SJW culture has been gaining momentum for well over a generation now; has it peaked?

SJW culture has been gaining momentum for well over a generation now; has it peaked?

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Yep, time to watch the rollercoaster down. Shadilay.

I don't know if it will ever peak I think it's gonna just get gradually worse.

I dunno mate the MAINSTREAM METEOR has lost a lot of steam over the last few years which will hurt their movement.

Do cunts ever stop being cunts? I don't think so. They will continue to be absolute cunts in one way or another.

No, they are going to start a civil war. Good thing is they are worthless and weak. But they will have powerful supporters.

>people not hating other people for being born with the wrong skin color or worshipping God incorrectly is considered things getting "worse"

I can't believe bigots can't take a second to look at themselves and see how stupid their prejudices are. We're all humans for fucks sake. Ever think social justice is catching on for a reason?

>If you're white and go out for Cinco de mayo then you're appropriating Mexican culture and you're literally Hitler
>If you're male and don't want to fuck trannies then you're literally Hitler
>If you're a white male scientist and landing a spacecraft on an asteroid but wearing an 'inappropriate shirt' then you MUST issue an apology
>If you refuse to ignore a mentally handicapped person's pronouns then you are literally Hitler
>Have a problem with tranny men participating in women's sports? You're literally Hitler.

Fuck you, you are the fucking problem.


Wow. Very well thought out.

SJW culture can only rise with the internet or it's equivalent. Left-wing echochambers like Tumblr solidify these beliefs.

There is a certain percentage of the population with persecution snowflake complexes. Yes it has peaked. Anti-SJW culture however? It has only begun.

Thanks. Idiots like seem to think that showing other human beings proper respect is like some horrible chore or like pulling teeth. It amazes me how people can still think that way. So immature.

No. GenZtards will bring the peak of SJW culture. It will happen when a majority of them are college age.

>inb4 GenZtards are redpilled though
That is a lie

If you can't believe someone can be a bigot then how about experience life outside your Comfort zone.

You sound like a sheltered child. It's ok, I was once like you but then regressive leftists started embracing fanatical purifiers of Islam, then they start being racists against me.

Fuck that, Nigger culture criminal worship, I won't tolerate that. Fuck fanatical religious zealots I won't tolerate that either. Fuck Oligarch banking elite globalists who want corporate fascism. And fuck you for siding with all those things than are antihuman

Yup, just like the emo craze it will run its course. I wonder how many of these disillusioned marxists can be coaxed over to our side in their defeat. Hitler always said some of his most die hard supporters were former communists.

>race is only skin colour

It literally is. All racists freak out because someone's skin is a different color than theirs. Ever think maybe it's what's on the inside that actually matters? Not what someone looks like on the outside?

Jesus, even children understand that

The modern SJW trend is like 10 years old.

Yes, but they will double down like they always do. This should increase the absurdity of it all, exposing the ideas as insanity, and redpilling the coming generations.
A huge portion of current generations will be lost however, and will still need to be eradicated.

I guess it peaks once people start getting elected on pure sjw platforms and everything goes to shit for all to see

>All racists freak out because someone's skin is a different color than theirs.

or maybe its because...

Black males aged 15-34; the main perpetrators of ALL crime in this country are only 3% of the total US population. REPEAT 3% of the American Population commits ALL this crime.
This is the group the 2014 FBI crime statistics say are responsible for:
55.9% of ALL Robbery
51.3% of ALL Murders
33.1% of ALL Aggravated Assaults
29.9% of ALL Forcible Rapes

>bawwww some fat chicks and trannies say mean things about me bawwww
Just ignore them you numale.

Its like a sinusoidal graph. Now watch the slope fall.


The SJW movement came on quickly with the latest iteration of feminism. It's taken time, but society is becoming more aware of the ideological fallacies associated with them. The social climate always takes time to shift but we're seeing it happen, and people are beginning to smell the bullshit.

I'm always shocked that:
1) this is not common knowledge
2) you are looked at as racist for pointing it out to people

Why, would someone be put on the hot seat for pointing out legit stats rather than putting pressure on the actual group of people that this fact involves.

It's truly amazing mental fuckery.

Oh, nice, its my school.

If i see one of them fools wearing a bandana, i'm going to go up to them and ask if they are Banging, aka gang banging, aka gang members.

Because the SJW fags don't give a fuck about facts they live in their emotion controlled safespace and ignore reality

It's kind of like how a lot of the staunchest atheists are former theists. It seems to me that people have a tendency to completely swing to the opposite direction of their former beliefs are sufficiently destroyed. They really should (figuratively) stop, breathe, mellow out, and be rational.

>showing other human beings proper respect
If the modern left did this, there wouldn't be a problem.
The issue is, the modern left has every bit as much hate as they accuse the 'alt right' of having. I've never met a more hateful group of people than modern social justice type.
It's been enough to make me no longer identify as left of center, for I don't want to be associated with a group that will pour pure, unadulterated hatred on those who dare step out of the party line.
I've no time for fascists.

>If you're white and go out for Cinco de mayo then you're appropriating Mexican culture and you're literally Hitler
>If you're male and don't want to fuck trannies then you're literally Hitler
>Have a problem with tranny men participating in women's sports? You're literally Hitler.
>Having anything to do with respect

Frig off leaf.

It has been building without a doubt. You can thank the worthless postmodernists/marxism for this, the French ones especially

Seems like there are an awful lot of SHW shills here lately

Yeah, there was that class assignment last week - think a few of them forgot to go home.

Seems like there are an awful lot of SJW shills here lately

You must live in an echo chamber and interact with childish university students who live off their parents. Do you know how many people don't give a fuck about your ideology and how you feel? I work with a guy who watched his father's throat get slit and both of his kids are already dead. If you told him the average SJW bullshit, he wouod stab you in the face with a broken bottle. Why? Because you cannot endure life. People like you are weak, you can't build yourself up as an individual and stand on your own feet. So you have to attach yourself to an ideology and stand there with your limp dick in your fucking hand while virtue signalling to the world what a great individual you are because you'll never be enough for yourself

>Ever think social justice is catching on for a reason?

Yes it's being funded by global oligarchs for their own interests.

Other then the thousands of young men who died the worst thing of the vietnam war is that it gave wings to the liberal hippy movement.
That is why we get so many liberals now because their parents were fucking hippies in the 60s and 70s.

It has peaked in the sense that the host population is entering a precipitous decline. Social leftism is a cancer that ultimately kills its host.

It peaked 3 years ago

I don't get why you're on here. Probably just to chastise us.
You ask a lot of questions, and people answer them, but the minute someone asks you a pertinent question, you clam up.
It's give and take, but you're just taking.
Have some decency, answer

Yes its peaked.

My parents were liberal hippy dipshits in the 60's.
I think they're twats.

It's catching on because it's an ideology for the weak in a culture
that has grown to glorify the weak and weakness.
Well I personally am tired of weaklings having the gall
to presume to tell me what the hell I should be, do, think and say.
What the hell do you know!?
Know your place and I and other strong people will look after you.
Or kys because you are unfit for survival.
Those are the options.

Shut up, Mohammad.

I think its peaked, they have to find the smallest of things to be outraged about these days. Which just makes them look stupid to normal people. Probably only has 5-10 years left.

a lot of respect coming from the niggers and muftis, very respectful niggers out there committing violent crime at 500x the rate of human beings

you have to go back

Yes. When they lost Hillary the election.

>A fucking leaf
this, but it's over now, people have all seen how they have acted, and are acting. They will be fed up of this nonsense, those who not yet are
>Basically start clubbing hippie time
Gah they have already also ruined any hopes of getting weed actually decriminilized

>tfw your dad was one of those poor SoB's fighting in Vietnam.
>tfw he went back three different times to do it.

I wish I was half the man he was.

Look at the file name you stupid leaf. PCU is a movie. Day of the rake can't come soon enough

man, if you think we have seen their final form yet, i have very very bad news for you

The attack on pewdiepie was a big fucken deal. It woke more teenagers that it needed too.


Our civilization is falling apart, and they depend on that civilization. If it hasn't peaked, it is close to peaking. SJWs are an expression of weak and decadent lifestyles. Without just in time supply chains and gibs, they could not exist.

That flag. It checks out.

>Ever think social justice is catching on for a reason?
The reason is you can terrorize people and get their business ruined with no consequences if they do not obey what you say. e.g. some whackjob bitch specifically went into a store that had the confederate flag and went on a rant intentionally because she started filming it well before she started abusing staff and causing a scene. Then she fake cried and acted all traumatized, posted said video on the internet and are calling for people to leave 1 star reviews to cause the business to shut down and people to become unemployed. They're even getting antifa involved to go "protest" the business aka destroy and vandalize the property.

Yet they hate whites for their skin color

It will hit it's peak when the first SJW's hit 40 and can't have kids.

think of sjws as everyone still watching and consuming the modern jew

they are far from dead.




Here in our eastern european socialistic republics we dont know what SJW means because we are not so developed countries.

>We're all humans for fucks sake. Ever think social justice is catching on for a reason?

How many people live outside the 1st world?
How many people live off of less than one dollar a day?
How many people give a shit about "social justice" beyond the filtered cities that have experienced wealth of the top 1% of people to ever live in human history?

Go to a poor country and tell me social justice is a helpful tool. It isn't just at all because the bame itself implies justice isn't enough, it has to be "just" for the whole of society, which means someone has the control over who counts as society and who doesn't. I'm done with your preaching games.

Not to be a nose picker, but don't you mean the pub Pekka.
>Also yes

it makes no sense to think that SJW culture will go away any time soon. People feel that they are being treated unequally, so they'll keep on trying to achieve equality - you can't just forget that you're being "oppressed", or change your mind about it.

Those kinds of political and ethical are probably based on fundamental belief about equality and justice, so it'd be fair to assume that they're pretty stable. It'd be like asking "when is anti-semitism going to die out?" or "has american nationalism peaked?"(except SJW culture is supported from the majority of the population, so it's even less likely to disappear soon)

honestly, some of you lot pretend to be realists, but you dedicate whole threads to this illogical wishful thinking

Man, even my blue pill as fuck acquantinaces realise how cringey SJWism is, our vocabulary is slowly filtering out to normies. Even the stronk women I know are hiding their "power levels" and thinking twice before putting themselves on the line by espousing retardo ideas. We are winning.

Some kids ripped on a colleague of mine from work for having dyed armpit hair. 12 year shitlords ripping into her and asking if she was triggered.

Social justice has finally become uncool as fuck.

Peak was in 2015, they are now on a slow multi year downward trajectory. The more they scream (which they do) means more they are weakening.

>liberal must be ignorant and sheltered, look at my anecdotal "evidence"
nice meme

whine about liberals if you want, but the "I was a hot-headed idealist like you in my youth", "one day you'll learn" bullshit is not going to convince anyone to change their ideologies

>It's truly amazing mental fuckery.
Not quite as amazing as the mental fuckery it takes to conclude that it must be a racial/genetic issue.

>SJW fags don't give a fuck about facts
Daily reminder that it's not leftists who constantly ignore facts about climate change.

You are like my steak-- medium rare

Here's a thought experiment

In a society where you can never say bad things about a dog.

Every day of your childhood you walked past your neighbours dog, was pretty cool, happy to see you and all around friendly.
Now your friend from school who lives in a different area also has a neighbour with a dog but every time he walks past, the dog would bark and try to bite him if he wasnt careful.
He hates dogs but you love dogs and cant understand why he hates dogs. He tries to tell you what his experiences are with dogs and he just doesnt want to be around them, but you just know about your interactions with dogs and dont understand there could be a reason for his concern so instead you fuck his life up by telling everyone that he hates dogs and he gets bricked by some dipshit and his house burnt down.

Wew lad

it's easy to have those numbers when you keep them dumb and lock them up for private prison work programs.

just wait til they start culling rural white boy lands for the same ends. then you'll actually figure out how much of a nigger you were compared to them

shut the fuck up crocodile dundee no one gives a fuck what you have to say here.

you sound like a dork who doesnt smoke weed or eat pussy:

Everything happens in decades then dies away, 20s - Prohibition, 30s - Communism,
40s - War, 50s - Rock & Roll, 60s - Hippies & Free Love, 70s - Disco, 80s - Neon Disco, 90s - Pop Culture, 00s - Postmodernism, 10s - Social Justice Culture
As Soon as we hit 2020 the emergence of Fascism will truly occur

good then i'll have en excuse to string up some ubermench. ;)

>the "racist" is violently attacked and his house is burnt down
>also doesn't do anything to the target of his hate
I'm not saying this never happens, but are you being truthful in this example? You generally hear about "hate crimes" against minorities more than crimes against racists

>inb4 argument over minor details
historically, there has been far more violence directed at minorities than at racists, and even now, it's probably not equally split - you don't hear about people trying to build a wall to keep the racists out

of course, I'm not implying that respectable citizens such as the good folk of Sup Forums would ever be violent towards minorities, even if you were victims of nasty SJW bullying

i wouldn't count on that, just by the way the post was framed reeks of a first world victim complex.

anyone assigning these fucking catch all terms like alt light/right or antifa/sjw being either for them or against them is just partaking in some spoiled ass first world 20 somethings role playing identity politics with each other. it's that fucking pathetic that people here and elsewhere plan protests and counter protests to stroke their little bitty egos and feel like theyre part of a group or a cause.

what a goofy joke.

I think the trouble is the media for this scenario about hate crimes or crimes in general.

>Anything a pale skinned person does is considered a hate crime if its against a minority, even if its gang related.
>However if a minority does it to another minority its not even reported in the media.

Also for the historical angle, the ones who weren't racist/tribalistic were invaded killed and all their women were taken as sex slaves/wives.
This was a necessary thing to survive in the world back in those days. Nowadays not so much, but it seems that people are holding on to what happened x amount of years ago and blaming the children of these oppressors who actually reached a consensus without outside influence to say "hey maybe we should stop doing these shitty things to other cultures". Where i feel once these racist or "white majorities become minorities the other side will just purge them because they have power. "for example Zimbabwe"

>what is scientific control
>how to make causal influences
>why does no-one take me seriously
these stats are fucking stupid, you can't infer any causal relationships here because you haven't manipulated any variables, and you haven't controlled for any variables (e.g. wealth, available opportunities, treatment by the law, civil rights over the past few decades, etc.).
>but no, let's blame how they look

>significantly more sick people in hospitals than are found in the general population - therefore, hospitals make people sick
>also, did you know the overwhelming majority of crimes in the US are committed by Americans?
>statistics indicate that people were more likely to be violent if the had recently been punched for no reason - therefore we must lock up people who have been punched
pretty much the same thing

didnt i tell you to shut the fuck up bbq nigger?

Get out of here stupid nigger lover

go pick my fruits and vegi's and shut the fuck up. master didnt tell you it was internet time, this is work time.

It's about time.

I honestly thing that SJW culture peaked under Obama, and that now under Trump, we'll have a huge swing back to conservative values and restore dignity and respect to the US.

At least that's what I want to believe.

Keep talking shit and shoving burgers into your face hole,worthless sack of fat
Don't you ever fucking reply to me agian.

SJWs don't breed. So yes. If it hasn't it soon will.

i said more work less typing poor person i want my food in a timely fashion

>>Motte and Bailey

Go get you're welfare check Tyrone,but don't rape any white women on the way,you have no daddy to bail you out of prison this time

I'll stay here drinking my mate,

the fun thing is how many idiots branded themselves for life via tattoos

jesus christ you are never going to feed your family or send money home with that attitude.

like i'm going to take any cadence in what some non white non american thinks. you cant even work properly

It won't stop until they have all realized the only way to true equality. Communism.

If you don't break someone out of it they will keep getting dragged towards communism.

Eventually there will be a time where if you are not a communist they will yell at you just the same as if you are a racist.

Communism is the most pure form of their ideology that demands purity.

Social Justice is a communist death cult in slow motion.

>wealth, available opportunities, treatment by the law, civil rights over the past few decades
Explain how those variables have any effect on murder, assault and rape. Robbery I'll give you, po niggaz need mo gibs, theft and GTA for the same reason. But murder? There is no reason to murder unless it is in self defense.

we're going to force you to become trans and after that you are going to work an 8 hour day and 30% of your earnings are going to go to the poorest percentile of people. (gasp!!!)

Keep shitposting your fantasy user
My nation is white as can be,pure 97%
>64% white
>let's roll the dice, see what we get


stop trying to prove yourself to me mudblood. even if you happen to be some off brand of Caucasian mixed with brown person blood it still wont stop the fact that really should be working the fields to make sure my burger has lettuce. too bad we dont let people like you into our country anymore too, i was looking for someone to keep up with my yard.