Should Islamic bakeries be forced to serve cakes for gay weddings?

Should Islamic bakeries be forced to serve cakes for gay weddings?

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Should gay bakeries be forced to serve cakes for Islamic weddings?

no, this topic comes up all the time. sage

No, they should be forced to leave the country and faggots should learn to find or create their own faggot bakeries.

The question is should muslim bakeries be here to begin with? Fucking no!!!

Should gay bakeries be forced to serve Islam for wedding cake?

Christians bakeries are forced to, why shouldn't Islamic bakeries?

I'm surprised cake is allowed in Islam.

That's a sikh.

Also yes, why should they be exempt?

>sikhs arent muslims you leafaggot

Yes, that way all the gays will catch horrible diseases from the filthy unwashed muslim hands and the muzzies get butthurt. It's a win-win really.

two wrongs don't make a right

No private business should be forced to sell to people it doesn't want to sell to. Both Muslim an Christian bakeries must have the right to deny service to whomever they wish.

>That's a sikh.
t. newfag

Neither should be

>doesnt know the difference between sikh and muslim
why bother talking to a retard op? why?
>a fucking leaf

muslims yes. christians no, unless they're nonwhite. white people deserve to suffer

>go to halal bakery
>get baklava
>bretty good

Maybe the eventual Muslim conquest and subjugation may not be so bad user

that is a bro-tier sikh, not a gutter-tier saracen


Pretty sure thats a sikh

Yes they should, if everyone has to put up with their pedophile worshiping "religion" they should put up with others degeneracy, fuck them.

should islamic cakes be served at gay bakery weddings?

Nobody should be forced to serve anything to anybody, stop violating the NAP.

>Islamic bakeries
>No netting around his filthy shitskin beard

Anybody who buys baked goods from a place like that deserves to have pubes in their subpar food.

If you are a leftist, then they should be forced.
If you are sensible, they shouldn't be.
I'll defend a muslim bakery from having to cook for gays. I'll defend a christian bakery from having to cook for gays. Freedom from being forced to, not freedom to have others accommodate you.

How can you tell the difference between sikh and muslim

Not a mudslime he a shikha i think he got a turban

They wear different garbs. Sikhs always wear that stupid looking turban whereas muslims wear a hooded robe type of thing.

The difference of a skullcap and a turban, my redneck friend.

Gays will stop getting their wedding cakes from Muslims after the sixth bombcake, tenth runaway delivery truck, and fourtieth mass poisoning.


They shouldn't be forced to treat gay customers the same as any other customers, which I'd imagine means they don't serve the cake but they bake it, and in that case, yeah, bake the fucking cake and take their money.

Islamic bakeries should be forced to shut down and the owners deported.

sharia is never wrong
the sentence is death

That's not a muslim, that's a Sikh you fucking retarded LEAF.

No. Private property rights ought to be absolute. Absolutely no infringement without just punishment.

newfags not realizing this is a daily thread with the same picture and people taking the "that's a Sikh" bait

Seriously, why is it always the same thread over and over? This has been hashed out on 50+ threads. I'd rather read shill crap than this again and again. It's gay cake bullshit. Who fucking cares? Do, don't, I don't give a shit. When your country is going Marxist and you're focusing on this nonsense it's boring. I'd rather read a how altright are you thread with a picture of the Salty Spitoon. When discussing the trivial at least make it fun. Maybe the fellow in the picture could ask pol to name his bakery. Maybe he'd call it the Aloha Snackbar and Yellow Cakery


Also no they shouldnt. No one should be forced to partake in things that are against their religious beliefs, not in this sense anyway. Forcing a muslim or christian to take part in a gay wedding ceremony in a church or wherever muzzies marry is wrong. I dont think its a mosque. Expecially wrong for the state to force them. Government get out REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE



1) Not a muslim, a sikh.
2) By principle nobody should be forced to bake anything for anyone they don't want to bake for.
3) But if you ARE going to implement your retarded hate crime inspired obligations to force christians to make gay cakes, then you better also force muslim bakeries to make gay cakes.

However, we all know it's just a rule for christians, because the left who are implementing the laws have some kind of mental handicap that makes them love Islam and exempt them from all rules including rape and murder ("he didn't know it was wrong").

This sums up this thread and 100 like it.

Time to make the Muzzies and faggots fight.

To be fair, has anyone tried it at a Muslim owned bakery?

Crowder did

should indian bakeries be forced to serve poo cakes to scat fetishist weddings?

This a Sikh you fucking leaf you should know that. Diversity is your strengf. Kys