Capitalism is Jewish Usury

This is also a general capitalism redpill thread in relation to the Jews. Everyone is already aware the communism is shit. The fact is, people need to understand that they're both two sides of the same Jewish coin.

Other urls found in this thread:






A decent burger, what a nice surprise

It's hopeless, Sup Forums's too busy jerking off over what dumbasses leftists are for wanting communism to realize that capitalism is just as shitty in different ways.

We're not all dumb. This guy seems smart too:

It's the retarded libertarians that give us all a bad name.

Both are Jewish system. Two sides of the same coin.

True, there are alternatives to both.

hardly anyone is starving the usa faggot.

Capitalism only means that you can make a buck if you provide a desired service. How does the jews have anything to do with that? I think you are referring to crony capitalism.

>Freedom from violence and freedom to market is the same side as total and complete control over all attempts to do anything with your life more than being 'equal.'

I guess if equality means a skull and bones, well congratulations communism, you succeeded.

What the Jew fears most is a Christian Europe united in its Christianity.

No, but you're fat fucks

why don't starving people just take the bread then?

That's theft

good thing communism isn't a jewish creation right?

ancaps thinking anything that isn't (((capitalism))) is (((marxism.)))

I'm sick of this faggy myth that Strasserism is Marxism. Strasserism is probably the closest ideology to national syndicalism which was the precursor to fascism which influenced Benito Mussolini. It was also one of the original branches of the national socialist party.


>“Marxism is a socialism both liberal and alien, a doctrine whose liberal factors necessarily unfit it for the upbuilding of the socialist future.” - Otto Strasser

>“Thanks to Marx, Engels, Kautsky etc., all typical liberals both by origin and by nature, socialism took the liberal
path towards alienism, as was plainly shown by its relation to the International, its class-war tactics, and its
materialist philosophy.” - Otto Strasser

Strasser was heavily religious.

Capitalism is consumerism.

Capitalism was born when men who worked watched men who did nothing reap the same benefits. Its got out of hand from the wealthy while indoctrinating socialistic benefits. Thy lust for power and wealth.

Sorry I misquoted you. Usually when they throw that stuff away they lock it in a dumpster or refuse to give it away because they're afraid everyone will come right after items expire in order to get free food. I used to do this when I worked in retail. We had to throw away perfectly good food all the time.

Crony capitalism developed out of classical liberalism. History is cyclical. Crony capitalism is capitalism in decline.

what does that even mean?

More Strasser quotes shitting on Marxism:

>“The Philosophy of the liberal epoch has been and still is materialism. Nothing typifies Marxism more plainly than
the fact that it is tainted with alien views of socialism, that its program is shaped by the materialist philosophy
which it shares with liberalism.”

>“To the liberal capitalist and liberal Marxian ideal of modern mammoth factories producing vast quantities of
goods, we should contrapose the . . . ideal of a full and free life, so that it will be the task of a responsible
government to create the economic and social conditions essential to the realisation of such an ideal.”

>“The alternative to the bankrupt alien ‘solutions’ of Communism and Capitalism, the idea which we represent is
the . . . political representation of parties, trades and professions based on our ancient Guild system.”

It's entirely materialistic where buying and consuming are the only goals. The more people who buy a product, the better.

More, these are quote of the brother Gregor Strasser as opposed to Otto.

>We National Socialists are socialists, genuine national, German socialists.

>The most deplorable legacy of the capitalist economic system is that it has taught us to judge all things by the standards of money ownership, possession


Corporatism or Distributism, Sup Forums?
