So, Sup Forums would have me believe that there is a semi-secret society of jews in the global elites who:

So, Sup Forums would have me believe that there is a semi-secret society of jews in the global elites who:
>flourish in and exploit capitalism while also creating and pushing for communism
>run the news, colleges, hollywood, and most of the government
>push for radical leftist ideology while being primarily supported by the right
>bring in the people who hate them the most to destroy the most jew tolerant civilization on earth
>want to merge all the nations of the world into one despite the fact that would destroy the world and them with it
and on top of all that, the only meaningful resistance that is put up to them, is a faggoty anime board for faggots.
Frankly, I find all that somewhat hard to believe.

Other urls found in this thread:

A single self-bump.


Ummm... I'm not sure how to respond to that.


>posting just to sage


>semi-secret society of jews
Nah. It's much more ideological and ethnocentric than it is organized. They help their own people like they make us think we shouldn't. That's commendable in it's own right, but it is also opposed to my people, and therefore I must, in that same spirit, fight Jewish influence.
>run the news, colleges, hollywood, and most of the government
That's pretty true, yeh
>push for radical leftist ideology while being primarily supported by the right
They're supported by the right and left. They get support from the right via Christians, who are supposed to believe that they are the chosen people of god.
>bring in the people who hate them the most to destroy the most jew tolerant civilization on earth
The result of this is getting millions of military-aged Muslim males out of the middle east, which will make it easier for Israel to expand. Many Jews also dislike whites for previous "antisemitism", and we would be a threat to them if we stood up to them.
>want to merge all the nations of the world into one despite the fact that would destroy the world and them with it
Notice that they except Israel from this global paradise because they want to preserve their people. They want to racially destroy other people so that they cannot unite based on ethnicity against them as people do. In the Talmud it says that all gentiles will be slaves to the Jews one day, and that's what they are trying to bring about. It's worth noting that Jews are not a monolith, nor are any people. Even the Jews opposed to Jewish supremacy (in the media, banking, politics, religion, the institutions with the most grip on the mind) benefit from actions taken for Jewish supremacy. Jews thrive by living in other peoples' countries and using nepotism and in-group preference to dominate industries, then they use the money for themselves, or even against the native population. There is no sense in keeping them around.

>the only meaningful resistance that is put up to them, is a faggoty anime board for faggots.

It's no more crazier than Jesus Christ being a poor low born Jew, or a little farm boy named David defeating Goliath.

It's not fun when you stop responding after I fail to live up to your strawman. Did you think you had us figured out?

Except Jews arent ethnocentric because Jews dont have a consensus on anything. Jews are all over the place politically. Many Jews hate Israel and want it gone. Others love Israel and want to defend it. Many Jews are marxists, many are capitalists. Jews have diverse views and Israel literally has problems because its so difficult for people to agree on anything.

This idea that Jews all serve some common ethnic interest is laughably absurd. Its as absurd as claiming all asians or all whites serve the same interests. You tell that to a chinese or Japanese person and they'll be offended at the thought.

The trotski-ites in the USSR sent their fellow Jews to Siberia. Was that part ot some ethnic interest too?

I'm starting to like the theory that jesus was a jew who was tired of the jews shit so he started flipping tables and denouncing the leaders and denouncing the old testament (jew testament) thereby making it okay to be a christian, and I say this as an atheist

>Trying to reason with conspiracy theorists
Literally the hardest thing in the world. You can't reason with a conspiracy theorist because any logic that goes against their core beliefs creates a cognitive dissonance. The only way you can change their mind is by identifying the source of their core beliefs on any subject or conspiracy, and coerce them into changing their mind on it while having them think it's of their own volition.
Basically inception.

But yea, there's literally no logic to the jew conspiracy, it's absolutely retarded

>getting millions of military aged males out of middle east to make it easier to expand

What a load of bullshit. If Israel wanted to expand they wouldnt need to wait for that. Their military is powerful enough to conquer most countries in existance today. They could easily expand and seize land and cleanse it of people if they wanted to.

They have had numerous opportunities to seize their neighbors lands, but they didnt. They even returned portions to the countries that attacked them.

Also if Jews were so influencial and pulling the strings everywhere in service to a common ethnic purpose, the whole world wouldnt be so actively trying to destroy Israel. Look at how much the UN hates Israel. Any time there is a conflict between Israel and its neighbors, the UN sides against Israel and has demanded for years they return so much land to arabs that attacked them, they would cease being a functional country and be unable to defend their borders.

The UN hates Israel and the left undermines them any chance they get. How does this fit into your Jew puppet master narrative? I guess the Jews played themselves, right?

"B-but muh George Soror." George Soros is despised by many Jews, not only for his moralless opportunism and preying on countries using his wealth, but the fact he sold out his fellow Jews just to save his own hide in WWII. And yet he is somehow representative of the Jewish agenda? Give me a fucking break.

jews may disagree on the details, but they all agree to protect jewish interests, they disagree on how.

also it does not matter if some jews are not ethnocentric, if even half of all jews are extremely ethnocentric that is enough for us to be experiencing what we are experiencing.

they don't need to work together, but they do need to defend jews in general, like you are right now by pointing out that jews don't always agree, or by promoting other jews to higher positions. If you get enough jews in high positions you can start calling your fellow jews for favours and suddenly you have enormous power.

>a faggoty anime board for faggots.
>Frankly, I find all that somewhat hard to believe.
you're the faggots you filthy kikes, christkikes, hadjikikes and atheistkikes

to answer your question,
>The JQ:

At Majdanek, (((Soviets))) claimed that 2 million Jews were killed in gas chambers. Thanks to revisionists, today it's believed less than 60,000 died (primarily of disease). The Red Cross estimated only 8,000 had died there. That is a drop of almost 2 million. Most normies don't know that, and continue quoting the 6 gorillion.

At Auschwitz, (((Soviets))) claimed 4 million people died in gas chambers. Today, the TOTAL death toll sits at 1.1 million (from ALL causes, eg disease). That is a drop of almost 3 million, though still grossly inflated going by Red Cross reports.

Normies blindly believe the 6 gorillion because they don't bother examining such a grisly topic from a critical pov. They take it on faith that (((Hollywood))) and what they learnt in school is 100% factual.

Watch these, if you STILL believe the Holohoax myth, you may be a Jew!

>Auschwitz - Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth:
>The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth:
>1/3rd of the Holocaust (debunked):
>Buchenwald: A Dumb Dumb Portrayal of Evil:

>The Last Days of the Big Lie
Spielberg's Oscar-winning documentary about the Shoah uses discredited eyewitness Paul Parks, who lies about being in a unit that liberated Dachau.
Parks, a known fraud, was in an earlier documentary about black soldiers liberating concentration camps, criticized by the press after being disproven by historians and military records.
NO BLACKS were involved in liberating ANY camps. But Spielberg uses Paul Parks as 1 of his 5 key witnesses in The Last Days, because the ONE American soldier in it couldn't be a WHITE guy, no he wanted it to be a NIGGER for his anti-white agenda.
Other obvious lies are also exposed:

" (You) #
jews may disagree on the details, but they all agree to protect jewish interests, they disagree on how. "

Yeah man, Israel and the millions of Jews who live there having a right to exist is "just details."

Jews causing their fellow Jews to be genocided by communists is "just details"

How convenient you can just ignore any facts that dont support your narrative, and twist others until they do.

>The trotski-ites in the USSR sent their fellow Jews to Siberia. Was that part ot some ethnic interest too?
Yes because in the end they thought they were advancing what was best for the jewish community. Some eventually thought jewish interests were best served within the organization structure of the USSR, others thought that Israel would be the best bet and started the Neocon movement. A group can have fractures within it and still overall engage in ingroup preference.

>whole world wouldnt be so actively trying to destroy Israel
I wonder why
>unable to defend their borders
and yet white countries are not allowed to even enforced theirs
>Jews were so influencial and pulling the strings everywhere
they don't need to pull the strings everywhere. if they can keep us foreign policy inline with their interests they can keep any country to goes against jews, such as iran, at bay with the american military machine.

So if I defend Jews, I must be a Jew and this is an example of how Jews are Ll serving a common interest?

Very convenient position. First off Im ukrainian, not Jewish. My parents are slavs. Second of all, your position is that no matter what I do or say, it strengthens your position. Your position is like a religious dogma. No facts can disprove it. If I dont confront your narrative, then it stands unopposed; if I do confront it, I am a Jewish agent spreading misinformation.

saged, drown his thread

Communism is an anti nationalist movement. A small handful of Jews in the USSR staged a politically motivated coupe and within a few years were genocided by non Jews.

This somehow proved Jews are conspiring globally to destroy the west.

You sound ridiculous. You are defining leftism in terms of Jewry, which is inherently flawed as leftism is a political ideology. Stalin did far more damage to Russia and eastern europe than the Jewish radicals who toppled the czar. Logic dictates therefore that leftism is the problem, and this included anyone who follows it. It has nothing to do with ethnicity.

Its not necessarily some sort of sinister conspiracy, nor is this behavior unique to the jews. Minorities feel unwelcome in homogeneous countries. This discomfort manifests itself in sympathy for anti-establishment causes whether they be atheism or communism, and a push for more diversity and multiculturalism. Minorities will identify with the struggles of other minorities and push for "equality" because it is unnatural for one group to live peacefully among another stronger group. The one consistent factor between all ideologies championed by the jew is that they subvert the dominant group/ideology. Anything that subverts the perceived oppressor class is seen as positive to the "victim" class.

Jews happen to be an intelligent and particularly nepotistic minority with a monopoly on media outlets so their subversion is more pronounced.

I'm Cuban and I watched the Univision election live stream. When it was clear that Trump had won the commnetators began to say to each other

>well their population is dwindling
>we are a strong people we have aztec warrior blood
>the hispanic vote is growing more powerful very year
>white will be a minority soon

Could you imagine if on the day of Obamas election a white dude had gone on about his Viking blood and how whites still rule the country?

I have intelligent Hispanic friends but when it came to Trump they were easily brainwashed into believing it was in their best interest as minorities to vote Hillary.

The issue with the communism killing other jews is that communism completely dehumanizes people and makes it possible to justify sacrificing people for the greater good.

communism should be seen as a sort of biological weapon that you unleash on your enemy, and sometimes this biological weapon attacks your own.

also you are sort of proving the point of ethnocentrism by only bringing up the jews killed by communism and not the literally millions of non-jews killed by it.

Also I'm completely fine with israel existing. I'm not fine with building settlements on land that was previously inhabited by Palestinians

>Jews are pulling the strings
Oh really? If they're pulling the strings why cant they pull the strings in their favor at the UN?
>Its because everyone knows Jews are pulling the strings so they dont let them pull the strings

So which one is it leaf? Make up your mind.

Israel is hiding behind Arab terrorists because Hezbollah beat their asses in July 2006 six and in Syria.

Over 60K missiles in Lebanon will reduce the bandit state to rubble if IDF faggots leave the ghetto again.

>white countries arent allowed

Im sorry but who held a gun to Pierre's heaf and forced him to vote for Macron?

Not sure why its "the Jews" fault white people in Europe are leftists full of white guilt.

I dont blame random strangers for my low self esteem just because they told me Im ugly once or I got bullied in school. Your argument is that white people have no moral agency.

Calm down cowgirl. You are firstly creating strawmen. Nobody who is actually redpilled and literate on the topic thinks that a jewish conspiracy pulls the fucking strings from the background gleefully rubbing their hands together at the goyim. There are divides within the jewish community itself, but that doesn't mean that the jewish community, left or right, doesn't have disproportionate influence on policy, media and academia.

For every Marx, there is Rand, but notice neither encourage whites to band together as an ethnos? Zionists have always divided the Jewish community since forever, and that divide still stands. Some don't want to make a home in Israel, but want to continue as being an elite diaspora.

>It has nothing to do with ethnicity.
Should I keep going? How does this not show that communism was a distinctly Jewish movement up until Stalin had it purged because he outjewed them?

>This somehow proved Jews are conspiring globally to destroy the west.
No reasonable, non-memester would ever make that claim. There is no conspiracy, just a general tendency that they learn towards undermining the communities they live in.

>Oh really? If they're pulling the strings why cant they pull the strings in their favor at the UN?
Can you not fathom that the UN is a global union where they might have less influence on non western peoples? In addition, the UN has its own distinct flavor of undermining whites.


See picture.

"they don't need to pull the strings everywhere. if they can keep us foreign policy inline with their interests they can keep any country to goes against jews, such as iran, at bay with the american military machine."

The american military machine? You mean F-16's? Because Israel also has those. And they can just as easily run a few sorties and bomb Iran if they need to. You make it sound like Israel needs the US to keep its neighbors at bay, which is again a laughable assertion if you understood even the most basic things about modern warfare and Israel's military capabilities. Israel is leagues ahead of its neighbors in military power and technology. They dont need uncle sam to prop them up.


>the only meaningful resistance that is put up to them

The great ones before us tried to exterminate them faggot

Jew are like 4% of the world population but near 50% of the world's millionaries. Yeah there's a conspiracy.

They did. They threatened Switzerland with war. Besides, they are still doing whatever they please in Gaza regardless of international courts and interventions.

>>flourish in and exploit capitalism while also creating and pushing for communism
You're a little confused. They exploit socialism in Goyin countries like America. That's why they push for socialism and communism everywhere but Israel. Believe it or not, they are pretty reasonable when they voluntarily trade among themselves in Israel.

Jewish people are literally the opposite of niggers.
>No athletic ability
>All brains

I plan to mix the niggers and jews to create a super race

>They dont need uncle sam to prop them up.
Yet the most powerful, influential and infamous lobby in the United States is literally dedicated to Uncle Sam propping them up. Huh.

>I plan to mix the niggers and jews to create a super race
so, neurotic retards that run fast but are scared of everything?

It sounds like you're projecting your own character faults onto others. Jews are a diverse people with diverse views. Most Jews who have lived for generations in a country do not view themselves as outsiders. A Jew living in Russia perceives himself as a Russian.

And once again, you ignore the fact that leftist ideology is not exclusive to one ethnic group. Who is forcing communism in North Korea? In China? In Russia after the trotski-ites were ousted? In venezuela and cuba?

Are non Jews incapable of moral agency? Why do you dismiss the choices and political views of the orders of magnitude more people all across the world who embrace leftism, and focus exclusively on Jews?

>They dont need uncle sam to prop them up.

Yes they do:

>They dont need uncle sam to prop them up.

i don't see them saying no to billions in military aid every year


Why do you think the Holocaust is taught so much in schools? To demonize any inkling of white pride. Whites are taught that they are oppressors. Because of this women flock to feminism, so they can deflect to white males as oppressors. White males become rabid anti racists in an effort to be "one of the good ones".

It is a wholly unnatural form of brainwashing that can only exist when your media is in the hands of a group that sees itself as perpetual victims and the dominant group of White Christians as oppressors.

>>want to merge all the nations of the world into one despite the fact that would destroy the world and them with it

They are going to do this financially. It's not the merging of the governments, but if every government is financed under one global, centralized bank, then it will naturally become a one world government.

They're not really secret at all, they just sperg out when you point out that they are, in fact, jewish.

>A Jew living in Russia perceives himself as a Russian.
No, or else he wouldn't be a Jew. Do you not see how retarded that sounds? How else would their tribe exist for 5,000 years if they didn't maintain themselves as distinct?

OP basically thinks he has broken the matrix by realizing that within the Jewish community there is a variety of political and social opinions. As if that was groundbreaking. As if Ayn Rand and Rothbard didn't hate Trotsky and Marx. You are not as clever as you think. But you are still missing the point.

>It is a wholly unnatural form of brainwashing that can only exist when your media is in the hands of a group that sees itself as perpetual victims and the dominant group of White Christians as oppressors.
they hate goyim

>communism is a bio weapon

Again twisting facts. Do you know what we call scientists who "unleash" a "bioweapon" and get killed by it? Incompetent.

So are Jews just really incompetent then? How does this not contradict your earlier assertions of Jewish puppet masters?

Your own stance is self defeating.

"also you are sort of proving the point of ethnocentrism by only bringing up the jews killed by communism and not the literally millions of non-jews killed by it."

Why would I bring up non jews when the point of bringing this up was to challenge your claim that Jews are serving their own interests, by asking how that can be the case when their actions cause their own downfall?

You're reading what you want to read.

sorry its just you were giving me jew tier arguments so i assumed you were a jew. after a long time you realize that arguing with jews about these things is a waste of time so I've started just calling people jews as that tends to shut them up, but seeing as how you are not a jew I will bring out the better arguments

the point being is jews ARE extremely ethnocentric. they had to be in order to survive as a diaspora. they had to live among sometimes hostile people so as a evolutionary strategy they adopted raising their own to high positions to serve as protection.

This is all well and good, and commendable as ensuring their the survival of your own people is something I can't disagree with, but the thing is this level of ethnocentrism didn't just go away, they still have it.

Also what I mean is that it does not matter if they agree is that you will have various different factions of jews cooperating to acheive a common goal.

in the early 1900s when zionism was a new ideal, there were zionist jews who wanted to establish a state, but there were also anti-zionist jews who were afraid that if this happened they would lose their positions in other countries.

They ended up comprosing with the Balfour Deceleration which the British agreed to establish a jewish home in palestine in exchange for jewish support in ww1.

Britain also promised the arabs the land in exchange for revolting against the ottoman empire.

Now for this to be a thing, the jews needed to be at least as geopolitically significant as the arabs, but this wouldn't be possible unless in ww1 the jews had influence that was far beyond what they should have given their population.

read the wikipedia article on the balfour declaration.

How was it possible that so many zionists were in such high positions that they could advise Woodrow Wilson the american president, and be in the UK to get the Balfour declaration signed?

Lol good luck with that Abdul. Im sure your shitty home made rockets will level Israel this time. Those last 500 gorillion that got shot down by Iron Dome dont count. XD

"Also I'm completely fine with israel existing. I'm not fine with building settlements on land that was previously inhabited by Palestinians"

So its ok for Palestinians and neighboring arab countries to attack Israel unprovoked multiple times, violating the UN mandate they themselves demand Israel adhere to, and then when Israel fights back and wins, its not ok for Israel to build on captured land?

Im pretty sure palestinians forfeited their claim to their land when they lost it in a war of aggression. Israel building settlements is an improvement in every sense over the land previously being used to lob missiles at innocent civilians.
Your argument boils down to a school yard bully whining because his victim turned the tables on him and took his lunch money instead.


>Jews happen to be an intelligent and particularly nepotistic minority with a monopoly on media outlets so their subversion is more pronounced.

Im not talking about leftism in China I am talking about the US, although the oppressed/oppressor narrative when applied to class is universal.

How am I projecting my own character faults? I am giving you examples of how I have observed people around me easily falling for the oppressed/oppressor narrative due to a projection of their own discomfort at being minorities onto others. I don't feel any discomfort around whites because I am white, blonde, blue eyed, and am consistently identified as such by other whites.

>So are Jews just really incompetent then?
You are losing the plot here champ. Jews have overplayed their hand literally hundreds of times throughout history. They can subvert and undermine but eventually they stretch themselves too thin and get expelled, pogromed or massacred. They founded the USSR but they could only do so much genocide until someone, that is, Stalin, outplayed them and purged them. Just like they overplayed their hand in Germany and got rounded up and ****gassed*****

They aren't incompetent at all, they just eventually lose sense of proportionality and get caught in the act.


Want to know how we know you're an outside shill?

The truth about immigration by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




I forgot about this thread. If you're still around I'll reply, but you have to let me know.

the UN general assemble is a impotent organization that has no real power. The UN security council on the other hand can do things, and the Americans who support israel have veto power so that keeps the UN from doing anything that actually matters.

have you ever asked yourself why america supports israel in the first place? israel is a really bad ally, they get america involved in a bunch of shit they don't want and then america gets blamed for stuff israel does


>have you ever asked yourself why america supports israel in the first place?

America has no foreign policy. America's foreign policy is made by Israel.

well the west bank is a place where Palestinians live. even if you conquer a piece of land you are not allowed to just move your people on to it.

Now this has happened before such as with manifest destiny, but in the modern times doing this is illegal and that is why the UN keeps voting against israel.

Imagine if the US conquered mexico and then said "Hey we are going to move americans into mexico, since we own the land this is okay"

Obviously the mexicans would be pissed, because even if they lost the war with america, that was their government that lost the war, the mexican people are the ones who are losing their land. Even if mexico attacked america first, it does not matter, the mexican people still have a right to that land even if their government lost control of it.

I wrote a long post responding to some points, but my phone refreshed and it got deleted so Im just like fuck it. :/

How does it help me if Im being genocided by a Jew or a Georgian? At the end of the day it doesnt matter.

I'm Fucking blown away

>Self marriage is on TV right now

Wtf is happening

>They get support from the right via Christians, who are supposed to believe that they are the chosen people of god.
They co-opted Protestantism in US and forced the Catholic Church to retract their position on the Jews after WWII. Judeo-Christian was created by a Jew. Jewish morals are not Christian morals.

Palestinians are just Syrians occupying territory to wage war against Israel. The Palestinian leaders themselves admitted this.

Your example with Mexico is sorta what happened with Texas. Should we return Texas now?

I dont understand why you side with people who have shown no interest in peace, who exist only to try to genocide Israeli Jews, as opposed to the Israeli's who actually built a thriving, modern civilization in an otherwise desolate stretch of desert the size if New Jersey.

There is no shortage of land, Israel shouldnt have to appease people who want it destroyed and give up advantages it won rightfully in defensive wars. No other country is held to such a standard. Why arent you and your fellow pro palestinians as vocal about forcing Russia to return the Kuril Islands/Northern Territory to Japan? It anyone can stand to lose a bit of land, its Russia. They're massive!

It seems your outrage is very selective and biased only toward Israel.

Another Jew Faggot........

Ok, sure, but until the Georgians start pushing for your demographic replacement lets focus on the problem at hand?

yeah but you are failing to realize that the realize the reason he purged the jews was because they were blamed for a plot on his life

>One of you asked if our current political campaign can be regarded as antisemitic. Comrade Stalin said: "We hate Nazi not because they are Germans, but because they brought enormous suffering to our land". Same can be said about the Jews.

Now stalin was extremely paranoid so you could claim this is overacting, but what it does show is that jews had enormous influence in the communist party, but did not have the top spot

Christianity cucked the white man and made him worship jews.

It all went downhill from there

>Jews controlled USSR
>Stalin was very antisemitic

>world wide empires
>downhill from isolated tribal villages
wew lad

>like with texas, should we return it?
no, but the thing is that right now the same thing is happening in israel. texas is in the past.

>Israel shouldnt have to appease people who want it destroyed and give up advantages it won rightfully in defensive wars
and yet western countries have to accept muslim immigration or they are "racists"

Look I'm against all the peoples of the world being displaced. If a bunch of muslims were moving into israel I would be against that too.

The fact is, that just because the government that controlled the land the palestinians live on lost it to israel, does not mean those Palestinians should lose their homes.

>world wide empires
>downhill from isolated tribal villages
wew lad
and this is coming from an atheist

wait, what just happened?

he become redpilled when they tried to overthrow him. he was not anti-Semitic until they gave him a reason to be.

jews did not control the ussr. they had many high positions in the communist party, which meant they had considerable influence.

>The fact is, that just because the government that controlled the land the palestinians live on lost it to israel, does not mean those Palestinians should lose their homes.
>start shit (Jews accepted the '48 UN resolution, Palis chimped out like the niggers they are)
>get hit nasty
>cry like bitches

Go back to Palesitne Abdul al mustafa ibn sukr

apparently the raging anti-semtic nazi that I am is less racist than the jew defender.

Like stalin's adviser I say "I don't hate the jews because they are jewish, but because they brought enormous suffering to our land"

"In the U.S.S.R. anti-semitism is punishable with the utmost severity of the law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Under U.S.S.R. law active anti-semites are liable to the death penalty."

Stalin, Joseph (12 January 1931). "Anti-Semitism: Reply to an Inquiry of the Jewish News Agency in the United States".Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow, 1954.

so which one is it? Was Stalin a jew puppet, or was Stalin the defender of western civilization against jewry?

In favor of what? If you think Jews are pulling strings for freedom or world peace over money you have never met a jew.

That's all they believe in and they are doing just fine in that department with all their string pulling.

He was a jew defender because communism said "don't be racist, we are all equal" but then the jews tried to overthrow him so he became an antisemite.

something you need to understand is the entire world except for western civilization is anti-semitic

the muslims don't hate jews for no reason. it would be stupid to hate people for no reason

12 January 1931
> he become redpilled when they tried to overthrow him

answers your question? and he didn't purge all jews, only some. He was jewish himself thats why he had an affliction which only affects jews.
He kept the most loyal

>it would be stupid to hate people for no reason
well muslims are pretty stupid

OPs can't bump their own threads FYI
It's not all Jews. It's just a very very bad culture within the Jewish lineages that have been passed down where because they are the chosen ones of their deity they have free reign to fuck over anyone who isn't one of them.
The Talmud and the Zohar, two writings by priests of Mt. Zion that are held dear by many rabbis today are good books to read to see this perspective better.
Also daily reminder Khazars aren't ethnic Jews and anti-semitism is not a valid term because of the Khazars and Ashkenazis.

>Group of people aren't one person nor are ALL collaborators in life
Wow great job genius.
Totally means that no Jews work together at all and that their religion nor their passed down culture isn't fucked up.

I mean the existence of israel and all the bombings is a pretty good reason to hate jews.
Also explains why they hate america ... because america bombs them and protects the jews.

That's not a theory, that's what happened. God sent his Son to clean up his Chosen People, in return the CP told him to fuck off, ergo Jews are evil

Wait a second
Nigger I saw you in another thread saying this same irrelevant shit.
Are you a troll or from /leftypol/?

see though jesus mom was jewish so that means he was jewish too. does not matter than his father was not jewish

though mischlings can sometimes be based

i feel like I should give Christianity a try even if I will never be able to believe in a god, it will probably be fun going to church and meeting people

>But yea, there's literally no logic to the jew conspiracy, it's absolutely retarded

> Jews are tribalists. They will choose to work with a Jew of diametrically opposing political ideology, than a like-minded goy

> American Jews in power are all Commie runaways or Nazi-haters of the "Oy vey my parents met in Auschwitz goyim!" kind.

That being said, I find it interesting that some Jews have thrown down with Trump; while the rest are going all out against him. But this kind of NWO infighting is a sign of a serious problem about The Western Civilization's impending collapse

> and all those 'different' types of jews are royally fucked in the head equally

>The Talmud and the Zohar, two writings by priests of Mt. Zion that are held dear by many rabbis today are good books to read to see this perspective better.
>good books to read

oy vey 1400 pages on what to do with menstruating women



This a million times over

Isnt your religion ok with sucking babies cocks?
>Inb4 only the crazies do it.
Im confused why less than 2% of the population hold tremendous power over virtually every aspect of america life, from food (kosher products are 40% of the market and cost 10's of billions a year which is paid to jewish groups) to hollywood (which is grossly over filled with jews who push pedophilia, black of white, tranny shit, and faggot shit to kids across all media fields)
>I could go on, but why, everyone here knows this shit

>there is a semi-secret society of jews
it;s called "zionism" and it's not secret -- the goyim are just as obtuse as fuck, so the crimes can be committed in broad daylight

Don't forget the satanic ritual abuse and kabala child sex magick practice. Or the blood letting of goyim.

Christ is the foundation of western civilisation. Things went downhill because the west rejected Christ.

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. - John 15:5.

Apart from Christ the west can do nothing. The west falls to the hands of its enemies. The enemies will gladly take over the west, especially when the west is handed over to them on a silver platter. The godless west can do nothing to prevent this from happening. The only way out of this is Christ. It has always been Christ.

The Jews are rejectors of Christ. So naturally, when the west rejects Christ, the Jews take over positions of power. When you reject Christ, you give power to the Jews. In turn, the Jews promote anti-western values. They promote feminism, homosexuality, transexualism, etc. because the west has rejected Christ. If the west doesn't want the promotion of anti-western values, then it should accept Christ as the foundation of western civilisation.