How and when did the word 'nigger' became such a taboo?

Jesus christ, it's just a fucking word. I honestly don't understand it. It's like it happened overnight.

How can some people seriously justify ruining the life of someone who says a fucking word? It feels like in the US uttering 'nigger' makes you worse than a terrorist, school shooter or a pedophile.

It's not like everyone who says it wants to genocide or enslave black people. And you can't even defend yourself if it happens: it doesn't matter if you were angry, if the other guy was an asshole, or you said it accidentally; you are branded for life.

How can we desensitize normies, so the n-word loses it's power? Is it even possible?

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just say Mohr


>this can't be real
>it actually is
Fucking CNN.

Holy fuck

Because niggers have less impulse control than other races due to their lower intelligence.

Jewish marxist brainwashing. Nigger is a literal trigger word. People have been socially programmed to get a horrible gut feeling whenever the word nigger is said by any white person.

>Is it even possible?
No, there's some Jewish intellectual who mostly studies speech / language, I forget his name, but he's talked a fair bit on it.

It doesn't matter what the word is, it's the people. Nigger, coloured, black, they've all been cycled out because each one ends up having negative connotations - because they're all names for the same thing, black people - you can call them whatever you want but the word invariably ends up as a slur because of the nagative connotations with the subject, not the word.

African American is the first one that seems to have lasted for a while without becoming taboo.

it is crazy. in my freshman year of highschool, my teachers openly swore in the books we read but refused to say 'nigger'. better to say that than to swear


>white person says nigger branded for life a villain, can never find work again, might be literally Hitler in disguise
>black person says nigger its a friendly greeting

I wouldn't have a problem with nigger and I'd never say it if black people would stop using the word. As it stands now though it's a gross double standard. I work out my urges to call every black I meet a nigger by simply yelling nigger at any black I see walking around. I don't mean it to be hateful or use it to be insulting, I just feel I should be able to use the word too, especially since I'm white and I'm entitled to the best things in life.

Nigger i might get arrested for this

i think a lot of this thread would be solved if any of you knew what emotional maturity was and or knew how to stop constantly trying to be edgy little fuck sticks 100% of the time simply to try to one up one another.

only sub human niggers use the term nigger and thats 100% fact

Good thread user, good point.
I always shake my head that blacks can call themselves 'niggers' all the time, but when whites do it it's bad word. Fuck that logic.
Also blacks are mad at white people for slavery.
Well black assholes guess what, it was blacks from other tribes who were catching and selling other blacks as a slaves to other black tribes before they started selling their brothers to white people.
So niggers, if you are going to be mad ay slavery be mad at your own ancestors for capturing and enslaving their 'brothers and sisters'.

The Origins of the African Slave Trade - Africans sold Africans as slaves.

in this video even blacks acknowledge that white men were not the first to enslave blacks, it was blacks on blacks

This topic deserves separate thread on Sup Forums to put historical perspective into this bullshit white only blaming.

google, google, google...

>friendly reminder, a google is a google is a google.

>if any of you knew what emotional maturity was

Emotional maturity is not turning into a hysterical, inconsolable wreck just because another person says a single word.

>How can we desensitize normies, so the n-word loses it's power?

The more outraged they are the more satisfaction we get by using it

>An entire country cucked by niggers just using words
Stay classy, fatties

So they want to destroy rap? Das raycis

>How and when did the word 'nigger' became such a taboo?

10 Shocking Facts About the Slave Trade

First officially recognized black slave in America was owned by black man in 1654. So there go and suck your dicks niggers.
White people only took advantage of your own practices of you capturing other blacks and enslaving them and selling them for a profit.

Niggers selling other niggers into slavery. Historical fact.

Might as well share this to bump the thread...
I had an idea for a novel set in a liberal dystopia. In the book, all mentions of the n-word would have been purged from history books, yet somehow, a vague recollection of the word would exist in the minds of the general population. Terrorist-types would go around spray-painting 'nigger' on walls, and if an unsuspecting citizen sees it, his mind would literally burn out and die, because he would be unable to process the existence of such a word.

I remember in the 90s when the black mayor of some majority black city said "there are black people, then there are niggers" in a public speech

that wasnt too long ago

I once laughed to my ex fiancee when I found out why cracker was an insult (It's because we cracked the whip) and I was like "How's that an insult" I forgot she wasn't based.

We broke up shortly after. Best thing that happened to me.

Either way fuck niggers.

So now it's not a swear anymore? Anyone can say it and it doesn't mean anything? Cool

>How and when did the word 'nigger'

not even true anyway, it comes from "wise-cracker"

>i think a lot of this thread would be solved if any of you knew what emotional maturity was

Take your own advice

PC in West has gone too far.

>African American

Because it's such a mouthful that it doesn't sound like a slur word in the first place. But if you take the meaning of the word litterally, I believe it is the most insulting of all.

It litterally states : "Americans who are not from america". Same for Asian Americans or anything really.

I never ever heard the term "European american" to describe a white dude. It's just an american.

Even history reject niggers.

>It has been suggested however, that white slave foremen in the antebellum South were called "crackers" owing to their practice of "cracking the whip" to drive and punish slaves.

Where does it say wise cracker?

pic related

but what if you call someone NIGGERIAN, is it politically correct ?

>How can we desensitize normies, so the n-word loses it's power? Is it even possible?

Start saying "nugget".


you can say niggardly in conversation and I try to work it in around niggers. They are too fucking dumb to know what it means, hear what they believe to be a racial slur and start chimping out.

niddardly - adjective - nig-gard-ly
1) grudgingly mean about spending or granting
> management was being niggardly with raises.

2) provided in meanly limited supply
> niggardly funding of planetary science.

Your right, Negroid is the correct word.

No more NAZI word, it's national socialist now

I live in central california and theres tons of old whites arround here who say nigger in public conversation and honestly no one cares. Y'all are probably high school kids who thought it was cool to yell it at the 3 black people you've ever seen.



Good plan the more you normalise words the more common they become.

When they got rights and started to be able to do this to your gf

nigger is worse because nigger describes black people, the worst kind.

yep. and because of this It was very easy to push

>3 entire black people
Sounds like a hellhole desu


We just gotta keep throwing "trigger" words at liberals until they someday get over it. And even if they don't get over it, we will be gleefully running around with boners and laughing our balls off watching them screech. This is virgin territory - the all new "Satanic Panic." We need to start having some fun guys.

Just drop simple lines like this on Reddit:

"Hi, I'm Hitler. I hate niggers and faggits."

>countries name is literally Nigger Mountain


why not call it the C word you shitlords

(smacks lips) Naw, cracka. das our word ya meen. (smacks lips). you (clap) a (clap) raycis (clap) an (clap) you (clap) don't (clap) get (clap) ta (clap) use (clap) dat (clap) word (clap)

(smacks lips)

cracka ass.

It is %CURRENT_YEAR% you cannot! use! that! word!

Nigger is a bad word, black people say nigger as a swear word because blacks swear all the time and nigger is a high-impact and offensive word. Its possible to say swear words to your to your friends, like "hey mother fucker" and its ok, because you say it in a nice way, it somehow becomes nice". But you cant say "Hi mother fucker" to someone you dont know and make it sound nice. Its the same with nigger, nigger will never stop being a bad word the same way mother fucker will never stop being an offensive thing to say.

Seems like it's coming back in style.

In my school days, if you said "nigger" agrily at a nigger, you were likely to get your ass beat by every person in the school then ostracized. So it just never happened.

But now there are a ton of memes revolving around the fact that white people are calling niggers niggers. I really think white people are waking up.

I literally have a court date coming up because I asked a guy (who was acting like a savage and trying to pick a fight with me) if he was a nigger. He freaked out and attacked me and well it was down-hill from there. Cops took his side though. talk about breaking the "evil racist cops" narrative.

maybe if we start using it in a polite manner? like... "what a jolly good evening, isn't it mister Nigger?"

Just gonna leave this here.

Another idea: start spamming pictures like this

I am really curious how many of Americans have alive relatives who owned slaves. This is something that never made sense for me: how do leftist cucklords justify holding people responsible for the deeds of past generations? Isn't generalization of groups based on stereotypes what they claim to fight against? Is it ok for me, or anyone else coming ffom a white country that never owned nig slaves, to say the word out loud? Probs not cuz their frail hearts cannot take it

If you're white, you're responsible.
How hard is it to understand you fucking shitlord?

that brain disease is not limited to america

Sweden never had colonies but their own MPs demanded that they take in refugees. because collective white guilt.

it's the bad conscience olympics, thank u jesus+hegel

((((((tim wise))))))
Fuck him.

Any word that describes black people eventually becomes tarnished. Described by Steven Pinker as Euphemistic Treadmill.

(((They))) even blame germans for Hitler.

I can't tell if you're asking that because you actually think any slave owners could still be alive, or if you're asking to further your point.

Either way, the answer is no one is alive who owned slaves. That shit ended 140 years ago.

It has less to do with slavery now, and more to do with the 1950s in their heads. Segregation, and racism are said to have been rampant back then, and families are said to be still affected by it.
However, the real cause of cyclical nigger poverty is the fact that they can suck the governments teet rather than getting a real job for their entire lives. The democrats keep the blacks down, because they treat them like they are retards, literally, and when right wing people just treat them like poor people, we're called racists.

Also, for how they blame this on countries that never had race based slavery or colonialism, I have no clue, maybe they think you somehow benefitted from slavery in other countries?

Heh then why does it gibs me such joy

You know, you're right.

Saying someone was "black" was even considered bad for a time. Saying people are "colored" is back in style now, I wonder how long until we are saying niggers again.

Interesting that black people get so offended when they are simply told they are black people.
like they've been reminded they'll never achieve more than making a few babies with some negress down the street.


>Euphemistic Treadmill
That's interesting, thanks

Because the flip side is that it gives edgy people something SOOO awful to say.

In you're head you associate saying the word nigger with being a rebel with a cause.

Niggers are animals and they let worlds have power over them. Thats all there is to it. It also pisses them off that there is no white specific insult that insults white people despite how hard they try to make ones.


Are white people just thick skinned? Why can't they come up with a word that offends us like simply calling them black offends them?

I see. (And yes, I did ask it just to further my point, sorry for the confusion)

As for the collective white guilt, why do they not endorse the same on an individual level? If you are condemned for multiple life sentences, it seems only fair in this context to have your closest alive relative serve next down in line. Of course, they will never ask for duch a thing, knowing all too well what ethnical group makes up the majority of USA prisons. Maybe it is just me, but having to be held accountable for past generations seems ridiculous, be it on an individual or group level.


It's because black people's ego's are that small and they're that petty that they use any chance they get to hurt white people. And we have the white cucks who are more than happy to play along to virtue signal.

>How can we desensitize normies, so the n-word loses it's power? Is it even possible?

Just don't give a fuck. Say it all you want and if the normies try and blast you for it so a stronger force of will and not back down and apologize. Do black people ever apologize for being rude and cruel towards anyone? No. You don't owe them shit and they deserve being called niggers when they act like ones.

This needs to be brought up more. I live in Louisiana and right not they're tearing down any all monuments from the Civil War or anyone vaguely associated with "owning slaves"... So why don't we tear down all the black's art? They just taught the whites how to own slaves.

Yeah seriously, when I get called "cracker" I'm just like "where's my fucking whip when I need it?!"

Carlin the Great should be taught in schools.

So what are some racial slurs I can use that are still effective?

cracker sounds funny

I love this movie so much.

They basically all still work.

Gook, kike, nigger, spic, nip, etc.

I say it to wayyy more to my black friends, sorry, nigger friends, than I do to my white cucked friends. I think racism/bigotry is hilarious and it has helped me build rapport with all kinds of ppl. I have this one gay friend I call my favorite faggot. He laughs his ass off, as do I. Uptight champagne socialist "liberals" are the real racists. They will moan about the plight of minorities but won't break bread with them. I will. And whilst breaking bread we shall share some off color humor, have a few drinks and cajole as the merry band of misfits we are. In b4 muh nat soc

I wonder when will they take the next, logical step, and take George Washington off the dollar, because he owned slaves?
(And the worst thing is, I fear most white people would go along with it.)

I fucking love that film

I mean for blacks specifically, like if I get mad at one and want to start something, what can I call them to get a rise? something still effective, just not as powerful as nigger, so I don't get shit from anyone else who is around

Its not funny when you know it comes from "whip cracker". It's actually one of the worst racial slurs in existence because it's inherently an offensive accusation of being evil.

>How can we desensitize normies, so the n-word loses it's power? Is it even possible?

The media makes such a big deal about the word because normies use it all the time if you live in the rural midwest or South. No matter how bad they want people to stop saying it, no one really gives a fuck.

However, saying "nigger" in public as a CEO of a fortune 500 company is pretty fucking stupid and will obviously ruin your brand.

they call us crackers because of the sounds the whips used to make

So if Jews own the media why was shit more acceptable years ago than it is now? What do you think changed in the last 40 some odd years?

Chevy Chase calls Richard Pryor a Nigger in a sketch and that was funny then.


This. I never saw how this is an insult to white people as opposed to an insult to black people.

Well well well, looks like we got ourselves a nigger guy!

It's as insulting as a cuckold calling the guy who fucks his wife 'bull'

Steven Pinker is the guy, not sure which of his videos he mentions it, but it's on youtube somewhere.

He's an interesting guy, Jewish and has talked a little about jewish over representation in stuff, thinks political correctness has entered a decadent phase, talks about differences between the sexes as being undeniable and not a problem when it comes to differences in STEM etc and differences between races.

Liberal, he'd loathe Sup Forums I'm sure, but not crazy unlike most of the left it seems.

Obviously nigger comes with years of slavery and segregation. Cracker is just some bullshit a nigger made up that has zero meaning or historical context.

I'll tell you a secret: you can make any word or image "bad" as long as enough people using it as insult or being insulted by it. And it works other way around too.

Pretty sure cracker was of white origin as a slur for people in the south, not an invention of blacks.



Yep, "African American" is insult but niggers and libtards too stupid to understand that. But once you explain it to them...

gee whiz, I wonder
the one you haven't censored?