'm now a functioning alcoholic. I know its degenerate.

Now Aso a vet....

Okay real talk. You gonna learn some military today. The military is made up of 3 parts.

>the boot
>the moto
>the get out

The boot is someone fresh from boot camp. They are the 20 something that wears their camo/dress out in public (even though all branches except the airforce do not allow you to wear camo besides airforce.) Tell tale signs are...

Look for little diamonds on the chest. This means they are new.

High and tights. Any one with more then a year lets their hair grow out.

As with most armies in this days, they simply shoot the wrong people.

Ultimately, the gains of any soldiers go to a select few, the cost goes to the public.

When I was in Korea, I gave up my mid-tour leave and took two trips, one to Bali, one to Phuket.

Bali was disappointing. It's basically Cancun for Australians. Phuket was awesome.

Also when I had weekends off, I tried visiting places in Korea outside the designated soldier drinking districts, like Putin, Incheon and Suwon.

>I would have served when I was in college, but I found my wife then and didn't want to trouble her with tours in the sandbox.

>tfw I signed up then met this girl the very next day.
>tfw I've known since the start that I'll be moving to the other end of the country when I'm done school but waited 2 years to tell her.

There's so many people with families in it but I have no idea how they're able to manage that as well as be completely committed to serving the country.

Tours in the sandbox.

Bullshit *cough cough*

Get a real fucking rate and don't be a retard. Just admit your fat funk ass couldn't pass weight.

thank for ur servers

Give you a hint. Our job is not second highest in divorce rate for nothing.

Its funny cuz the self entitled ones are always pogs who didnt do shit.

I caught a passion for traveling when I was in italy and it carried over to here. Italy is definately a better unit to travel with in that if you arent flagged they will approve a mileage pass every weekend. I still had and have a lot of fun here though. I essentially did the same when I was a soldier here by skipping leave, but the UNCHG is 'sort of' a UN assignment so I also got to do a lot of TDY out of country.


"Smug sense of self worth"

All the vets I know are broken people who are keeping it together for their families but man peek inside the mind of a vet and its like a engine thats been redlining non-stop for years.

Gonna have to agree with this chap as well. I know a guy who went to mental on his first patrol and cried about stress so he would get taken off the line. He wrote a book about grunt life and is trying to get it published. He did literally one patrol ever where he didn't fire his weapon.

US Army has the shittiest camo of all the worlds Armies. It's truly pathetic and has no concealment qualities at all.

>the guy who volunteered is worse than the guy who did it because someone forced him to.
I guess?

ACU was garbage but the new ones are a step up. Honestly I would say the U.S. Navys blue cammies are the shitties because if you fall off a boat thats the one time you WANT to be seen and yet thats what they prevent.

See, you can't understand. I never said anything about saving the world, or even wanting to. Maybe stop stuffing your gullet with Mickey d's and you might have a chance at something akin to fulfillment.

Totally agree with you. We need to bring back the draft so careerist like me can kick the ever loving shit out of pussies like you.

Civilians are fucking clueless. Read Starship Troopers if you want to know how we feel about civilians. Personally, I hold you all with contempt.

This. I'm 24, I was in the Army for 6 years, deployed twice, I have mulitple DUI's on my record, I've been divorced once, and I have a kid. I am the military meme.

Aww hell no that shit is awkward af when it happens, I'd rather you just leave me alone if you see me uniform. I'm here to get my life back on track and to start a life for my wife and I.

Props to combat vets and guys who were drafted back in the day. And most vets I know (pretty much all my friends and all my coworkers) don't really play it up to much. They joined as young skulls full of mush with no other prospects really, got some cool stories to tell, got to see the world, learned some skills and trades and get some sweet gibs. They all seem to feel a little awkward when someone "thanks them for their service".

fuck no. Every modern day veteren is a fucking failure who did nothing but slaughter people in a foreign country and lined the pockets of investers and bankers.

Army fag falling to peer pressure, what a surprise. This is why you assholes had to get up on Saturdays in tech school and march

I killed people and got paid to do it.

I only left because stateside is garbage filled with stupid bullshit.

>walking around in military bdu's after discharge

I shyggy dyggy faggot

Brother, they won't understand what it all means. Things got real clear the after the first time I got lit up.

Nigger, I hate when people "thank" me for my service even though I separated years ago. But what flims my flams even more is when scummy cummy bone diggler faggots like you talk shit about veterans because you were too fat to join up and grew to resent them.

>be some loser highschool graduate who has no idea what to do with their lives
>decide to join army because it pays and is something to do
>spend 3+ years in the desert occasionally shooting at Muslims most of the time dicking around on base

I respect veterans the same way I respect window washers. Some form of respect for doing something dangerous that I am smart enough to not have to do but on the flip side your opinion doesn't mean more than mine.

>Only 50lbs
I wish.

I'm still in breh
also it's abus sir

shit talk mr internet learned gentlemen. those guys didnt know what theye were getting into you knob.

I'm a veteran and I've never acted smug; where the hell are you getting this nonsense from?

Also never meet a smug vet.

I think you mean

> Civilian says " Thank you for your service"
> Vet hears "Better you than me"

Don't say that shit to us. It is fucking bullshit.

He's a choking chicken and not even air assault. Older picture anyways with the black berret and acus.

Nah, they're fucking cunts. Even the ones who were drafted deserve to be spit on for fighting for the Jews. I always make sure to call boomer Vietnam fags baby murderers and remind them how much everyone hates them.

>live in middle of nowhere town
>drink with vets at vfw
>oldfags from 'nam
>newfags from sandnigger wars
>go shooting with both groups
>never make a big deal about them being vets
>they never make a big deal about them being vets

Why do you guys get your panties in a twist? Just shut the fuck up and have a beer.

>referring to a work of satire in a serious, overtly dramatic tone
Could it be user is attempting satire himself?

What should we say? "Back to work, shitbag"?

learn to take a compliment man child

too bad the us army cant train out the angsty edge from you seppos

It's still better than calling you names, the public probably caught on what people did to Vietnam Vets was shitty and compensates the other way.

> There was no draft
Performing service voluntarily is more commendable than someone being forced into it
>they weren't defending freedom
Fair point.

Only the ones that were in before 9/11 and had to get ready for War.