2014: Germany is losing money due to workers shortage


The working-age population of Germany - Europe's biggest economy - is expected to shrink by 6.3 million by 2030 as the country's overall population dwindles from 82 million to 65-70 million by 2060.

Policymakers are warning of a looming shortage of skills that the Cologne-based IW institute has estimated is already costing 22 billion euros ($27 billion) a year.

There is a particular deficit of workers with adequate qualifications in maths, computing, science and technology. And there is little slack in the form of unemployed people or part-timers willing to work more: Unemployment is at a record low 6.6 percent and the underutilized labour rate of 9.3 percent is the lowest in the euro zone, according to Eurostat.

Keeping the working-age population steady would need annual net immigration of at least 300,000 until 2050, Stephan Sievert of the Berlin Institute for Population and Development said. It was 460,000 last year and could hit 500,000 this year, he said.

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2015: Germany opens its gates to refugees.

>Capitalist have lower profits

2016: refugees have a hard time finding work.

2016: Germany government blame companies for low rates of refugees employment.

Germany offers 1200€ to useless refugees to go back to their countries.

2017: Useless refugees are forcibly deported

Legitimately good thread.

Oh no....

Companies will have to compete for good workers and offer them higher wages, in fact, they might be forced to offer them wages so high that those workers can support a family just by themselves and can have a wife at home that raises multiple children!

The horror! Quick let more immigrants in!

Why not rephrase 'Skills Shortage' as 'Pay Raises and Free Skill Improvement Programs'?

There was a study conducted on looking at the economic ramifications of large immigration in real world cases.

In Miami in the early 80s there was a large number of cubans who entered the local economy. It depressed wages in every sector except the very top - professions like doctors and in media, where demand increased without a rise in competition. Low income jobs were hardest hit, with typical teenager summer jobs almost completely taken over.

They also looked at immigration to Israel after the fall of the USSR, which increased their population by about 10%. this actually improved their economy, raising wages across the board while unemployment dropped and gdp rose. This was because most of the ex-soviet jews were educated, many of them having doctorates in one field or another.

>Pay Raises
Labour cost is already too high in western Europe, especially in Germany.

I don't know why Europeans don't just offer temporary visas to people from Asian countries you don't have to make them permanent residents they work and they understand they'll have to go back some day.

They did literally this with Turks and guess what? NOONE wanted to leave

Just bring in jobles europeans.

Therea re plenty in Greece, Spain, Portugal, Poland, and so on.

It's almost like there's no benefit to taking in immigrants at all except for the most well-educated.

How much does the average Norwegian make?

The problem is decisions about immigration are taken by political-economical elites, the people who will benefit the most it.

Hahaha, holy shit

>Get fucking migrants to the country
>worker shortage noneless
>it's because migrants keep killing and shitting on good germans and keep asking for gibs

A lot, but everything is so taxed and so expensive in Norway that their living standards are not better than other Europeans.


godspeed user, youre doing gods work pointing out this shit

because they don't leave and they don't want to forcibly deport hundreds of thousands or millions because they will be considered nazis. this is literally what happened with the turks.

They could hire Americans, who generally feel shame at the thought of even collecting social benefits, but they would much rather hemorrhage billions of euros on rapists from the Middle East.

The working age population only matters if it actually works.

>be german capitalist/lobyist government
>have country full of young people who seek for highschool/vocational training
>shittier jobs are needed
>nobody wants them
>have great idea
>import all refugees from the south with a IQ of a dead cat
>refugees dont want to work
>those who want to work, can barely compare to elementary schoolkids
>a refugee is 1064% as criminal as a german citizen (no joke)
>have a shitton of crimes, made up by jobless refugees in your country
>pay billions and billions of euro
>tfw citizens are mad
>tfw eastern europe is mad
>government wants to get rid off ´em
>elections in 2017
>everybody knows, that Merkel will tell us to close the borders
>tfw she gets reelected

We are making the last film
They say it´s the best
And we all helped make it
It´s called the death of the west


Germany was better under real Soviet Communism desu

then why are they so desperate for eastern europe to take monkeys from MENA region? :D To go as far as blackmail them with sanctions

Is Merkel a legitimate retard?

Also this.
And I don't think Miami ever recovered. A perement drop in living standards

Don't worry Germany can take some of ours Poles, Romanians and Bulgarians.

Why can't they get some poles, romanians, or americans?

I mean that's not perfect but that's better than arabs or blacks.

We all know the Germans won't have more sex anytime soon. It already sounds very cheap to make babies there.

>instead of focusing on your own youth
>you import even less skilled (((kids))) from the equator
>hire them instead

women leaders.

digits and truth has been spoken.

Germany feeding immigrants into it's system at high speeds doesn't get them more Germans.

It cedes Germany to ethnic non-Germans, who will not assimilate as rapidly, since there's more of them than actual Germans coming into the world.

The end result will be the destruction of the European system as it gives way under the flood of poor, useless migrants whose only real effect is to stress the welfare and justice systems.

>There is a particular deficit of workers with adequate qualifications in maths, computing, science and technology.

All you gotta fucking do is incentivize white births you don't have to destroy your countries, I mean that would be a preposterous proposition anyway and nobody would vote to destroy their own countries over losing some money

Oy very clearly they need 1 trillion more doctors and engineers from Syria!

Yes yes good goys accept those ficki ficki.

>>have country full of young people who seek for highschool/vocational training

But Germany's population is shrinking
You can't deny facts user D:

Then they should stop bringing in hundreds of thousands of unemployable homeless shitskins to leech off of their social security system.

Edging closer to cyberpunk sci-fi, one year at a time

>All you gotta fucking do is incentivize white births you don't have to destroy your countries

Natalist policies= Loads of money, not sure to work (or it yields results in 20 years when the kids come of working-age)

Open floodgates of migrants= cheap immediate labor andt hey'll have kids no matter what

It's not JUST that but also a general approval of marxist bullshit in the population.

Why is the birth rate so low in West Europe? Seems pretty subsidised. Is it just lack of will?

population crowding

people don't want to ask themselves the question as to how many people could actually comfortably in in their country or on earth in general.

They could have had a female engineer who always dreamed of living in industrial Germany, but no, they had to go and import millions of rapists before I graduated.

Now I'll never get real Deutsch food krautings unless I risk getting kebab'd on vacation. Everything stateside I've been to is run by freaking Mexicans. Will I ever get to experience authentic German sausage?

live comfortably*

Some of the most productive highest skilled people get payed more? Isn't that the point?

we made a honest mistake.
but the important thing is we learned out of it


Good thread

World population increases by the population of Germany each year. I'd rather they be whites than mudslimes.

the current global economic model created by the kikes is unsustainable. Right now, money is created by credit, not by productivity. Banks loan out money and create the cycle of interest and debt, creating money out of thin air and then destroying it. The banks need steady "growth" to keep their system (of robbing everyone to enrich themselves) treading water. Soon enough debt will outpace growth and the system will collapse regardless of economic "growth".

the ONLY purpose of all the subhuman immigrants is so that kike bankers can keep money flowing into their personal treasuries for a little longer before the shitshow they created collapses, and they retreat to their bunkers in new zealand to avoid getting lynched

Hitler was the only one who saw this coming. He was the only one who knew of the danger posed by Jewish central banks

It truly is a nightmare scenario.

>take the check
>stay in germonies but "disappear"
>germacucks to pussy to deport anyone
>ask for another check
>and so on and so on

>Labour cost is already too high in western Europe, especially in Germany.
Labour cost in other parts of the world is too low.

European leaders don't have a stake in the future.

Yup. But people associate it with hassles & generally want to get ahead in their career. Then they marry & realize it's too late, or they just wanna hoard their money or raise a single child.

That's a myth. Just look at how many people on sq.m. live in Hong Kong, we are nowhere near that. People are just unwilling to give up their lavish lifestyles and don't want to take any responsibilities. We are all just grown up working children at this point.

Fuck 'em, a fucking cucked county full of liberal faggots, let it die. As if importing sub-saharan nigger rapists with retarded iQ level would even fix that problem.

*skulled workers shortage
Literally every country has such shortage and loses money because of it, because such workers can always brung profits.

>temporary visas to people from Asian countries you don't have to make them permanent residents they work and they understand they'll have to go back some day
That's LITERALLY what Germany tried to do with the Turks.

There is nothing more permanent than a "temporary" solution.

Last time i try to write anything while shitting and on this garbage phone

>not living like an ant colony is selfish luxury
chill with the arbeit macht frei for a minute and use your head, Hans

>they understand they'll have to go back some day.
Except the problem is that they don't or they do and come back with their 8 kids for bennies and shiet

Can you spot the black doctors and scientists?

>closet gay
>closet gay
>closet lesbian
>openly gay
>closet gay
>open gay
>literal jew
pure coincidence goy

problems with refugees and immigrants aside.

imagine them not being there.

what now? economy is still going to the shitter in germany without population growth

>population crowding
>That's a myth.
inb4 you start wailing about doomed Japan who is """suffering""" from population decline and record automation...

Is this the Trump Effect in action?

oh no, the "temporary skilled worker" from asia decided to stay!

No, that's the There's An Election This Year Effect in action.

They're obviously the ones who keep the ships floating and the buildings standing while the crackas laze around in the sun and eat bananas.

> have a lack of skilled workers
> import unskilled non-workers

thank you, Merkel

How? I can't see shit. Fuck of Ahmed.

the average kraut can see throught that BS though right?
The nanosecond Merkel gets re-elected she'll reopen the flood gates

>imagine them not being there.
Country becomes more safe. More safety leads to more productivity and joy, and maybe even rekindle population growth eventually.

Yes, fuck capitalists, German soldarity matters, not greedy capitalist fucks and their companies.

thats what hitler wanted.

Good thread. Merkel has never really cared about anything but the economy (and staying in power of course).

This wasn't some kind of super secret kike plan to replace the European population, it was simple retardation from politicians thinking they are some kind of gods and instead having to find out that they are mouth breathing economy rejects who can't do anything right.

What about you pay people a decent wage to do those nasty jobs nobody wants to do? I thought there was that supply and demand law. If your toilet is clogged and you don't want shit on your hands you better pay up if you want someone else to do it for you. Somehow, all the spoiled fuckers never got to learn to respect the proletariat in marxist school.

>imagine them not being there.
Capitalist system stands at a crossroad:
>start paying higher wages until workers are attracted
nightmare scenario for obvious reasons

>make leaps in innovation and automation to compensate for shortage of meatbags
Okay, this one is great in the short run but will end in AI revolt inevitably.


b-ut user you were supposed to teach them the way of the white man. Merkel is just the head administrator who followed the cry of the people, she gave you the opportunity. It isn't her work to make them fit for slave work

May scumbag Merkel and her cucked Germany burn in HELL!!! DEUS VULT

Burger here with software engineering experience. I've been itching to work abroad for some time. Will you Deutschvolk accept me?

Exactly why would ANYONE with more than 2 working brain cells think that random homeless people of a war thorn country, with no western culture, IQ, or qualification would be good workforce replacement?

I mean, if you want to destroy your country with race mixing, at least filter up those few from shitty countries that CAN work.

Yes, never give women power.

That's what we joined the EU for. Do people still remember that's what they lured us in with? The EU would solve all this with open border workforces.

I guess it didn't.

But don't worry, mass importing illiterates will help this??????? Just trust me goy.

Hey here's another idea. How about we accept economic growth is going to slow down a bit and we start having to pay our citizens more? Since it'll happen all over the west, we're not really losing international competitiveness because we're driving the global economy. If we slow down and buy less shit we're not going to be overrun by someone else.

But in reality it's not about living standards for average people, which have been going down steadily over the years, it's all about short sighted corporate whores trying to squeeze the last dime out of a collapsing system. And when it collapses the losses are socialized.

No way to lose my friends.

>Wanting to move to Germanistan.
Are you new here?

>There is a particular deficit of workers with adequate qualifications in maths, computing, science and technology
Don't worry, importing millions of illiterate Africans will solve this. After all, Somalians invented math while Germans were still living in caves.

a shrinking population would ease the risk automation poses to the labor force

Yes. Every single person surrounding her is sucking her dick 24/7 because they are afraid she'll just end their career, too.
She has completely lost touch with reality.

kek'd & chek'd

i like turltels

>How about we accept economic growth is going to slow down a bit and we start having to pay our citizens more?
>Oy vey goy! How can you say that? It's antisemitism, or something!
The globalist west is fucked.

>but muh (((diversity))) N sheeeit
>but muh cultural enrichment nyeaaahguh
>but muh cultural relavitism N muh dik
>but muh post-modernism muhfugguh

no one want's to work anymore because most people know life has no meaning

Could be done pretty easily, too. An unaccompanied "minor" costs the state ~90k. Per year.

Pay just ~10% of that for every birth and you'll have people shitting out children left and right.

why is the answer immigrants rather than encouraging Germans to have kids (btw, econfag here - these stats are specious at best. increasing automation etc etc means you need fewer workers over time)

Europe Wide 1789 Sequel when?

Saddest part is that Germans will still vote for her again.

You should have half a dozen, Pierre.