Or are there people who are so goddamn ignorant, they somehow made it out of science class, and act like climate change is a hoax because Trump said it?
No, I'm not a liberal. No, I'm not a communist. No, I did not vote for hillary. Let's get to the bottom of this, and open eyes before idiots create the end of the world.
I really thought no one else watched sexual lobster.
Caleb Barnes
He's the only youtube channel I watch.
Noah Martinez
It's a hoax Failed hoax
Wyatt King
>"Because Trump said it" >because TRUMP >I didn't vote for Hillary Fuck off shill
Colton Bennett
Climate change is real, it's a natural phase of the planet, and the planet is usually better because it's warm, anyway.
Xavier Morales
It's a climate change shill.
Btw the earth goes through natural cycles and climate change is a hoax in order to gain votes, and sell more profitable forms of energy to unsuspecting goys. Prove me wrong.
You can't.
Michael Gray
Owen Anderson
>implying Fernando isn't the perfect Sup Forumsack
Ian Gray
Climate change is real but not at the rate liberals say. Before the 1920's or so, we did not start recording world temperature so numbers are estimates
Ethan Reed
No one can deny that climate change is occurring. It has been occurring since our planet was formed and will continue to do so until it dies.
The question is: does mankind's carbon footprint impact climate change in any way shape or form? And so far, there is zero conclusive evidence suggesting it does.
Elijah Adams
Checked Hail thoth
Hunter Rogers
It's a money making scheme, shit-for-brains. The green industry is making opportunistic hippies a shit load of bank with zero regard to the environment. "good for thee, but not for me" makes your arguments void.
Lucas Parker
What substantial evidence do you have for this?
Do you think ejecting toxic carbons out of our cars and factories doesn't effect our environment? Especially how industrialized our society is?
Jason Moore
People doubt the severity of it, since none of the models have been accurate, and measurements fell below the margin of error. Which is fine, they just needed to refine models, but it throws a lot of doubt into the mix when people predicting doom and the reality seems to be much more gradual.
People also doubt how much of it is anthropogenic, which is reasonable again given the inaccuracy of the models to predict reality, which imply that we don't know the situation as well as we think we do.
And even if we could predict it perfectly and it was 100% due to human carbon output, the question becomes how bad could it be and what could we possibly do about it anyway. The proposed carbon taxes by their own admission would reduce output by like 3%. They won't do shit. Nothing will, unless we basically ban cars and planes and industry for that matter. If anything they predict is even remotely close to accurate, doing little shit like switching to more solar energy and electronic cars won't do fuck all to help the problem, and thats assuming you could get every country to go along with them, which you can't.
And then you have to consider the impact of policies like carbon taxes even if you were to implement them, which would cripple third world nations who are desperately need to industrialize and to provide electricity to their public. So you would have to weight the benefits of slightly slowing down global warming vs. fucking over the entire third world and living a life of austerity in the first world, vs the proposed mal effects of global warming. Which, we already know, the hysteria about more hurricanes/droughts/extreme weather events appear to be completely false (theres actually a negative correlation). So what do we have to worry about? well sea levels will slowly rise and coral reefs will suffer due to ocean acidification. Okay. I'm not that concerned.
Benjamin Adams
The god of knowledge confirms that climate change is a jewish scame. Also kek likes my shit posting. I love being autistic.
Austin Campbell
I don't have to have substantial evidence. You are the one making the claim that man made global warming is a thing so the burden of proof is on you
Nathan Scott
>zero conclusive evidence suggesting it does. Because you dismiss any evidence anybody gives you that doesn't agree with you. Every time, and every piece of evidence, no matter how many there are. You don't give a fuck about science, you just want to be right. Fuck you.
Josiah Ward
Damn those multi billionaire (((environmentalists))) destroying the earth, paying no taxes, and dictating your government's policies. Hang on that sounds like the oil companies woops
Luis Gutierrez
I wouldn't try man. They're stubborn about climate change, I gave up trying to change them several months ago.
Jeremiah Gomez
You mean like climate data from Noah and Nasa? Cuz they lied. Said so in their own papers.
Caleb Hernandez
>I don't have to have substantial evidence. You are the one making the claim that man made global warming is a thing so the burden of proof is on you H-here look at these computer models ignoring all the parameters... Trust ((((me)))) goyium you have to give is sheckles or else the world will catch fire! Oyy vey the coastline will be 10' underwater by 2015! Oops, 2025!
Cooper Richardson
Like I said, the environment doesn't get affected nearly as bad. >If climate change was bad, surely those goys would stop using my fossil fuel emissions into the atmosphere, right? Just stop.
Matthew Jackson
the actual debate is not about the climate change. Climate has changed before humans were even alive. The legitimate debate is about exactly how much effect humans actually are having on the climate considering that yes earths overall does has is and will change regardless of human input.
Fact is no matter what humans do or don't do earth was always warming and will warm up eventually anyway. Unlike what many on the left believe the earth was not always the same temperature and we can not stop it from warming no matter what barring some kind of weather control technology.
The best take on the climate issue comes from the geologist types (aka people who study the history of the earth back until before there was even life) the climate scientists the UN loves to parade around look at the past 100 years at most and say "the earth has warned since then" rarely do I ever hear them talk about millions of years of earths history how it's been both far warmer and far colder. For example In the "dinosaur age" Canada was basically a tropical climate the area I live in now was under water most likely the ocean.
When looking at what human impact is its not enough to say "earth is warming because humans and CO2" you need to ask "considering the earths climate changes and has changed without any human imput how much if anything have we sped the warming process up by"
Connor Morris
The sun (which actually controls climate) is actually going to a minimum. Best thing we can do is feed plants more CO2. It isn't a pollutant, and "greenhouse effect" has never, ever been experimentally proven. They use heat island effect and ((((adjustments)))) to shove into the models.
Isaac Jenkins
Explain 3 billion years of Earth Climate Change prior to 1800's Industrial Revolution.
Climate fucking Changes. It's never NOT changing.
Deal wid it.
Humans are much better off using fossil fuels to make our lives safer and more comfortable against a changing climate, than to abandon fossil fuels and give up cheap energy sources.
Henry Gonzalez
What ever you do, do not read Honest Reality. IT will melt your brain.
Henry Green
Sexual Lobster and FilmCow are the only youtubers whose work is really worth watching for me atm
Easton James
I hope somebody is taking pictures of these threads so we can gloat when (((Climate Change))) is proven false
Cooper Roberts
This Tbwfh whenever I try I feel like I'm trying to explain algebra to niggers desu
Henry Sanchez
The black body temperature of the Earth would be below freezing without a greenhouse effect, so you can bet your ass that changing greenhouse levels is going to change the temperature. However, if we weren't fucking up the carbon cycle, the planet would probably be able to handle our CO2 emissions.
Isaac Rivera
OP, you're posting on forum with holocaust deniers, flat-earthers and pizzagaters. Do you really think you can make an impact about climate change?
James Cook
Substantiate your claims.
Hudson Williams
>No sources proving mankind is the cause of climate change posted in thread yet >"Yeah lol, I don't even try to persuade Sup Forums anymore, I'm just right because CNN and Bill Nye said were enlightened and forward thinking.
Every time kek
Ethan Lee
Because you can't look up "black body temperature of the earth" in google, and then click on the map I posted showing soil degradation?
Jayden Thompson
That's just a study that says there's more CO2 in the atmosphere, not whether or not it corresponds to temperature rising and falling in response to it.
In short, you proved that an CO2 increase does exist but not what was actually being asked, my dude.
Adam Bailey
I'm a conservative and I believe in climate change. We aren't all retarded, I swear.
Not sure what to do about it that wouldn't decimate our economy. Small steps are pointless appeasement.
Nicholas Gray
Are you really this stupid? The rise immediately corresponds with the Industrial Revolution. Human influence.
I don't recall if it is in that video or not, but he's increased the soil organic matter on his land from ~1.8%-1.9% to ~6.7% since he's had the property. That corresponds to a bare minimum of ~540,000 tons of CO2 that he's sucked out of the atmosphere and put in the ground, and is probably closer to 1.5-2 million.
Xavier Thompson
The rise in CO2? Okay. You haven't correlated that to climate change.
Jordan Anderson
I might add that while I am not an expert on this subject (I myself am in computer engineering and also in my spare time grabbed a welding certificate as a fallback option incase the economy gets any worse) my father is a very experienced geologist/geoengineer and the majority consensus within his field (many of those people specialize in climate as well by the way it just has an added element of studying what the climate was millions of years ago) is that climate scientists studying the human impact on climate almost always fail to take the earths climate history into perspective. If any of them ever raise concerns about this fact (which very often includes writing a proper scientific paper on the subject) they're just shouted down as evil climate change deniers without their data being so much as considered. Last time I checked part of science was disproving others proposals/data not calling anyone who challenges your claims evil and screeching at them. This alone is enough to make me skeptical of the human impact claims.
Now that I understand more I should raise this subject with my dad again. At the time he explained this to me I was a lot younger and he gave me a pretty simplified explaination. Far beyond "looking at rocks" his field of study OS actually pretty damn complicated. I don't think you could fit the "super long explanation" into a single Sup Forums thread even
Anthony Barnes
I'm a lawyer and I live in/near a city. I can't farm or ranch because legal jobs need large population centers to remain stable income and rural communities are the opposite of that.
Aaron Barnes
That being said, I'm not entirely against the idea of climate change existing, and I do think that the impact of industries upon the environment needs to be reformed. However, a carbon-emission tax would be the most RETARDED thing to do in order to fix it because the largest producers of CO2 from industries are pretty corrupt and (((big businesses))) commit tax evasion all the time. Moreover, most other proposals to "fix" the environment are a fucking hoax by (((them))).
I only support this because Romanticism is tight as FUCK though.
William Ross
Nobody disputes that weather and climate changes. That's just liberal propaganda used to discredit the majority of people around the world who are skeptical about the human race's role in climate change.
If what liberals say is true about mankind's carbon footprint, would it not make sense to force polluted places like China to submit to these rules, even if by military force?
I mean, if pig farming is bad for the ozone, surely India is a plaque that needs eradication. After all, the world's health is more important than international barriers or foreign policy, right?
The fact of the matter is that many high profile liberals have their hands in the whole "green movement" and have perverted it into nothing more than a money vacuum leftist hippy circle jerk.
Colton Kelly
>humans releasing CO2 into the atmosphere has increased CO2 in the atmosphere.
wow holy shit, alert the media global warming has been confirmed. What a breakthrough!
The question is how much does that increase in CO2 have to do with the increase in global temperature, especially given that there are other greenhouse gases and dozens of other factors to consider, and, again, all of the models we made to predict global temperature based on continued CO2 increase have been WRONG. So we don't know the answer.
Robert Stewart
You probably should reread what I said again because you clearly didn't understand what I was saying
Christopher Bennett
>3223 Thoth is with you too
Leo Harris
CO2 is proven to be a greenhouse gas. CO2 in the atmosphere has increased significantly over the last century. And the rate of increase in global temperature has risen with it.
No amount of shitposting can change it
Ethan Williams
Then support guys who farm/ranch like that. His methods build soil (sequester carbon) like crazy, are profitable and are resilient. If his corn crop fails, he still has his cows, chickens, sheep, etc... because he stacks and integrates enterprises by mimicking nature.
The problem with leftists and global warming is that they offer no real solutions to it, other than knocking us back to an 18th century standard of living. People like Gabe Brown and Joel Salatin offer solutions that aren't oppressive.
Benjamin Anderson
You're a dumbass sheep.
Wyatt Moore
that's a pussy defeatist attitude
Jeremiah Evans
more co2 please!
David Cook
We know it is a hoax, because we can science
Thomas Mitchell
You sound upset. People in life may have different opinions than you, sorry.
Anthony Hill
No it's already proven false but true in a way
TRUTH: climate is changing as it does naturally and has for millions of years
BS: humans are causing all the change. Human impact has in terms of earths history barely sped up the rate of climate change by a blink
My dad could explain everything here. I'm actually going to convince him to write a full detailed explanation and when it's done I'll post it on here. Probably will be a 100+ page document but Im pretty sure there are a few other people on this board scientifically literate enough to understand. Would deal heavily with chemistry and especially with the geological history of the earth back to before life
Ryan Collins
>CO2 in the atmosphere has increased significantly over the last century. >And the rate of increase in global temperature has risen with it.
I'm sorry, did you prove correlation or are you just regurgitating shill posts?
Logan Price
Remember if they're only looking at the last 50-200 years it's not an accurate judgement of human impact
Gavin Cox
climate change is 20 years of failed alarmist predictions and a consensus comprised of quacks and literal cartoonists all promoting the same solutions and the last failed alarmist scare mongering TEOTWAWKI.
Dylan Kelly
I'm trying to find an agreeable source for this. Here's one I've found so far.
Do the US have a Greenhouse gas emissions trade system btw? except for the miscalculation of handling the permits right before the crisis it seems to work in Europe
Dominic Brown
>no amount of shitposting will change that
Not with that attitude it won't
Watch me
Bentley Gonzalez
>the rate of global temperature has risen with it
>every summer has been colder and colder in Bolan >never in my life I had to wear a jacket in the middle of the May >there was more snow yesterday than during Christmas
You guys really to work on your arguments, it's kind of hard to take your seriously you when just looking through the window seems to deny whatever "science" you come up with.
Joshua Williams
The problem yes is the policy
When people who pay almost no tax fly around to 5 huge mansions in a private jet start telling people in countries who's carbon emissions are a fraction of a percent of the world total that they need to pay more taxes not have a vehicle and live in tiny apartments while making no changes themselves you start wondering whether they even have a sinister idea behind this. If these people genuinely believe all this stuff needs to happen why don't they set an example for what they want people to do by doing so first?
Owen Kelly
let me tell you the environment con is real.
my own mother was nearly hooked in to ten grand loan from some shady solar panel company to fit panels. the interest was at 12%. woudn't have payed for itself for years. they come to your door and feed you the eco bullshit, and force vunerable people to sign contracts.
saving ecology is important, but that is nothing to do with solar panel manufacturing.
Matthew Murphy
global ≠ local
Robert Morris
>global =/= not on a global scale
really to make me think...
Xavier Phillips
Abandon fossil fuels and stop making food to feed the 3rd world. #gogreen #starveAfrica
Isaac Adams
>Asia turns the planet into a polluted wasteland
>quick, tax the American middle class to fund more "research"
The Earth is lost, our only hope is to invest money getting off of it so we don't pass peak oil and get stuck on a dying planet.
Leo Ward
The rate of global temperature has risen and fallen since before humans existed. The earth has been both far colder and far warmer than it is now. All evidence points to the earth not having a steady climate but in fact earths climate changing without human CO2 release.
Instead of just going "temperature went up and CO2 as well human impact confirm" explain to me exactly how much of the increase was due directly to CO2 and how much is simply a result of the earths climate naturally changing
Benjamin Green
>Gulf stream temporarily weakened by changing ocean temperatures due to melting ice from the Arctic >Europe gets colder
Eli Clark
I'll accept man made climate change when liberals accept nuclear energy.
Mason Gray
There is a middle road too.
1. Climate change is real. 2. Free market and innovation will solve it, not government.
Climate change is being used by those who want to take power away from the individual and expand bureaucracy.
The end goal is not a solution but endless funding of departments of useless layabouts
Chase Cruz
Peak oil has been a fucking meme for decades.
Daniel Clark
What you see out of your window/ in your town = local ≠ global
Lucas Moore
Hunter Phillips
You've just touched upon the real problem. The right refuses to believe in climate change, and the left refuses to support the only realistic way out. The whole thing is a recipe for disaster.
Adrian Cruz
Have they even given a rate, or has it always been "by year 20XX, we will all be leaving under water!!"
John Thomas
>Is climate change denial just a meme?
are you literally retarded?
no one is denying that the weather is changing
sometimes it's sunny sometimes it's cloudy sometimes it's hot sometimes it's cold
in winter we have snow in summer we can plow
no one is fucking denying that you fucking cuck
Joshua Martin
Whether global warming is real or not, whether it is manmade or not is irrelevant. The danube doesn't freeze anymore, and it isn't fully snowed all winter, despite that's the weather that made us whites what we are or rather have been. The climate must be cooled, just inject some shit into the atmosphere, I want an ice age
Nathaniel Rivera
This just in, Niggers and Muslims kill 10,000x more people than global warming does
Let's set our priorities straight, we have very pressing issues that are throwing nations into chaos right now.
tl;dr The quickest fix is to free ourselves from the sources of overpopulation
Sebastian Wright
Essentially, yeah. That's the general consensus that gets categorized as "science deniers," despite leftists, socialists, and communists all rejecting the ideas of the scientific method such as Francis Bacon's Empiricism and Rene Descartes's rational deduction.
Luis Collins
The only reason why there are climate change deniers is because the democrats have used it as a prop for many of their campaign speeches. anyone conservative leaning by default have to be against it. One of the talking points a lot of conservatives use is how erroneous Al Gore's global waming movie was which gave them ammo against anything related to climate change.
Personally I have no idea whether or not we are responsible for the change of the climate, but doesn't it seem like the right thing to at least care about it? Some republicans go as far as completely and totally denying it exists simply because they want to distance themselves from democrats which is equally as stupid as assuming that humans are at a direct fault of how the weather changes on a daily basis.
I'm not sure what this means, but we had freakin' tornadoes here in New Mexico earlier in the week which is virtually unheard of.
Julian Barnes
>No, I'm not a liberal. >uses reddit spacing sure you're not.
Colton Miller
CO2 forcing is wildly overestimated, the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice age were global, the hockey stick is a scam.
Climate change is part of a propaganda campaign in the war of white genocide, to try to guild us into taking in African migrants. While the media conspires to not talk about their population explosion and calls them climate refugees.
Alexander Cooper
Do you think oil is infinite user? You think we have an infinite supply?
I'm sure if we did it would be much cheaper. Use your noggin kiddo.
Eli Brooks
What is a "toxic carbons"? Can you tell me? Also, what about the nitrogen fertilizers? Why is always CO2 with you people? t. Ecology major fag here
Ethan Davis
Climate change is irrelevant because it's rate is irrelevant. We get +2°C, some more cyclones, some niggers will die, 100 years of poor crops big deal. Soil erosion, oceanic acidity, ecosystem damage and most importantly the world debt/capital accumulation/currency crisis are the real problems, among others. All of these can and WILL be solved by a major population decrease. Currently coloreds are being pushed en masse to developed countries to stimulate racial warfare and racial hatred. Once that occurs (unavoidable statistical tendency inversion from liberal status-quo), coloreds in their home countries will be purged with full popular support.
Angel Gray
>knocking us back to 18th century standard of living
Yes but only for us. They themselves won't give up anything Ultimately I wouldn't truly mind living in the 18th century or maybe old west levels of living except it would be nice if we kept our current medications so we don't die of disease and I'd have absolutely no idea what to do for a job so I'd probably end up becoming a bounty hunter or something riding town to town.
Hell if they were actually going to make everything like the old west again id unironically be all for it thing is I know they won't instead we'll be living in tin shack slums
Zachary Diaz
That's not how it works. Look up limiting factors.
Henry Reed
You've been saying the icepoles will melt and that the amazon forest will die within a decade for the past 4 decades. No one believes your lies anymore.
Dylan Perez
I reply to your questions with a question: What if I don't care that climate change is happening?
You didn't account for that; You assumed I didn't believe it existed.
Bentley Anderson
I work with a pharmacist that paid almost $20k for solar panels for his roof in the early 2000's and not only has it paid for itself he gets monthly checks from the gas company becaue he puts energy into the grid. Its not much (only about $75 a month or so but thats still a pretty big deal
Jordan Anderson
You are just plainly retarded.
Everyone agrees with the basic science. What counts are the economic models and the policies being made to reduce the impact, of which the current ones are absolutely horrible.
Jaxon Wright
*sigh* I'm just going to have to drop this right here.......