Certain combinations of ones and zeros are illegal

>certain combinations of ones and zeros are illegal

How do you non-libertarians justify this?

>Certain areas to place metal are illegal
>How do non-libertarians justify this?

Those 1's and 0's can be dangerous.

its what they represent... if they are representations of real criminal acts then they are prohibited by law and possessing them is punishable because they are part of a crime.

>Certain combinations of events kill you
>How does the universe justify this??

Then why aren't videos of other crimes highly illegal? They show videos of robbings on network TV

But that's bullshit. Youtube is filled with depictions of criminal acts. We watch them all the time on Sup Forums.

The argument falls apart once you consider the US nuclear codes or classified NSA tools are ultimately the result of "ones and zeros." You can justify free speech laws in other ways. Get outta' here if you're talking about piracy though.

representations of*

>certain arrengements of various metal pieces are illegal
Do you think my prime minister will allow me to own one of these if I use that argument?

>hey god I'm getting a little sick of this shit you better fix it

Not true

what's wrong with piracy?

>being against "internet piracy"
Do you work for the MPAA? Or the RIAA?

OP's obvious reference is of images which are considered evidence of a crime.. possessing them is considered contributing to the crime.

OP is not talking about a broad range of data.

praise KeK

Because nobody pays for footage of robberies. There's no incentive for the production of robbery footage (thereby causing more robberies) because there's no market for it.
>but what about those TV shows like worlds dumbest criminals and stuff
Nobody is incentivized to commit burglary from that because they couldn't sell the footage. Kiddy pics on the otherhand spawn underground rings that people profit off of through child sex trafficking and production of child porn.

That's retarded. A guy won't start fucking his daughter so he can take pictures, he'll take pictures because he's already fucking her.

>A guy won't start fucking his daughter so he can take pictures, he'll take pictures because he's already fucking her.
it's like retard hard trying to explain this to people

life is more complex than your reductionist fantasies. I was an edgy lolbertarian at one point too, it's natural when you're a teenager. when you grow up you'll realize why the NAP shouldn't be anything more than a general guideline.

>Sometimes putting a tube of meat inside a hole is illegal

How do you anti rape advocates justify this?

>your recreational nuke isn't allowed to land in certain areas because they're occupied by a complex assortment of atoms called "humans"
