Memes and jokes aside, what do you think about this man?

Memes and jokes aside, what do you think about this man?

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Good speaker. Kinda ASMRish. But he was accused of leading a cult a few years ago. Could have been a simple character assassination. Has good points of view, such as with the nonaggression principle. Don't treat everything he says as God's word and you'll be fine.

I'd really like him were he not an atheist cult leader.

I share most of his opinions

not an argument

Complete retard

Broken cuck who happens to be right twice a day.

Infuriating to watch him speak, don't get me wrong.
I like his ideas and points, but if the camera would shoot like comfy fireplace, him sitting on super comfy leather couch. It would be ten times comfyer.
I hate when he just stares to camera

he's a jew

Forgot to mention he's a completely retarded Jew, but that image should spell that out for you.

>people who watch his YouTube videos without giving him ONE FREAKIN DOLLAR are "free-loaders"

OP didn't ask for arguments dipshit. He asked for opinions.

I realize you're just trying to be cute by regurgitating the appropriate meme for the thread, but seriously, you need to stop letting (((them))) use your neurons for free.

Another (((gatekeeper)))

Valid. He acts like a fuckiing moron when he is getting BTFO'd. I appreciate his reporting and some of his guests and lectures thought,

Wow those retorts are almost as lame as your prime minister.

(((this man)))

As Stefan Molyjew would say:

not an argument

He owns politics on youtube and his long-winded rants make my 50 hour work week more palatable.

He hates Israel
> Don't treat everything he says as God's word and you'll be fine.
I started to question him when he said that aliens are probably ancaps.

That is really weird, I just listen to the podcast

It's beyond me why he thinks it's a good idea to stand 2 feet from the camera and stare into it with a blank white background for hour long videos

The video component is utterly pointless, and to top it off the videos aren't even monetized

not an argument

But he's a Jew.

>believing Jewish lies

I watched some of his "the truth about X" vids during the start of the general, and generally enjoyed them, but haven't really seen much if any since. After seeing that shit right there though, I'll proactively avoid giving him another view. Those were seriously childish, bitch-like responses.

I don't understand what's the problem if people don't donate for each time he makes a video. He already earns more than enough with add revenue

>add revenue
What? He has no ads in his vids afaik

>I don't understand what's the problem if people don't donate for each time he makes a video

It's almost like you're forgetting he's a Jew.

His "truth about" and current events videos are pretty good. I don't think he really "teaches people philosophy". Some sure, but most people aren't wired that way. Most make it a personality thing and follow Stefan the person and what he says rather than philosophy as a whole

sacco and vanzetti were both aliens tho

government killed them so they could do autopsies on them.

that being said its hard as fuck for me to take anything with the subject as aliens in it too seriously, and having heard the podcast you're referencing I didn't think it was too crazy as far as whacky alien discussions go, they'd most likely reach here to sell us shit, or they have some system that's beyond our mere comprehension as earth humans so it'd pointless to discuss lol.

he doesn't take in ad revenue, he's even said so himself multiple times. he was worried from the start of the show if he took ad revenue, then he'd be locked down from being able to say whatever he wanted because of the lingering threat of demonetization.

i'd say that was a really good call too, since you look at comparable youtube shows in the popularity bracket and hooooh boy. kinda hard to talk about H1B visas when google signs your checks lol.

Entertaining to watch, I'd rather have him on my side than against.

He's got to stop sitting on the fence though. You can't praise and claim the cultural fruits of Christianity and still tip your fedora.

Overly dramatic to the point of silliness

I just really wish he'd stand a little further from the camera.

You see his interviews where his guest has head and shoulders but he's just this huge cartoonish Il Duce face levitating there.

BTW has anyone else noticed how often he says "big giant"? I did a while back and ti really bugs me.

"Big giant government"

"Big giant conspiracy"

"Big giant organ grinder with bells on like some human disassembling contraption grinding up the bodies of the youth for the profits of their betters"

He's OK but his videos are way too long considering how little he says in them.

Some scripting would make him more appealing

he's a solid B in my book, a good 85%.

he seems to have potential to bring that up to an A -.

we'll see. still not donating though. I'm a poorfag

Someone post when replies to his own video pretending to be a girl
